which one is the correct statement about the writes's father artinya
1. which one is the correct statement about the writes's father artinya
yang mana pernyataan yang benar tentang ayah si penulis
semoga membantu y kak
2. Which statement is correct based on the picture about Mr. Hendra
I can help
I jus gonna say what my teacher looks like
- black hair
- dark brown skin
- islam
- nice
3. Which statement is true about Elda.
Which statement is true about Elda.
examples of correct questions
1. Mention Elda's hobbies
2. Describe Elda's character
Manakah pernyataan yang benar tentang Elda.
contoh soal yang benar
1. Sebutkan hobi Elda
2. Jelaskan karakter Elda
1. hobi elda adalah bermain bola
2.karakter yang dimiliki elda periang
1. Elda's hobby is playing soccer
2. Elda's cheerful character
4. which of the following statement is true about whales
- whales are mammals
- whales' body are big
- they eat fitoplankton
- they live in the sea
- they can hear ultrasonic sound
5. which statement is not correct based on the label
karena soal tidak lengkap, saya akan mengartikan.
Which statement is not correct based on the label = pernyataan manakah yang tidak tepat/benar berdasarkan pada label?
6. which statement is false about the witch
pernyataan mana yang salah tentang penyihir itu
semoga membantu dan sorry if wrong :v
7. which of the following statement is correct according to the text?
sang-gwan eobs-eo geunyang pointeu man wonhae mianhajiman sang-gwan eobs-eo
eochapi doulyeoneungeoya sigan nangbi ya
ye, an halgeyo singo manhamyeon eobjang-iogo iss-eoyo
jjinja mianhe-!! jjinjayo na jjinja
8. which statement is not true about the instruction
D. We make a rectangle after we make rose form
Dalam instruksi tersebut seharusnya dibuat rectangle dulu baru membuat rose form. Sehingga jawabannya D.
9. which statement is not true about sharla?
pernyataan mana yang tidak benar tentang sharla?
10. Which statement is not true about Bill Gates?
Which statement is not true about Bill Gates?
*A computer programme.
Semoga membantu:-)
Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih the best><
11. which statement is not correct based on the nex?
pernyataan mana yang tidak benar berdasarkan teks tersebut?
semoga membantu & maaf ya kalo salah12. The correct statement about prokaryotic cell is ...
Artinya: Pernyataan yang benar tentang sel prokariotik adalah ...
Jawaban :Sel prokariotik tidak memiliki membran sel
Semoga membantu maaf kalo salah
13. Which statement is TRUE about thepicture? *
Manakah pernyataan yang BENAR tentang gambar tersebut
14. the following statement is correct about bj.habibi
where does even the statement exist?
15. The correct statement about this polygon is
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1 anggle maaf kalo salah
16. which statement is true about Mrs dinda?
Jawaban dan penjelasan:
Which statement is true about Mrs dinda?
Jawaban: C. She is a daughter Of on law of Mrs. Anastasia.
Jadikan jawaban tercerds dan follow ya.
17. which statement is not true about the text
pernyataan mana yang tidak benar tentang teks tersebut
ini kak terjemahan nya
maaf klo slah
18. which statement is correct based on the chart
itu diartiin apa gimana ?
klo artinya : pernyataan mana yang benar berdasarkan grafik
19. The statement is correct about Irene, except....
Irene is an extremely depressed young woman who works as a security guard in the USCIS building, which Natasha visits. She takes her time looking through people's belongings, as that often causes them to look at her—these brief moments of connection keep Irene's crushing loneliness at bay. After spending a week checking Natasha into the building, Irene finally decides to investigate Natasha's phone case, which is the album art for the Nirvana album Nevermind. Though Irene doesn't like the cover, she later listens to the album and researches the tragic life of Nirvana's lead singer, which causes her to decide to commit suicide. She ends up not following through after Lester Barnes informs her that Natasha called to thank her (Irene was slow to check Natasha in, which made Natasha late to her appointment and consequently allowed her to run into Daniel). Irene doesn't know what Natasha meant to thank her for, but she seeks help and eventually lives out her childhood dream of becoming a flight attendant. On one serendipitous flight, she's the one to reconnect Natasha and Daniel ten years after Natasha saved her life.
20. which statement is true about the instruction?
pernyataan mana yang menarik tentang instruksi?
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