Complete the sentences to make the summary of what you have learned from this chapter 1. When i want to ask someone's feeling, i will say...... 2. When i want to say that i am feeling well, i will say...... 3.When i want to say that i am not so well i will say..... 4. When i want to take leave, i will say.....
1. Complete the sentences to make the summary of what you have learned from this chapter 1. When i want to ask someone's feeling, i will say...... 2. When i want to say that i am feeling well, i will say...... 3.When i want to say that i am not so well i will say..... 4. When i want to take leave, i will say.....
1, How are you?
2, i'm very well thank you.
3, i'm not so well.
4, g tau maap ya
maap klo ada yg slh :(
1. How are you? / what do you feel? / are you okay?2. I’m feeling well / I’m very well / I’m good / I’m okay, thank you
3. I’m not feeling good / I’m not good enough / I’m not so well
4. Sorry, I’ve to go now / I’ll take leave now
2. in this chapter, i will learn to say :
pada bagian ini, aku akan belajar untuk mengatakan/berbicara:
3. if they say hi what do you say
you can say hi too, or you can say hello.
Hii,How Are You Guys?
#Maaf Klo Salah
4. they say oh my god l see you we you say? lanjutkan
Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine
You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time
semoga membantu tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik/brainliest answer dan selamat sore.
Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine
Dance monkey bukan siiii
5. what do they say aboutthe things?
What Do They Say Aboutthe Things?
Apa Yang Mereka Katakan Tentang Sesuatu?
Maaf Kalo Salah Semoga Membantu
6. 16. "They say you study math" The interrogative form of the sentence is.... a. They say you math ? b. They say "Do you study math ?" c. Do they say you study math? d. They don't say you study math ?
B. They say "Do you study math?"
Pattern(rumus) interrogative:
Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?
Contoh Kalimat (DO)
Do you play a game?Do they like to watch a horror movie?Do you like to study english?Contoh Kalimat (DOES)
Does he drink the tea yet?Does she love to eat friedrice?Does the dog like to play the toy?____________
7. they say to each other
kata mereka satu sama lain
kata mereka satu sama lain
semoga membantujadikanjawabanyang terbaik
thankyouverymuch(•‿•)8. How does they say goodbye?
semoga bermanfaat
9. What do they say? Dalam bahasa inggris
apa yang mereka bilang
10. Just smile what they say
hanya tersenyumdengan apa yang merekakatakan
hanya tersenyum dengan apa yang mereka katakan11. i think you..... visit my parents this weekend they say they Miss you
I think you haven't visited my parents this weekend they say they miss you
12. i don't care aboit what they say artinya
aku tidak peduli tentang apa yang mereka ucapkan
Bahasa Inggris
I = saya
Dont = Tidak.
Care =Peduli
About = Tentang
What = Apa
They = Mereka
say = Katakan
Saya tidak peduli dengan apa yang mereka katakan
13. Task 17Complete the summary below.Now I know,1.From now on, I will say "good morning", "good afternoon" or "good evening when I2.I will say "good night" or "good bye” when!...3.I will say "Thank you" or "Thanks a lot" when!4.I will say "I'm sorry' when I
1. meet people
2. i want to end the conversation or parting
3. someone gives me a help
4. make mistake
semoga benar
1. When I greet someone at a certain time.
2. When I'll sleep or be gone.
3. When I get help or get what I ask of others.
4. When I make a mistake.
14. When you want to give summary in your presentation, you can say
Saat Anda ingin memberikan ringkasan dalam presentasi Anda, Anda bisa mengatakan dari
maaf mau tanya maksudnya di artikan apa gimana
kalau dikartika semoga membantu yg di atas
15. what do they say about things
apa yang mereka katakan tentang sesuatu?Apa yang mereka katakan dan lakukan tentang beda benda
16. They can say, they can say it all sounds crazyThey can say, they can say I've lost my mindI don't care, I don't care, so call me crazyWe can live in a world that we designtolong tafsirkan lirik lagu diatas?
Mereka bisa berkata, mereka bisa mengatakan semuanya terdengar gila
Mereka bisa bilang, mereka bisa bilang aku sudah gila
Aku tidak peduli, aku tidak peduli, jadi panggil aku gila
Kita bisa hidup di dunia yang kita rancang
Pake gugel :v
17. I think you…..visit my parent this weekend. they say they miss you
I think you should visit my parent this weekend. they say they miss you
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Giving Advice (memberikan saran) dengan menggunakan Modal Verbs (Should) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Saya pikir kamu harus mengunjungi orang tua saya akhir pekan ini. mereka bilang mereka merindukanmu
Modal Verbs (Should):
(+) Subject + Should + Verb-1 + Object
Semoga membantu ya.
18. chapter Iwe will learn : -to greet (menyapa)-to take leave-to say thank you-to say sorrytolong tulis dengan sederhana
we will learn to convey everyday words
19. Say SonWhy do they sayHow does lina Feli?
Katakan Nak
Mengapa mereka berkata
Bagaimana Lina Feli
20. what do they say about the
2.She is my mother, she is always angry, but i very love her.
3.That is my cat, he is very naughty and very cute, i like it.
4.This is My Phone and so small, i always bring it when i go anywhere.
Semoga membantu
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