How is scientific knowledge derived? Attitudes in science
1. How is scientific knowledge derived? Attitudes in science
bisakah diartikan dlm bhasa indonesia
2. Which sequence isn't a geometric progression? Jawaban:3,6,9,12
3,6,9,12 is not a geometric progression, it is a arithmetic progression with common diference = 3
3. in which process and in which knowledge area the initial cost management plan is developed
Plan Cost Management
Materi : Main Processes of Cost Management - Cost Management
Terdapat empat proses dalam manajemen biaya, diantaranya adalah :
Planning Cost Management (perencanaan)Estimating Costs (estimasi biaya)Determine Budget (menetapkan anggaran)Control Costs (pengendalian biaya)Planning Cost Management mencakup perencanaan dari sisi biaya yang mencakup menetapkan anggaran, estimasi biaya dan mengelola biaya yang mungkin akan terjadi selama proyek berlangsung, singkatnya tahap perencanaan manajemen biaya dimulai dari planning cost management.
Terdapat dua syarat dalam perencanaan :
Biaya siklus hidup produk, dimana hal ini merupakan hal penting dalam pengelolaan proyek, dimana setiap produk memiliki masa/siklus hidup misalnya laptop yang memiliki siklus hidup selama 5 tahun.Rekayasa nilai, dimana perusahaan mengerjakan proyek dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. Misalkan, untuk membangun losmen selama 6 bulan dibutuhkan tiga buah bulldozer, dimana ada pertimbangan untuk membeli atau menyewa, dikarenakan masa waktu pengerjaan 6 bulan, maka perusahaan mempertimbangkan untuk menyewa bulldozer daripada membeli (disertai alasan bahwa biaya sewa lebih murah daripada biaya beli)Demikian jawaban dan pembahasan mengenai proses manajemen biaya, semoga membantu meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai manajemen biaya, semoga sukses.
Rujukan baca : Blocher, Edward J., Chen, Kung H,. Lin, Thomas W. (2011). Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis Fifth Edition. New York : McGraw – Hill Companies,Inc.
4. how volcanoes are formedintroduction opening statementexplanation sequence 1explanation sequence 2explanation sequence 3conclusion
Jawaban:Volcanoes are formed when the Earth's plate moves. The movement of this plate causes the formation of magma which is formed from molten rock. This magma pushed over the Earth's surface can form large mounds that we call volcanoes
Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah :v
5. apa itu scientific text?
scientific text adalah jenis teks ilmiah
6. urutan pada sequence tersebut adalah ?
Jawaban & Penjelasan:
Lampiran tersebut merupakan lampiran gambar diagram Flowchart yang digunakan untuk merancang program.
Urutannya jika dimasukkan nilai input = 12 adalah:
Program dimulai.Diketahui nilai variabel i = 0.Karena nilai variabel input = 12 dan i = 0, di mana pertidaksamaan 0 ≥ 12 adalah salah (FALSE/NO), maka sequence/urutan berlanjut.Operasikan nilai (i * input) / 9, di mana (0 * 12) / 9 hasilnya 0 (desimal) maka nilai variabel i ditambah 7 adalah 7 (dicetak 7).Variabel i ditambah 1 menjadi 1 (i = 1).i = 1 ≥ input = 12 adalah salah, maka program berlanjut.Operasikan nilai (i * input) / 9, di mana (1 * 12) / 9 hasilnya 1,33 (desimal) maka nilai variabel i ditambah 7 menjadi 8 (dicetak 8).Dan seterusnya hingga nilai i mencapai nilai 12 dan saat pengecekan apakah nilai variabel i lebih besar dari atau sama dengan nilai variabel input bernilai benar (TRUE/YES). Program berhenti.Adapun urutan angka yang dicetak:
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18Semoga membantu.
- M.Fazri Nizar / TI7. contoh paragraph sequence
Berikut adalah salah satu contoh paragraf sequence :
At the Library of junior high school 01 Bengkulu
I visited the library of junior high school 01 Bengkulu some weeks ago. The visit was interesting. First, I asked the librarian about the book that I needed. Then, she showed me a shelf on which I could find the book. However, I still could not discover it. I had her help me. She got the book for me.
Afterwards, she explained how to borrow the book. I thanked her. Finally, my new friends bought lunch for me.
Pembahasan :
Sequence paragraph adalah ungkapan yang sering digunakan untuk mengindikasikan urutan dari suatu kejadian. Contohnya: first, first of all, in the first place, to begin with, second, next, then, afterwards, later, after few days, at the same time, immediately, presently, now, last of all, finally, in the end, at last.
Semoga Membantu.
8. consider the sequence 3,6,9,12... A)find the general term of the sequence B)Find the 11th term of the sequence
A) +3 / multiplication 3
B) 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,(33) / 3 × 11 = 33
jawabanny ad 2 ya, yg paling sesuai aj.
semoga membantu:)
9. Sequence markers seperti
seperti urbanisasi
maaf klaok slah
10. It was in 1905 .................... Albert Einstein presented four papers which turned the conventional knowledge about the universe upside down. (A) that (B) as (C) when (D) in which
C. When
jika diartikan :
itu pada tahun 1905 ketika Albert Einstein mempersembahkan empat
makalah yang mengubah pengetahuan konvensional
tentang alam semesta terbalik.
(D) in which
It was in 1905 in which Albert Einstein presented four papers which turned the conventional knowledge about the universe upside down.
Tahunnya adalah tahun 1905, di tahun mana Albert Einstein mempresentasikan empat makalah yang membalikkan pengetahuan konvensional tentang alam semesta.
Seandainya kalimatnya berbunyi:
It was 1905 ______ Albert Einstein presented four papers which turned the conventional knowledge about the universe upside down.
(tanpa ada kata in di awal kalimat)
maka jawabannya adalah (C) When, tapi karena ada kata in , maka jawabannya adalah (D) in which
Semoga bermanfaat
11. Apa dimaksud scientific institutions???
- maaf banget ya kalaau salah
- semoga jawaban ku barmanfaat untuk mu
- jadikan jawaban yang ter brainly
12. The knowledge know both, what which man know and what which man don't know. artinya apa??
Ilmu pengetahuan adalah mengetahui kedua-duanya yaitu apa-apa yang diketahui orang dan apa-apa yang tidak diketahui orang.Pengetahuan dua duanya tahu apa yg lelaki ketahui dan apa yg wanita tidak tahu
13. A. Find A Sequence Of Five Consecutive Numbers, None Of Which Is Prime. B. Can You Find A Sequence Continues Seven Such Numbers?
A. One of the division of numbers is the division of numbers into rational and irrational numbers.
Rational numbers are divided into whole numbers and fractions.
Integers are all numbers whose values are integers, not fractions; …., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …., consisting of Whole numbers are natural numbers plus zero (0) zero (0) natural numbers (positive integers) Composite numbers: months other than 1 and not includes prime numbers.Prime numbers: natural numbers that are only divisible by 1 and the number itself.Even numbers: numbers that are divisible by 2 and can be expressed by 2n.Odd numbers: numbers that are not divisible by 2 and can be expressed by 2n -1.Negative integer
B. If you're new to Excel for the web, you'll quickly discover that it's more than just a grid where you enter numbers in columns or rows. Yes, you can use Excel for the web to find totals for a column or row of numbers, but you can also calculate mortgage payments, solve math or engineering problems, or find best-case scenarios based on the variable numbers you plugged in.
Excel for the web does this by using formulas in cells. Formulas perform calculations or other actions on the data in your worksheet. Formulas always start with an equals sign (=), which can be followed by numbers, mathematical operators (like a plus or minus sign), and functions, which can really extend the power of formulas.
For example, the following formula multiplies 2 by 3 and then adds 5 to the product to give the answer, 11.
The following formula uses the PMT function to calculate the mortgage payment ($1,073.64), based on a 5 percent interest rate (5% divided by 12 months equals the monthly interest rate) over 30 years (360 months) for a $200,000 loan:
Here are some additional examples that you can include in the worksheet.
=A1+A2+A3 Adds the values in cells A1, A2, and A3.=SQRT(A1) Uses the SQRT function to get the square root value in A1. =TODAY() Returns the current date.=UPPER(“hello”) Converts text "hello" becomes "HELLO" using the worksheet function UPPER.=IF(A1>0) Tests cell A1 to see if cell A1 contains a value greater than 0.
14. Contoh scientific institution adalah ?
contohnya :
-> ilmu pengetahuan
-> metode ilmiah
-> penelitian
15. Which of the following noun is uncountable .... Knowledge Option 5 lesson scissor people
semoga bermanfaat
16. look at the following sequence 2 , 9 , 16 , 23 , 30 a. find the next two terms of the sequence final answer: b. find the general term of the sequence final answer: Tn = c. is 78 a term of the sequence? final answer (answer with yes or no) d. in which term/position will 632 appear in the sequence? final answer: ......... term
a. 37, 44
b. Tn= 9+7n
c. no
d. 91
a. b= U2-U1= 9-2 = 7
maka angka selanjutnya adalah 30+7=37 dan 30+7.2=44
b. Tn=Un= a+b(n-1)
a= 2; b=7
maka Tn = 2+7(n-1) = 9+7n
c. (78-2)/7 akan menghasilkan sisa sehingga tidak termasuk
d. n= 1+[(632-2)/7] = 1+90 = 91
17. tolong bikin paragraf essay the education process which aids learning, acquiring knowledge and skills to one's character.
18. Apa yang dimaksud dengan knowledge exchange , knowledge capture , knowledge reuse ,dan knowledge internalization?
pertukaran pengetahuan, penangkapan pengetahuan, penggunaan kembali pengetahuan, dan internalisasi pengetahuan
19. Find themeaning and synonym of the words.1. occasion2. speech 3. importance4. either5. scientific6. knowledge7. development 8. requirement9. seeking jobs10. applicants
1. occasion; event; break : acara
2. speech; talking; oration : berbicara (di tempat umum dan formal)
3. importance; meaning; valueable : penting; berharga
4. either; and also; too : dan juga; sama seperti
5. scientific; empirical : bidang keilmuan/pengetahuan
6. knowledge; science : pengetahuan; ilmu
7. development; improvement : perkembangan; peningkatan
8. requirement; condition : persyaratan; yg dibutuhkan
9. seeking jobs; find work : mencari pekerjaan; melamar kerja
10. applicants; interviewee : pelamar kerja
semoga membantu ya
20. What is the eleventh term of an arithmetic sequence in which a1=3 and d=6.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Un= a+(n-1)d
U11= a+10d
U11= 3+10(6)
U11= 3 + 60
U11= 63
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