One of financial bussinese managed of ronny corporation ?
1. One of financial bussinese managed of ronny corporation ?
financial section
2. Depending on the answer, determine the gain or loss on the extinguishment of debt to be recognized. (Note that for this question, the precombination financial statements represent Healthy Hearts’ operations before the Acquisition and the postcombination financial statements represent Cool Care’s consolidated financial statements after the Acquisition.)
Bergantung pada jawabannya, tentukan keuntungan atau kerugian dari penghapusan hutang yang akan diakui. (Perhatikan bahwa untuk pertanyaan ini, laporan keuangan prakombinasi mewakili operasi Jantung Sehat sebelum Akuisisi dan laporan keuangan pasca-kombinasi mewakili laporan keuangan konsolidasi Cool Care setelah Akuisisi.)
3. One of financial service businesses managed by ronny corporation is
Kelas : SMP
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Soal UN
Kata kunci : equipment, device
Ronny corporation incorporated on May 1946 is engaged in the development design, manufacture, and sale of various kinds of electronic equipments, instrument and devices for consument professional and industrial markets as well as game consoles and software. Ronny's primary manufacturing facilities are located in Japan, Europe, and Asia. Ronny engaged in various financial service businesses,including life and non llife insurance operations and banking operations. In addition, Ronny is also engaged in a network service business and advertising agency business in Japan.
One of financial service businesses managed by ronny corporation is ...
A. Motion pictures
b. Non-life insurance
c. devices for consumers
d. distribution of recorded music.
Jawaban : B. Non-Life insurance
4. The financial statements of Lewis Limited appear below: ?
The financial statements of Lewis Limited appear below:
Comparative statement of financial positions
31 December
2020 2019
Cash $ 44,000 $ 23,000
Accounts receivable 26,000 34,000
Merchandise inventory 20,000 15,000
Property, plant, and equipment 50,000 78,000
Accumulated depreciation (20,000) (24,000)
Total $120,000 $126,000
Liabilities and equity
Accounts payable $ 15,000 $ 23,000
Income taxes payable 13,000 8,000
Notes payable 7,000 33,000
Ordinary shares 41,000 24,000
Retained earnings 44,000 38,000
Total $120,000 $126,000
Income statement
for the year ended 31 December 2020
Sales $350,000
Cost of sales 280,000
Gross profit 70,000
Selling expenses $20,000
Administrative expenses 16,000 36,000
Income from operations 34,000
Interest expense 4,000
Income before income taxes 30,000
Income tax expense 10,000
Profit after income tax $ 20,000
The following additional data were provided:
Dividends declared and paid were $14,000.
During the year equipment was sold for $12,000 cash. This equipment cost $28,000 originally and had a carrying amount of $12,000 at the time of sale.
All depreciation expense is in the selling expense category.
All sales and purchases are on account.
Accounts payable pertain to merchandise suppliers.
All operating expenses except for depreciation were paid in cash.
Prepare a statement of cash flows for Lewis Limited using the direct method.
Nb; maaf klo salah, semisal ada yg salah bisa dimaafkan y kk
5. which statements are appropriate for the pictures
pernyataan mana yang sesuai untuk gambar
jika ingin bertanya jawabannya,tolong sertakan dengan gambar
6. What are financial statements and why are they prepared?
The purpose of financial statements. The general purpose of the financial statements is to provide information about the results of operations, financial position, and cash flows of an organization. This information is used by the readers of financial statements to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources.
7. Do you find some statements that express an intention?
Do you find some statements that express an intention
= Apakah Anda menemukan beberapa pernyataan yang menyatakan niat?
= Want to .. / Would Like To ... (Ingin)
- Untuk menyatakan rencana atau hal yang ingin Anda lakukan di masa depan, Anda bisa menggunakan dua kata kerja ini. Keduanya memiliki arti yang sama dalam bahasa Indonesia.
- To state a plan or thing that you want to do in the future, you can use these two verbs. Has the same meaning in Indonesian.
Contoh : I want to go to Paris next year (Saya ingin pergi ke Paris tahun depan)
She wants to have a summer wedding with her fiancé (Dia ingin menikah di musim panas bersama tunangannya)
They would like to go to the beach together this summer (Mereka ingin pergi ke pantai bersama musim panas ini)
Penjelas :
Pernyataan Yang Menyatakan Niat :
- Want To… / Would Like To… (Ingin)
- Will (Akan)
- Going To (Akan)
- Planning To (Berencana Untuk)
- Thinking Of (Berpikir Tentang)
8. What are financial statements and why are they prepared?
The purpose of financial statements. The general purpose of the financial statements is to provide information about the results of operations, financial position, and cash flows of an organization. This information is used by the readers of financial statements to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources.
9. Why is logistic important for internal financial control
mengapa logistik penting untuk keuangan kontrol internal
10. one of financial service businesses managed by ronny corporation is?
financial section........
11. What were some direct results of the most recent rain forest burnings?
apa saja akibat langsung dari pembakaran hutan hujan terbaru?
12. Make some true or false statements from the text !
-Is it true that Charless will watch "My Wedding and Other Secrets" film?
13. neither is for ... statements
not also for this question day
neither is for "Day" statements
I hope Helps✨❤
14. A financial ... evaluates and interprets publiccompany financial statements.A. analysis C. analyzeB. analyses D. analyst
A financial analyses evaluatesand interprets public company financial statements.
15. According to a recent study, __________ from pollinations by adult butterflies and moths. (A) It is for the benefit of some flowering plants (B) for some flowering plants the benefit (C) some flowering plants greatly benefit (D) it Is of benefit to some flowering plants
(C) some flowering plants greatly benefit
According to a recent study, some flowering plants greatly benefit from pollinations by adult butterflies and moths.
Menurut sebuah penelitian terkini, sebagian tanaman berbunga sangat diuntungkan dari penyerbukan oleh kupu-kupu dan ngengat dewasa.
Semoga bermanfaat.
16. FalseTask 2State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the text belowNurnberStatements7 Bob Steele is Kelly's colleague2 Bob Steele wants to complain about Kelly's work3 Bob foels worried about the recent company lay offEmie Kelly works tirelessly to lift the company's moraleThe letter above is about the appreciation letter
Aku Aja. Gak Tau Kok Aku Siapa?
17. Arrange the words below to be a goodsentence!Viewers - most - wait - the - of - for bulletin- recentA. The most of bulletin wait for recent viewersB. Wait the most viewers for most of recent bulletinC. The viewers bulletin wait for most of recentD. Most of the viewers wait for recent bulletin
pengaturan/rules dalam penataan kalimat
subject+verb(kata kerja)+ket
example: i love ice cream
C. The viewers bulletin for most of tecent.
18. Earth Company owns 100 percent of the capital stock of both Mars Corporation and Venus Corporation. Mars purchases merchandise inventory from Venus at 130 percent of Venus's cost. During 20X8, Venus sold inventory to Mars that it had purchased for $35,000. Mars sold all of this merchandise to unrelated customers for $56,892 during 20X8. In preparing combined financial statements for 20X8, Earth's bookkeeper disregarded the common ownership of Mars and Venus. Based on the information given above, by what amount was unadjusted revenue overstated in the combined income statement for 20X8
I hope this helps:)
sorry if the answer is wrong
19. In the financial statements of ABC company, it is known that the sales value is $ 31,120 and the company's net income is $ 9,340. The company distributes $ 567 as a dividend. The Beginning Equity from the current financial statement is $ 6,000. Calculate the company sales growth for the next financial period.
20. please make some questions from the statements below!
1. where does your mom cook friend rice for you?
2. why does masrul go to school?
3. who sell the house to Mr.D?
4. where is your uncle?
5. who send this letter?
maaf kalo salah
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