in what ways can you send your compliments?
1. in what ways can you send your compliments?
Cara terbaik untuk membuat Anda terdengar tulus saat memberikan pujian adalah dengan mengucapkannya saat Anda terpikir hal yang positif tentangnya. Pada dasarnya: katakan apa yang kamu pikirkan! Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang bagus, katakan saja, tidak perlu direncanakan sebelumnya.
The best way to make yourself sound sincere when giving a compliment is to say it when you have positive thoughts about it. Basically: say what you think! If you see something good, just say it, there's no need to plan ahead.
•By congratulating people we praise
•Giving sweet words to him
Maaf cuma bisa sebutin 2
Hope it helps, friends!
2. In what ways can global warming damage the coastline?
dengan pemanasan global melalui penggunaan kaca polusi udara
3. in what ways can we care for the envinment?
Keep Everywhere In The Life To Put and Take your life to be beautiful
1.Appreciate others in your life.2.Try to be kind to others.
3.Do good for others.
4.Help people who need help.
4. In what ways is school in Shanghai different to Australia?
It has a significant Language different
Shanghai ==> Using Chinese
Australia ==> Using English
Semoga Bermanfaat!{^=^}
The education system in Australia requires its citizens or Permanent Resident holders to study for 11 years, ranging from age 6 (six) years to 16 (sixteen) years so that almost 99% of Australians are literate.
While the blend of traditional and modern elements so the secret so that Shanghai is known to have a good education system. Both countries are focusing attention on education in each country. No Wonder, education system of Shanghai and Austria followed in the world with the educational system they apply is beyond Ordinary and can produce the next generation of reliable nation in all fields.
5. in what ways gestures influence your image
Dengan cara apa gerakan mempengaruhi citra Anda (Artinya)
Smoga membantu
6. in what ways does form influence our daily activity?
What form mentioned in the question?
form(bentuk) seperti apa yang dimaksud
7. What does the word adjust means in the caption? *10 poina.We can decide our waysb.We can arrange our plansc.We can make our waysd.We need someone to give advancese.We should appreciate our ways
jawaban nya yang d maf kalau salah
8. in what ways does self-introdution influence business in the future
dengan cara apa pengenalan diri memengaruhi bisnis di masa depan
maaf kalo salah..
9. In what ways do you think very small creatures can be useful to us?
for nature to help nature
for nature to help nature
10. In what ways you become polite to your teacher
When we're met each otherAnswer:
=> when we are studying in the class
=> when she/he asks us to do something
=> when our teacher give us an appreciation.
11. In what ways can frederic’s operations contribute to the competitive advantage of the company ?
dengan cara apa operasi frederic dapat berkontribusi pada keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan?
maaf kalau salah... semoga membantu_*
12. what we can we do to preserve the rare animal?
By not hunt them down and conserve them
13. What we can we do to preserve the rare animal
Never purchased product from endangered animal, Join wild life preservation club, Protect wild life habitats.
14. In what ways can we respect the services of the independency figures?
1. Remember the services of the heroes and make it motivation
2. Mutual Respect and Respect.
3. Love the Motherland
4. take part in building the country
5. help others.
semoga membantu :)15. Apa arti kalimat dari ini " You can enjoy sport in two ways. What are they ? "
anda bisa menikmati olahraga dalam dua cara
16. in what three ways can unbalanced forces change an object's motion?
An unbalanced force is one which is not balanced or counteracted by another force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. In absence of a counteracting force, this force causes motion (from rest) or a change in motion (of an already moving body) of an object. For example, a ball at rest, perhaps sitting in the grass, has two forces acting on it: Earth's gravity pulling it down and the normal force pushing it up. These two forces counteract each other. Due to these balanced forces, the ball stays at rest. When we hit the ball with a golf club, a force has been imparted to the ball and friction will help to stop the ball (by opposing the motion). How far and in which direction the ball will go depends on which force is stronger. Thus, the ball will experience an acceleration.An unbalanced force causes a change in the state of motion of an object by accelerating it. Note that deceleration (by say, friction) is also acceleration, with a negative value.
In general, an unbalanced force can cause a change in the state of motion, speed and/or direction of an object.
Hope this helps.
17. in what ways could phones interrupt lessons?
Notification from friend's message, a call from someone, a news, etc.
Disini ditanya "bagaimana sebuah hp bisa menganggu pelajaran"
18. In what ways is cyberbully a crime in this modern era?
so cool
ya karena supaya terlihat jagoan
there are many ways of cyberbully now a days, so basically cyberbully is one of the kinds of bully that we will find. Its a technic of bully that is Intentional and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, phones, and other electronic devices.The question is why cyberbully become a crime in this modern era? the answer is easy
as we all know bully have 4 types, the first one is physical bullying, second is verbally, then the third is social bullying, and then the last one is cyberbully. People in modern era really addicted to a thing called gadgets, it tend to make people in real life less social contact, so people in modern era socialize using gadgets. They post their face in social medias, post their friends, where they live, and much more.
This is the reason why cyberbully is a crime in this modern era, its because by uploading our daily basis or daily routine in social media. Everyone will see it, then after this happen there are 3 factors why cyberbully is becoming a crime
the first is jealousy, as human jealousy is a normal things. When we upload something on media, it will appear to everyone and one of them must be jealous. Jealous of your achievement, jealous of your life and much more
then the second factor is its spreading so fast, when you uploaded something like your location. It will seen by everyone and its dangerous because everyone would know where you live, where are you now, where are you come from and much more questions about your location
lastly is the third factor, the third factor is, past. I know this probably sound confusing but this is the answer, if you have someone from your past that you had a beef with. Then the person from your past really hold a grudge, then you had a problem. Its not only about the past its also about the person from present and future. Example someone that want to kill you can easily find your birth, address, family.
That is all thank you
19. in what ways is compliment needed?
When someone get a good score on a test, we need to give him/her a compliment
When someone win a competition
20. in what ways can we care for the envirinmen?
we can taking care with the environment by throw our trash in the place where it should be
How do we care our invironment?
-Use less water while you taking a bath (i mean don't waste it for unimportant thing)
-Use less energy at home while day
-Make less rubbish
-Use eco bag while you were shopping at groceries
-Recycle anything that you can recycle
-If you can't find a bin, take your rubbish at home
-Don't litter anywhere
-Plant little or tiny plant (do not have to tiny tho)
there's so many ways to care your invironment:) have a great day peeps
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