Which Of The Following Establishments Would Be Considered On Premise

Which Of The Following Establishments Would Be Considered On Premise

which of the following activities done by hacker is considered illegal

Daftar Isi

1. which of the following activities done by hacker is considered illegal

taking another person personal information/personal data

2. ...a parliamentary system, the prime minister must be appointed on the basis of the distribusion of power in the parliement. A. The considered B. To be considered C. Considering D.considers


B . To be considered


Happy for helping you :)

3. help! direction: decide which of the four underlined words or phrases would not be considered correct and circle that expression. pertanyaan lengkap nya di gambar. thanks

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. A

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. A

4. the following is considered as natural indicator??

berikut ini adalah tanggapan indikator alami

5. Has the chairman of the organization considered...........new members? a.accept b.to accept c.accepted d.accepting e.to be accepting




Kata consider mengharuskan kata kerja yang mengikutinya dalam bentuk gerund(V-ing)

maka jawabannya adalah accepting


D. Accepting


Semoga membantu yaa ^^

6. what are the condition of a material can be considered a pollutant


Translate gogle;) Apa kondisi suatu bahan dapat dianggap sebagai polutan?

The condition of a material can be considered a pollutant when it can pollute the environments , from air pollution by vehicles to environmental pollution by garbage Ex:Broken glass, garbage, smoke, factory waste, etc.

Hope it helps:v

7. What is the purpose of the text? a. To entertain the readers b. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case c. To inform the readers about the events of the day which are considered newsworthy d. To explain something​

What is the purpose of the text?

Artinya :

Apa tujuan dari teks itu?


Teks nya mana :v

8. Four solutions are tested and found to have the following pH values. Which of these substances would be considered the weakest acid? a. Lemon juice, pH = 2b. Shower cleaner, pH = 5.5c. Apple juice, pH = 4,5d. Rain water, pH = 6​


jawabannya d. Rain water, pH = 6

9. Our plan ... by the members of theCommittee at the momenta. is being consideredb. is consideredc. was consideredd. was being considerede. will being considered​




rencana kami sedang dipertimbangkan di luar panitia saat ini

Present Progressive Tense

Our plan is being considered by the members of the committee at the moment. (A)



Present progressive tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah aksi yang sedang terjadi pada bersamaan dengan waktu kalimat tersebut diutarakan.

Konstruksi kalimat yang menggunakan present progressive adalah

S + am/is/are + present participle (v-ing)

Penanda present progressive adalah antara lain kata-kata seperti:


right now

at the moment

at present




Note: Kalimat dalam soal menggunakan bentuk pasif karena subjek kalimat merupakan penerima aksi, bukan pelaku aksi.


Learn more about present progressive tense:


Learn more about passive in the present progressive




Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Present Progressive Tense, Passive

Level: SHS XI

Code: 11.5.8 (passive voice)

Keywords: present progressive, passive

10. in each sentence, identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be considered correct in standard english .Mohon bantuannya .​


7. A. There was

8. B. the

9. C. plays

10. B. always go

11. C. is

12. A. Problem


7. There were (plural; five people)

8. Remove the from the sentence

9. Play (horses could be represents as they)

10. is always go jogging (present progressive tense)

11. are (plural; girls)

12. Problems (countable noun)

11. Every point on the production-possiblities curve is considered to be: A) Efficient. B) An optimal level of output. C) Equally desirable. D) All of the above.


blablablablablabla blabla

12. in each sentence, identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be considered correct in standard english .Mohon bantuannya .​


7. (A)

8. (A)

9. (C)


11. (C)

12. (A)


7. (There was) five people who came here last night to meet him.

➡ Opsi A yang salah secara gramatikal. Existence "there was" digunakan dalam penjabaran kata benda tunggal. Sedangkan, dalam kalimatnya, kata bendanya jamak "five people." Maka, seharusnya tertulis "there were."

8. Psychologists at Harvard University has studied the effect of the colour of a room on people's behaviour.

➡ Opsi A yang salah secara gramatikal. Auxiliary verb "has" tidak sesuai dengan bentuk subyek jamaknya "Psychologists." Ini seharusnya tertulis "have studied" untuk kesesuaian hal number antara kata kerja dengan bentuknsubyeknya.

9. Horses in the traditional society plays a very important role.

➡ Opsi C yang salah secara gramatikal. Predikat "plays" tidak menunjukkan kesesuaian hal number pada bentuk subyeknya yang jamak "Horses." Ini seharusnya tertulis "play."

10. Mia with her friend Mira always go jogging on Sunday mornings.

➡ Opsi B yang salah secara gramatikal. Subyek "Mia with her friend Mira" tetap terhitung tunggal. "With her friend Mira" hanyalah modifier dari "Mia." Ini seharusnya tertulis "always goes."

11. The girls in the living room is my classmates.

➡ Opsi C yang salah secara gramatikal. Kata kerja relasi "is" tidak menunjukkan kesesuaian hal number pada bentuk subyeknya yang jamak "The girls." Ini seharusnya tertulis "are."

12. There are some problem that we are going to discuss in the meeting.

➡ Opsi A yang salah gramatikal. Quantifier "some" menilai kuantitas kata benda. Ini seharusnya tertulis "problems" sebagai countable noun.


Learn more aboutQuantifiers




Subject-verb agreement


TOEFL Practice




Grade: XII

Subjecy: English

Category: Understand the context

Code: 12.5

Keywords: identify, standard English

13. A school is considered to be a "second home" for the children. What is the meaning of "second home"?

Second home is another term for a place that we spend a lot in a day. Rumah kedua (tempat yang kedua selain rumah /tempat yang aman bagi anak anak)

14. Directions: In each sentence, identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be considered correct in standard written English!

16 D. Number # Seharusnya AMOUNT, karena Amount digunakan untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, misalnya HEAT.

17. B. Is # Seharusnya ARE, karena "hundreds of flat-topped montains" termasuk benda jamak yang kata gantinya adalah They sehingga to be yang tepat adalah ARE.

18. A. Penetrates # Seharusnya PENETRATE , karena CAN diikuti Verb 1 yaitu Penetrate.

19. A. Much # Seharusnya MANY # Much untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, dan MANY untuk kata benda jamak

Considerations adalah kata benda jamak.

20. C. Is # Seharusnya ARE.

To be IS adalah untuk he/ she / it.

To be ARE adalah untuk You / we / they.

NO NEW IDEAS = Kata benda jamak, yang kata ganti nya THEY, sehingga to be yang tepat adalah ARE.

Maaf kalau ada yang salah ya.

15. HNO3 (aq) + H2O (l) → NO3- (aq) + H3O+ (aq) Which substance in the reaction is considered to be the base?​




basa adalah yg menerima proton,

dalam reaksi tersebut H2O nantinya yg akan menerima proton menjadi H3O+


16. (A) Calling someone shorty. (B) Hitting someone head (C) Punishing severely (D) Shouting disapproval. (E) Giving a hard blow. Which of the following is Considered as bullying ?

A. Callimg someone shorty is considered as bullying.
Because, another options classified as physical abuse.

17. Which of the following nouns is considered as an uncountable noun?A tableB accountC. mouseD. informationE potato​


d. information


information is an uncountable noun

18. 28. Which of the following is stated in the text?A The granite structure was discovered by Yale archeologist recentlyB. All the gray granite structures are more than 50 tons weighC Only the history of the place attract millions of tourists each yearD. According to the legend, Machu Pichu was considered to be a sacredplace​


b. All the gray granite structures are more than 50 tons weigh

19. dog quiz '2' which dog breed is considered to be among the biggest?​

Great dane


Great dane. The Great Dane is recognized as the largest dog breed by the American Kennel Club, at least in terms of height. The Great Dane is a dog of German origin and its German name Deutsche Dogge means German mastiff.

I hope this help :)

and maap kalau salah

20. bantu jawab ini ya temen temenCombine these pairs of sentances, using what and would.EXAMPLE : This quantity of goods will be produced The planners decided it.jadi: The planners decided what quantity of goods would beproduced.soalnya : A. These goods and services will be produced. The central authorities decidedB. These prices will be charged for the goods. The planners discussed it.C. This quality will be the most suitable. The government considered it. D. This commercial activity will be useful in the next few years.The planning authority decided it.E These changes will be made in the organization of the factory. The employers and employees discussed it.F. These conditions will affect the national economy in the next twenty years. The economists considered thematter.​


A. The central authorities decided that these goods and services Will be produced

B. The planners discussed that these prices Will be charged for the goods

C. The government considered that the the quality Will be the most suitable

D. The planning authority decided that the commercial activity Will be useful in the next few years

E. The employers and employers discussed that These changes Will be Made in the organization of the factory

F. The economist considered the matter that These conditions Will affect the national economy in the next twenty years

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Which Of The Following Establishments Would Be Considered On Premise Which Of The Following Establishments Would Be Considered On Premise Reviewed by Romano on Maret 20, 2023 Rating: 5

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