Write the prime factorization of 30. Use exponents when appropriate and order the factors from least to greatest
1. Write the prime factorization of 30. Use exponents when appropriate and order the factors from least to greatest
the prime factorization of 30 is 30=2×3×5
no exponent is need, though if you want to write it, you can write it as 2¹×3¹×5¹. It is also listed from least to greatest
2. Solve the equation on the interval [0, 2π). Write your answer(s) in set notation, in order from least to greatest. –cos x = cos (2x)
#smoga membantu -^^-
3. Arrange the following numbers in order from the greatest to the smallest.0.608 , 0.068, 0.806
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
dari besar ke kecil: 0.806, 0.608 dan 0.068
Makin ke 1 = makin bsr
Arrange the following numbers in order from the greatest to the smallest.
artinya =
Susunlah angka-angka berikut dalam urutan dari yang terbesar hingga yang terkecil.
0,608, 0,068, 0,806
0,8060,6080,068Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
jadikanlah jawabn terbaik like dan follow me
4. 3.6 0.36 3.06 0.63 Look at the numbers above. Arrange the numbers from the smallest to the greatest.
0.36, 0.63, 3.06, 3.6 Sorry the answer wrong
Answer = 0.36 0.63 3.06 3.6
5. How to order fractions from the smallest
Change the denominator to the same numberAnswer
[tex] \frac{16}{18}, \frac{14}{16}, \frac{12}{14} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{8}{10} [/tex],[tex] \frac{10}{12} [/tex],[tex] \frac{2}{14} [/tex]
I hope this help
6. compare the flooring center with the proper future from
Translate : Bandingkan pusat lantai dengan masa depan yang tepat.
Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^
7. Make a diagram to show the chronological order of the events, from the beginning to the end. teks The Spanish Armada.
Умедворам, ки шумо фардо мемиред
8. using the graph order the lines from the steepest slope to the least steep slope
menggunakan grafik mengurutkan garis dari kemiringan paling curam ke kemiringan paling tidak curam
menggunakan grafik untuk mengurutkan garis dari kemiringan yang paling curam ke kemiringan yang paling tidak curam9. can - to - how - get - I - here - the bank - from. the correct order is
How can i get to the bank here ?
Semoga membantu :)
How can i get to the bank here10. Write the Daily activities of yours at least 10 sentences from 4.30 to 14.30 !
I get up at 4.30. After this I pray to God. Than,i take a bath and breakfast. Before i go to my school,i excuse my parents first. After arriving at school i sat and took out a book. I listening my teachers. The bell goes home. I go to my home by car with my fathers. After arrive in home,i immediately change clothes. After that i have lunch with m family and go to tutoring until to 14.30
ok,don't forget to follow me
11. Layers of the earth in order from most dense to least dense: atmosphere, crust, inner core, mantle, outer core, water.
inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, water, and atmosphere.
The lowest layer of the atmosphere is denser than the upper layer.
crust is the lightest of all rock-based and the least dense. the others are just liquid and gas
12. How to order fractions from the smallest
bagaimana untuk memesan fraction dari kecil ?
13. give the proper from (comparative or Superlative) of the adjective
My sister is taller than me. (comparative)
She works harder than me. (comparative – adverb)
14. what is the greatest love according to the song?
What is the greatest love according to the song ?
= Apa cinta terbesar menurut lagu ?
15. arrange 2/5,3/10 and 5/6 in order beginning with the greatest
the order is=5/6,2/5,3/10
I hope this help
#make the best answer
16. Order 4/9 , 4/12 , 4/6 , 4/15 from greatest to smallest
4/9 = 0,444
4/12= 1/3 = 0,333
4/6= 2/3 = 0,667
4/15 = 0,267
greatest to smallest ➪ 4/6 ; 4/9 ; 4/12 ; 4/15.
"Urutan 4/9 , 4/12 , 4/6 , 4/15 dari terbesar ke terkecil"
penyelesaian :
pembilangnya sama, maka perhatikan penyebutnya. jika penyebutnya lebih besar dari pembilangnya, maka nilainya semakin kecil dan sebaliknya.
urutan dari yang terbesar ke terkecil
= 4/6 ; 4/9 ; 4/12 dan 4/15
[tex]\sf\colorbox{lavender}{Semangat Belajar}[/tex]
17. arrange 2/3,1/12 and 5/6 in order beginning with the greatest
Jawaban: ⅚,⅔ ¹/¹²
18. Order the mixed number from the largest to smallest.
1¼, 1⅓, 1½
jadikan pecahan biasa terlebih dahulu
5/4, 4/3, 3/2
samakan penyebut menjadi 12
15/12, 16/12, 18/12
urutkan dari yang terbesar ke terkecil dengan melihat pembilang
18/12, 16/12, 15/12
jadi, urutan pecahan dari yang terbesar ke terkecil adalah 1½, 1⅓, 1¼
semoga membantu.
19. 2per6,1per2,2per3 the order of the above fractiond from the greatest is
2/6,1/2,,2/3 from greatest
2/3 1/2 2/6
20. The order of colors in ligt arranged from the longest to the shortest wavelength is.....
apa persamaan ciri nya terumbu karang sawah sungai
Jawaban:The order of the visible light spectrum from largest to smallest wavelength is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple.
semoga membantu
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