the birds flew...the river and the mountain artinya
1. the birds flew...the river and the mountain artinya
burung-burung terbang ... sungai dan gunung
burung-burung terbang ... sungai dan gunung
2. artist ini apa= night and the new season with the same time and effort into the world ⛺
artinya : malam dan musimbaru dengan waktu dan usaha yang sama ke dunia
maaf klo salah
3. The mountain ia big and high. The .................. ia very cold there.
air artinya udara.
kalimatnya artinya udara nya sangat dingin disini
temperatur or air
semoga membantu
4. Edo, Tedy and Anton are havingcamping the the mountain, theysleep in ......... *
tent = tenda
makasih, maaf singkat :)
Answer: Tent (tenda)
5. terjemahan cerita the mountain god and the river good
Pohon tuhan dan sungai yang indah
6. joni : i think a mountain and a hill are just the same. Right?edo: No. Look! That one the left is a mountain. And on the right is a hill. The mountain is higher than the hill. The hill is lower thanbthe mountain.1. ado is showing joni the difference between a mountain and a hill ......
ado is showing joni the difference between a mountain and a hill .. that the hill is difference with mountain because the hill is lower than the mountain .
hope this is the true answer.
7. no . look ! that one on the left is a mountain . and on the right is a hill . the hill is lower than the mountain
tidak. lihat ! yang satu disebelah kiri adalah gunung. dan di sebelah kanan adalah bukit. bukit lebih rendah daripada gunung
Tak Ada. lihat! yang satu di sebelah kiri adalah gunung . dan di sebelah kanan adalah bukit . bukit lebih rendah dari gunung
8. My the mountain d and......her ankle
ibuku dan kakek ku sedang berada di gunung
9. the mountain is big and very cold there.
weather ( cuaca ).
Semoga mrmbantu...Weather (cuaca) Maaf kalau salah
10. questions tags Iyan and I used to climb the mountain
pertanyaan tag iyan dan saya digunakan untuk mendaki gunung
11. no look that one on the left is a mountain and on the right is a hill the mountain is higher than the hill the hill is lower than the mountain
Lihat,,Di sebelah Kiri Ada gunung dan disebelah kanan Ada Bukit. gunung lebih besar Dari Bukit. Bukit lebih rendah daripada gunungtidak terlihat salah satu gunung di sebelah kiri adalah gunung dan di sebelah kanan adalah gunung yang lebih tinggi dari bukit bukit lebih rendah dari gunung.
semoga membantu^_^
ma'af jika kurang tepat
12. what is the good and bad aspect of climbing mountain
The bad aspect is Oxygen deprivation leads to a slow mind which may cause fatal mistake during the climbing. There are also other dangers such as slippery ice and subzero temperatures. The good aspects is that you can enjoy how beautiful the scenery and experience new things
done right by climbers if I'm not mistaken
13. valian is showing jeni the difference between mountain and hill
Valian sedang menunjukkan Jeni perbedaan antara gunung dan bukit.Valien menunjukkan kepada Jeni perbedaan antara gunung dan bukit.
14. Doni and Dino usually the mountain.
Kalimat tersebut sudah tepat. Tinggal ditambah keterangan waktu atau kata kerja, misalnya
Keterangan waktu: Doni and Dino usually go to the mountain every weekend.atauDoni and Dino usually go to the mountain every month.
Kata kerja: DoniandDinousuallygocampingtothemountain.
15. TOLONG TERJEMAHKAN INI PLISSS...MENGGUNAKAN GRAMMAR YANG BENAR The mountain God and the River God A long time ago in Vietnam, there was a beautiful princess. She was the king’s only daughter. Both the mountain God and the River God wanted to marry the king’s daughter. The king said, “You must fight, and the winner will marry the princess”. So the two Gods fought. They fought with bows and arrows. The mountain God won the fight and he married the beautiful princess But the river God was very angry. He used his power to attack the mountain. The river got higher, it covered the mountain. It came up to where the mountain God and princess lived. Then, the mountain God used his power. The mountain got higher too, so the river couldn’t get the princess. Now, every year in July and August, when the rains come in Vietnam, the rivers rise, people say that the River God is still trying to take away the princess
Gunung tuhan dan sungai tuhan Jaman dulu kala di vietnam, terdapat putri cantik. Dia adalAh Anak raja. Keduanya (Gunung tuhan dan sungai tuhan ) ingin menikahi anak raja itu. Sang raja berkata "kalian harus bertarung, dan yang menang akan menikah dg putri ku". Sehingga mereka bertarung. Mereka ber tarung dg saling menunduk dan memanah. Lalu si tuhan gunung menang dan menikahi putri cantik itu, namun si tuhan sungai marah.Dewa Gunung dan Dewa Sungai
Dahulu kala di Vietnam, terdapat putri yang cantik. Dia adalah putri tunggal raja. Dewa Gunung dan Dewa Sungai ingin menikahi sang putri raja. "Kalian harus bertarung, dan pemenangnya akan menikah dengan putri" kata sang raja.
Jadi kedua dewa pun bertarung. Mereka bertarung dengan busur dan panah. Dewa Gunung pun menang dan menikahi sang putri cantik.
Tetapi Dewa Sungai sangat marah. Dia menggunakan kekuatannya untuk menyerang gunung. Sungainya bertambah tinggi, dan menutupi gunung. Sungainya sampai dimana Dewa Gunung dan sang putri tinggal. Lalu, Dewa Gunung menggunakan kekuatannya juga. Gunung pun menjadi lebih tinggi juga, sehingga sungai tidak bisa mendapatkan sang putri.
Sekarang, setiap tahun di Juli dan Agustus, ketika hujan turun di Vietnam, ketika sungai naik, orang bilang bahwa Dewa Sungai masih mencoba untuk merebut sang putri.
16. what is the social and cultural context in Negro Speaks of the River poetry?
Summary & Analysis
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"The Negro Speaks of River" was written in 1920 by the American poet Langston Hughes. One of the key poems of a literary movement called the "Harlem Renaissance," "The Negro Speaks of River" traces black history from the beginning of human civilization to the present, encompassing both triumphs (like the construction of the Egyptian pyramids) and horrors (like American slavery). The poem argues that the black "soul" has incorporated all of this historical experience, and in the process has become "deep." The poem thus suggests that black cultural identity is continuous, that it stretches across the violence and displacement of slavery to connect with the past—and that black people have made vital, yet often neglected contributions to human civilization.
Read the full text of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
“The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Summary
I have been familiar with a lot of rivers. I have been familiar with rivers that are as old as the planet itself, older than blood pumping through people's veins.
My soul has become very deep, just like the rivers I know.
I went swimming in the Euphrates River when human civilization was still young and even sunrises were new. I built my home near the Congo River and its murmuring waters helped me fall asleep. I saw the Nile and helped build the Pyramids on its shore. And I heard the Mississippi River sound as if it were singing, when Abraham Lincoln traveled on it to New Orleans. And I’ve seen the surface of that muddy river, like a person's chest, reflect the sunset, turning gold.
I've been familiar with a lot of rivers: very old, dark rivers.
My soul has become very deep, just like the rivers I know.
17. tranlate nurul and her family went hiking in the mountain
Nurul dan keluarganya pergi hiking di gunung.
nurul dan keluarganya pergi mendaki gunung
semoga membantu maaf kalo salah
18. The mountain is big and high. The... Is veru cold there
temperature artinya tingkat panas atau dinginya
The mountain is big and high. The temperature/weather is very cold there.
19. the air in bromo mountain is......and.....
The air in Mountain Bromo is cold and cool
kata kunci :
semoga bermanfaat
the air in bromo mountain is Clean and pleasing to the eye.
maaf kalo salah:)
20. 10. The mountain is big and high. very cold there.
Semoga membantu :)
translate Indonesia: Gunung itu besar dan tinggi. Itu...........
disana sangat dingin.
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