Gina Is Shopping For A New Bicycle

Gina Is Shopping For A New Bicycle

Anton has a bicycle... Bicycle is new

Daftar Isi

1. Anton has a bicycle... Bicycle is new

............the bicycle is newANTON HAS A BICYCLE THE BICYCLE IS NEW

2. 7 My brother have new bicycle. a. It is my brother new bicycle. b. It is my brothers new bicycle. c. It is my brother's new bicycle. d. It is my brothers' new bicycle. 8. Which one is the correct sentence?​


B. It is my brother's new bicycle


semoga membantu :)


C. it is my brother's new bicycle


's menunjukkan kepemilikan

contoh : ini tas baru Nila (it is Nila's new bag)

3. Bani has a new bicycle, this is ....bicycle

Bani has a new bicycle, this is a new bicycleBani has anew bicycle,this is a new bicycle

4. Yuda : Hey, your bicycle is new! Vian : No. This is my brother's bicycle. It's.........?


Yuda: Hai, sepedamu baru!
Vian: Tidak. Ini sepeda saudaraku. ........?Mapel: English
Kelas: IX

Yuda: Hey,your bicyle is new!
Vian: No, This is my brother's bicycle. It's Hims.

5. jawaban "ya" dari soal is the bicycle new

Yes, it is new

Semoga Membantu :)

yes,it is. hanya itu saja jawabannya

6. arti , is the bicycle new

artinya : apakah sepeda nya baru? Apakah ini sepeda baru?
maaf kalau salah

7. You have a new bicycle, that is ___ bicycle​


that is (a really cool) bicycle


.............That is MY bicycle


8. You have anew bicycle it is from your grandfather.make a short a dialogue .thank him for the new bicycle


grandfather : this is a new bicycle for you,because you can first ranking in the class.

me : wow,seriously??

grandfather : yes,dear

me : thank you so much

9. you have a new bicycle. this is.......bicycle tolong dong bsk dikumpul

this is your bicycle...

semoga membantu '-')/kamu mendapatkan sepeda baru.ini adalah sepeda

10. 9. My sister has a new bicycle. That is ...bicycle.○him○her○your○my​


my sister has a new bicycle. that is her bicycle





Saudara perempuan ku punya sepeda baru. Itu adalah sepeda nya.

Sepeda baru dimiliki oleh seorang saudara perempuan, yang berarti adalah perempuan. Kata kepunyaan untuk perempuan adalah her

11. I bought a new bicycle. _____ is red.

The colour is red.maaf kalo salah,I bought a new bicycle. THE COLOR is red

12. mr.ahmad is my uncle,he....a new bicycle. ​


he buy a new bicycle

he has a new bicycle


dia membeli sepeda baru, present tense - buy.

dia memiliki sepeda baru.

tidak ada keterangan waktu kapan belinya jadi  dibuat present, jika ada keterangan yesterday atau tomorrow, maka beda lagi jawaban nya

Translation (Bahasa) :

Pak Ahmad adalah pamanku, dia...sebuah sepedah baru

Memiliki = has

Telah Membeli = bought

Membeli = buys

Happy studying! I hope it helps, don't forget to make it a Brainliest answer.


brainly : nobelamaa

13. urutkan my- is- new- bicycle

urutan yang benar adalah my bicyle is new

14. hamid has a new bicycle...... new bicycle in the garage​


1). Your bike is red. The red bike is yours. (Sepeda mu berwarna merah. Sepeda merah itu milikmu) 2). Ana and Ani have the same father. Their father is a teacher. (Ana dan Ani memiliki ayah yang sama. Ayah mereka adalah seorang guru) 3). Tina is my sister. She is a student. (Tina adalah saudara saya. Dia seorang pelajar) 4). The students are in the classroom now. The teacher is teaching them now. (Murid-murid ada di kelas sekarang. Guru sedang mengajar mereka sekarang) 5). Amanda has a doll. This doll is hers. (Amanda mempunyai sebuah boneka. Boneka ini miliknya) 6). Bryan and Rio are best friend. They always play football. (Bryan dan Rio adalah teman baik. Mereka selalu bermain sepak bola) 7). The man is my uncle. He lives with my family. (Laki-laki itu paman saya). Dia tinggal dengan keluarga saya)

15. irma and arni buy a new bicycle..bicycle is putpel​


jawabannya The Color


Sebab ada Warna jadi Diberi present Warna

16. (+)my father is going to buy a new bicycle(-).....?(?).....?

(-)My father is not going to buy a new bicycle

(?)is my father going to buy a new bicycle?

sorry kalo salah

17. yesterday was Anton birthday He has a new bicycle it is a gift from his mother I like this new bicycle because I never has bicycle before the best singkat Anton goes to school with his new bicycle Every Morning before going to school Anton always clean his bicycle nonton is very happy because his mother promise to him a new bag Anton get a good for his examination terjemahkan ke Indonesia​


Kemarin adalah hari ulang tahun Anton. Dia mendapat hadiah sepeda baru dari ibunya. Anton meyukai sepeda barunya karena dia belum pernah punya sepeda sebelumnya. Anton pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda barunya. Setiap pagi sebelum berangkat ke sekolah, Anton selalu membersihkan sepedanya. Anton sangat senang karena ibunya berjanj untuk memberikannya tas baru jika Anton mendapat hasil yang bagus di ujiannya.


Kemarin adalah Ulang Tahun Anton. Ia mempunyai sepeda baru, itu adalah hadiah dari Ibunya. Aku suka sepeda baru ini karena aku tidak pernah punya sepeda sebelumnya. Anton pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda barunya. setiap pagi sebelum pergi ke sekolah, Anton selalu membersihkan sepedanya. Anton sangat senang karena ibunya berjanji kepadanya, Ia akan mendapatkan tas baru jika hasil ujiannya bagus.

Semoga Membantu! ^^

18. Emma has a new bicycle ………. Bicycle is blue. The best answer to complete the sentence is ……. *​


the colour of ......


maaf kalo bener

19. bantuin Malik : Hey, your bicycle is new? Ken: No, this is my brother’s bicycle. Its ...................... *


It's old.

Lawan kata new (baru) adalah old (lama)

20. ... father bought a bicycle for... yesterday. this white bicycle is....​




so awesome

#mnurut gua bgitu. maap klo salah ye

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Gina Is Shopping For A New Bicycle Gina Is Shopping For A New Bicycle Reviewed by Romano on Maret 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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