A Researcher Collects High Resolution Photographs Of The Earth

A Researcher Collects High Resolution Photographs Of The Earth

what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a high-resolution monitor?

Daftar Isi

1. what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a high-resolution monitor?


keuntungannya jelas kerugiannya cepet capek


cepet cape apalagi kalo monitornya dibawa terus. kan berat.

2. in the early 80s, photographs of mars(send).....back to earth by unmanned spaces probes​

In the early 80s, photographs of mars -sent- back to earth by unmanned spaces probes

3. The change of four season on the Earth is because ofA Air pollution on the EarthB. Movement of the Earth sound the SunC Movement of the Moon around the EarthD. Variation of the distance between the Earth and the Sun​


General knowledge:

B. Movement of the Earth around the Sun


Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan B. dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) tentang semesta raya dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Akibat terjadinya perputaran rotasi bumi dan revolusi bumi yang mengelilingi Matahari itulah yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan empat musim di bumi ini.

Semoga membantu ya.

4. the movement of the moon that causes tidesA. revolution of the earth around the moonB. rotation of the moonC. revolution of the moon around the earthD. revolution of the earth around the sun​


B. rotation of the moon


Because I pick it

5. The movement of the Earth causes several impacts. Write down 4 effects of the rotation of the Earth.​


Effects of Earth rotation :

i) Day and night event

ii) Coriolis effect

iii) The existence of time zone

iv) The observers perceive the celestial objects as if they're moving

6. what was the resolution of the problem?

Don't see people by his/her physics

7. my sister takes photographs of the... scenery of the beach​


adikku memotret ... pemandangan pantai



- Beautiful

- Nice

indonesia: adikku memotret ... pemandangan pantai


Maaf kalo salah!

8. what is the resolution of the story​


what is the resolution of the story

berapakah resolusi cerita tersebut?

[tex]answer \: by \: fal13na[/tex]

9. Count the amount of mass of earth and the radius of earth

hitung berat bumi dan jari-jari bumi

kurang lebih begitu

10. Write down two resolution of the problem from the story golden star fruit tree. A. Good resolution.......................... B. Sad resolution...........................​


Good resolution :

Surprisingly the bird was not angry. He also replied, "I need the fruit, May I have it and I will pay in gold. Now Bring a bag of 1 meter and a half and I will bring it to a place full of gold and you can carry the gold. The contents of the bag are full of gold. "The older brother then asked his sister to make a bag that is 1 meter and a half long. After the bags were finished, they climbed onto the bird's back and they flew to a place full of gold. He filled the bag full of gold, and then flew back home on the bird's back. Since then, his brother and his family can live happily in luxury.

Sad resolution :

Out of greed and greed, he asked the sister to make a longer bag. When his bag was filled with gold finished, he got on the back of very birds and then they flew to the place which was filled with gold. He filled the large bag with gold. He also carried some gold in his pocket. On the way home, the load became too heavy for very birds. Unable to survive, the Bird shook, and the greedy brother immediately fell into the sea with a bag and pocket full of gold. He sank so fast in the ocean. His brother finally died. He died because of his greed and greed.





Good resolution adalah kalimat resolusi yang bersifat menyenangkan atau tidak ada rasa sedih, sedangkan sad resolution adalah kalimat resolusi dengan suasana sedih, misal untuk cerita golden star fruit tree adalah :

Good resolution

Luckily, the bird was not angry, he even said "I need the fruit, I want to pay you a gold, of you want to help me, ake a 1½ m bag and i'll take you to a place full of gold." Then he finally asked his sibling to fulfill the bird's orders. After the bag was finished, they climbed onto the bird's body to a place full of gold and then returned with a lump of gold.

Bad resolution

As a result of his greediness, he even asked his sister to make a longer bag. after his bag was filled with gold, he climbed onto the bird's body after which they went home, but because the bird could not hold up the bag which was too much gold, the bird slipped and the brother fell into the sea and was lost forever.

11. 17. What is a geyser?a.The changing of temperature be-neath the surface of the earthb. From a huge tension of heated wa-ter that coming out from the earthcrackc.From the heated temperature inearth crack that absorbing waterd.From the temperature andabsorbed water that occurs onearth surfacee.The result of underground waterunder the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth​


B.From a huge tension of heated wa-ter that coming out from the earth crack


A geyser is a kind of hot spring that gushes periodically, emitting hot water and steam into the air.

(Geiser adalah sejenis mata air panas yang menyembur secara periodik, mengeluarkan air panas dan uap air ke udara.)

12. a.2. How large is the sun?One hundret times the diameter of the earthb. Two hundret times the diameter of the earthThree hundret times the diameter of the earthd. Four hundret times the diameter of the earth​


A. One hundred times the diameter of the earth

13. 2. How large is the sun?a. One hundret times the diameter of the earthb. Two hundret times the diameter of the earthC. Three hundret times the diameter of the earthd. Four hundret times the diameter of the earth​


A. 100 Times

B. 200 Times

C. 300 Times

D. 400 Times


Smoga membantu

14. What does 'rotation of the Earth' mean? *A. the movement of the sun from east to westB. the movement of the earth around the sunC. the movement of the moon around the earthD. the movement of the the earth on its axistolong di bantu dong ini pel kls 5​


D. the movement of the the earth on its axis


Apa artinya 'rotasi bumi'? *

A. pergerakan matahari dari timur ke barat

B. pergerakan bumi mengelilingi matahari

C. pergerakan bulan mengelilingi bumi

D. pergerakan bumi pada porosnya

15. 28 The change of four seasons on the Earth is due to A air pollution on the Earth B revolution of the Earth around the Sun C revolution of the Moon around the Earth D. variation of the distance between the Earth and the Sunjawab yang bener ya pointnya lumayan lo​

Jawaban:At its closest, the Sun is 91.4 million miles (147.1 million km) away from us. At its farthest, the Sun is 94.5 million miles (152.1 million km) away

16. The following phrase is not the job of a market researcher, namely​

Jawaban: frasa berikut bukan pekerjaan seorag peneliti pasar yaitu

17. The quality of water varies not only with local land use but also..... A. It varies with geologic history of the earth B. With the geologic history of the earth C. Varies with the geologiv history of the earth D. Its geologic history of the earth

B. with the geologic history of the earth B. With the geologic history of the earth.

Because we already have word "varies" in the former sentence, so we don't have to use that word anymore.

18. the movement of moon around the earth is calledA. rotation of earthB. revolution of earthC. rotation of moonD. revolution of moon​

the movement of moon around the earth is called

( gerak bulan mengelilingi bumi disebut )

A. rotation of earth

( rotasi bumi )

B. revolution of earth

( revolusi bumi )

C. rotation of moon

( rotasi bulan )

D. revolution of moon

( revolusi bulan )


The moon moves around the earth, the movement of the moon around the earth is called lunar revolution.

( bulan bergerak mengelilingi bumi, gerakan bulan mengelilingi bumi disebut revolusi bulan ).

so, the correct one is D•

19. High and low tides are cause by The moonthe moon gravitional pull generates something called the tidal force The movement of the moon that causes tides isA. revolution of the earth around the moonB. rotation of moonC. revolution of moon around the earthD. revolution of the earth around the sun​

C. Revolution of the moon around the earth

the moon gravitational, affecting the tides on earth because the movement of the moon around the earth.

20. 17. What is a geyser?a. The changing of temperature be-neath the surface of the earthb. From a huge tension of heated wa- ter that coming out from the earth crackc. From the heated temperature in earth crack that absorbing waterd. From the temperature andabsorbed water that occurs onearth surfacee. The result of underground waterunder the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface ofthe earth​




Geyser adalah hasil dari air bawah tanah dibawah kondisi suhu tinggi dan tekanan yang meningkat di bawah permukaan bumi.

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A Researcher Collects High Resolution Photographs Of The Earth A Researcher Collects High Resolution Photographs Of The Earth Reviewed by Romano on Maret 20, 2023 Rating: 5

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