Gregor Is Surprised That His Father

Gregor Is Surprised That His Father

Zulfikar Is Saying That His Father Zulfikar Is Saying That His Father

1. Zulfikar Is Saying That His Father Zulfikar Is Saying That His Father


zulkifar memberi tahu itu ayahnya

2. Arti dari Zulfikar is saying that his father Hasil less many his uncle and his uncle is richter that his father

Zulfikar mengatakan bahwa ayahnya

Hasil kurang banyak pamannya dan pamannya adalah richter bahwa ayahnya

3. Zulfikar is saying that his father....his uncle,and his uncle ....his father

Zulfikar is saying that his father is his uncle, and his uncle is his father

4. jawaban dari : Zulfikar is saying that his father........his uncle,and his uncle.........his father

that is father is older than his uncle, and his uncle is younger than his father.zulfikar is saying that his father IS OLDER than his uncle and his uncle IS YOUNGER than his father

5. Udin is saying that his father is a good man because

Because he thinks his father is the best

6. lina is saying that his father is a good man,because​


Lina said that her father was a good man, because his father loved his family sincerely.

Lina mengatakan bahwa ayahnya adalah pria yang baik, karena ayahnya menyayangi keluarganya dengan tulus.

7. Lina is saying that his father is a good man,because

because his father likes helping each other

8. Lina is saying that his father is good Man because

- He knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood.

- He always goes to the neighbourhood meetings.

- He is never absent from the Cleaning Day.

- He is a good volleyball player.

- He plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community

centre every Saturday.

9. lina is saying that his father is a good man, because

Lina is saying that his father is a good man because :

according to me, the answer is :

1. Her father is not rude (ayahnya tidak kasar)

2.  Her father is a responsible man (ayahnya adalah pria yang bertanggungjawab)

3. Her father's language is not rude (bahasa ayahnya tidak kasar)

4. Her father is kind with others / friendly (ayahnya ramah dengan orang lain)

sorry if I do wrong:(

subject : english

10. Lina is saying that his father is a good Man. Because




11. Apa bahasa Indonesia Zulfikar is saying that his father..... His uncle and his uncle..... His father


Zulfikar berkata pada ayahnya..... pamannya dan pamannya..... ayahnya


maaf kalo salah

12. Lina is saying that his father is a good man,because?

Her father is hard workerbecause her father works for her and also her mother

13. lina is saying that his father is a good man,because

because his father is responsible man

14. Apa arti udin is saying that his father is a good Man.

udin berkata ayahnya adalah seorang pria yang baikUdin bilang ayahnya adalah seorang laki-laki yang baik

15. Lina is saying that his father is a good man because

Lina sedang mengatakan bahwa ayahnya adalah seorang laki-laki yang baik . karena,Because father is Lina's family

16. lina is saying that his father is a good man, beacause

He help others and share with everyone

17. Lina is saying that his father is a good Man Because

because her father is a good man and her father work hard for Lina

18. Lina is saying that his father is agood man

Lina berkata bahwa ayahnya adalah orang yang baik

lina berkata bahwa ayah nya adalah orang yang baik

19. lina is saying that his father is a good man,because​


lina is saying that his father is a good man,because


lina is saying that his father is a good man,because he taught, cared for, made a living for her

20. Lina is saying that his father is a good man . because


Because his father is very kind and loves Lina





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Gregor Is Surprised That His Father Gregor Is Surprised That His Father Reviewed by Romano on Februari 26, 2023 Rating: 5

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