State Of The Triangles In Each Pair Are Similar

State Of The Triangles In Each Pair Are Similar

in each of the following figures, establish that a pair of triangles is similar, and hence find x.​

Daftar Isi

1. in each of the following figures, establish that a pair of triangles is similar, and hence find x.​


a.  x = 8 cm

b.  x = 15/4 cm

c.  x = 24/5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a.  3/4 = 6/x

x = 4(6)/3 = 24/3

x = 8 cm

b. 3/x = (3+1)/5

3/x = 4/5

x = 3(5)/4

x = 15/4 cm

c. 3/5 = x/(3+5)

3/5 = x/8

x = 3(8)/5

x = 24/5 cm

-  KLF  -


24/5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


2. In the figure below, the two triangles are similar. What is the value of x? *

5 : 6 = 11 : x

5x = 66

x = 66 : 5

x = 13,2

3. Find the unknown side of each of the following triangles, given that the measurements are in cm.

Find the unknown side of each of the following

triangles, given that the measurements are in cm ?

Aku gak bisa ngejawab

Semoga yang lain bisa menjawab dengan betul betul betul...

4. Complete the second sentence in each pair, use the present perfect of the past simple.


2. Havebeenbuyhercomputer


Itu hanya sebagai contoh Amerika kasih

5. using each number once only, place the numbers 11 to 19 in the triangles so that each sides of the triangle adds up to 63​bantu plis


lihat gambar

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jangan lupa beri bintang

don't forget to give star

6. Find the unknown marked angles in each of the right-angled triangles.tolong bantu dong​


a. 180° - (90° + 57°)

   180° - 147°

= 33°

b. ∠ABC = 180° - (90° + 28°)

               = 180° - 118°

               = 62°

   ∠ADC = 180° - {90° - (90° - 28°)}

               = 180° - (90° + 62°)

               = 180° - 152°

               = 28°

c.  ∠GEF = 180 - (90 + 26)

               = 180 - 116

               = 64

    ∠DEG = 90 - 64

               = 26

7. 11. How many triangles are there in the figure below?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sisi depan 8 sisi belakang 8 = 8+8=16

8. the seventh pair of rib bones in humans are known as

Jawaban menurut sy adalah:
-tulang rusuk palsu.
maaf kl sy salah

9. Draw a sketch of pair of similar triangles, lable them. show their corresponding angles by the same signs. show the length of corresponding sides by numbers in proportion.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

artinya ; Gambar sketsa sepasang segitiga serupa, beri label. tunjukkan sudut yang sesuai dengan tanda yang sama. tunjukkan panjang sisi yang sesuai dengan angka secara proporsional.

10. Find the unknown marked angle in each of the Isosceles triangles.​

karena DF dan EF sama panjang, maka sudut D dan sudut E sama besar.

EF = DF = 53°

Untuk menghitung sudut F maka

180° - 53° - 53° = 74°

Semoga membantu ;)

11. bantu big point dikumpulkan hari ini1.state two ways in which the roots of both plant are similar(a)The roots of both plants________(b)The roots of both plants________​


a. will always grow

b. needs water to stay alive


maaf kalo slah

12. Painted on a wall are 4 red triangles, 2 blue triangles, 6 green triangles and 8 yellow triangles. What percentage of the triangles are blue or red?


red : 20%

blue : 10%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


red : 4/20=2/10=20%

blue : 2/20=1/10=10%

semoga membantu.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 merah

2 biru

6 hijau

8 kuning

berjumlah = 20 segitiga

segitiga biru dan merah = 4+2 = 6

20 = 100%

1 = (100/20)%

1 = 5%

presentase segitiga biru dan merah :

= (5×6)%

= 30%


jangan lupa follow hehe

13. Sharon had a piece of rectangular construction paper 60 cm by 30 cm she cut five similar triangles away. the height of each triangle is half the breadth of the paper find the area of the remaining piece of paper​


The area of the remaining piece of paper is 1350 cm².


The area of the remaining piece of paper can be found by substracting the area of the rectangular construction paper by the total area of the cut.

Sharon cut away 5 triangles there, so the total area of the cut is 5 times the area of each triangle. The base of each triangle is:

60/5 = 12 cm

while its height is 15 cm.

Put those information into a formula:

A = A▭ – 5×A▽

A = (60×30 – 5×(1/2)×12×15) cm²

  = (1800 – 450) cm²

  = 1350 cm²

∴ Therefore, the area of the remaining piece of paper is 1350 cm².

14. urutkan kalimat tersebut1.are-meeting-fifty- there-hall-the-in-people2.storeroom-in-are-balls-there-the-?3.door-pair of-is-a-in front of-slippers-the-there

Mengurutkan Kalimat dalam Bahasa InggrisThere are fifty peoples in the meeting hall.There are balls in the storeroom.There is a pair of slippers in the front of door.

Good luck!

15. How to determine the force in each member of the truss.Then state if the members are in tension or compression​


Bagaimana menentukan kekuatan di setiap anggota rangka. Kemudian nyatakan apakah anggota dalam ketegangan atau kompresi

16. State the form in which large amount of extra weight are stored in the human body

large amount of extra weight stored as a fat

17. ...we are sorry of the incovnience the underlined word is similar in meaning to

gak ada underline nya asumsi saya "inconvinience " yg underline artinya ketidak nyamanan atau " uncomfortable"

18. Triangle PQR and triangle DEF are similar. Which describes the relationship between the corresponding sides of the two triangles? * 2 points


PR/DE = 6/6

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sisi PR dan DE memiliki panjang yang sama, yaitu 6 cm

19. Sharon had a piece of rectangular construction paper 60 cm by 30 cm she cut five similar triangles away. the height of each triangle is half the breadth of the paper find the area of the remaining piece of paper​


area triangel = ½ × 6 × 30 = 90cm²

5 triangels = 5 × 90 = 450 cm²

area ½ rectangular = 15 × 60 = 900 cm²

so, all area 450 + 900 = 1350 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

we can also use, area of 5 triangels is same of area ½ rectangular

area rectangular = 30 × 60 = 1800 cm²

area of 5 triangels= 5 × 90 = 450 cm²

so, all area = 1800 - 450 = 1350 cm²

sorry if the answer is false

20. Identify the cause and effect in each pair of sentences. Then, combine the sentences with because.


1. Cause: Edi's a heavy smoker.

Effect: Edi has breathing problem.

2. Effect: Kadita feels homesick.

Cause: Kadita moved to a new city.

3. Effect: Gunawan is lack of staple food.

Cause: Gunawan has been unemployed.

4. Cause: Setiawan has gained weight.

Effect: Setiawan is going to eat less.

5. Cause: The weather was cold.

Effect: We stayed home.


Combine the sentences with because.

1. Edi has breathing problem because he is a heavy smoker.

2. Kadita feels homesick because she moved to a new city.

3. Gunawan is lack of staple food because he has been unemployed.

4. Setiawan is going to eat less because he has gained weight.

5. We stayed home because the weather was cold.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cause and effect pada


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State Of The Triangles In Each Pair Are Similar State Of The Triangles In Each Pair Are Similar Reviewed by Romano on Januari 02, 2023 Rating: 5

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