Art Labeling Activity Structure Of A Skeletal Muscle Fiber

Art Labeling Activity Structure Of A Skeletal Muscle Fiber

skeletal muscle,cardiac muscle

Daftar Isi

1. skeletal muscle,cardiac muscle

skeletal muscle = otot rangka
cardiac muscle = otot jantung

2. Cardiac muscleSkeletal muscleSmooth muscleGambar tersebut merupakan salah satu contoh organisasi kehidupan tingkatO a.a. SelO b. JaringanO c. Organd. Sistem organ​


sel jawaban nya ya


3. what a biseps and triseps an example of a. a protagonistic pair of muscleb. an agonistic pair of musclec. an antagonistoc pair of muscled. a protogonistic muscle

a.a protagonistic pair of muscleA. a protagonistic pair of muscle
#maaf kalo salah

4. the structure of a step consist of


to be ,vetbs and grammar


maaf kalau slh

5. a.Sebutkan ciri-ciri otot rangka (Skeletal muscle) b.Sebutkan bagian tubuh yang kerjanya berdasarkan otot rangka c. Sebutkan Fungsi otot rangka​


anjg rk ono jawabane asu

6. Activity: Identifying StructureNilaiBased on the text The Legend of Lake Toba, identify the structure!StructureTexttitleOrientationComplicationResolutionCoda (epilog/conclusion)​

Textnya dimana? Mana tau bisa bantu

7. TOEFL Structure : kata2 dalam tanda kurung mana yang harus diperbaiki? --------------------------------- A gene is a (biological) unit of information (who) directs the activity of (a cell) or organism during (its) lifetime

who diganti which karena subjek adalah noun bukan she/he

8. Telkom Adigital letter ofdHômFIBER​


maksudnya apa y gak ngerti

9. Seni serat (fiber art) merupakan istilah untuk menyebutkan seni​


seni rupa murni merupakan cabang seni yang membentuk karya seni dengan media yang bisa ditangkap mata dan dirasakan dengan rabaan


semoga membantu

10. Apa artinya dari "Muscle of iron, Bone of steel"

Otot besi tulang bajaOtot besi , tulang baja , main ml ya dek ?

11. 19. These muscles are controlled by the autonomic muscle system and are involuntary A. Tendon B. Smooth C. Skeletal D. Cardiac


B. Smooth


Smooth muscle, found in the walls of the hollow internal organs such as blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, and uterus, is under control of the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle cannot be controlled consciously and thus acts involuntarily. The non-striated (smooth) muscle cell is spindle-shaped and has one central nucleus. Smooth muscle contracts slowly and rhythmically.

12. activity 2 : identifying structure


Aktivitas 2:mengetahui struktur, semoga bermanfaat, maaf kalo salah

13. Our skeletal system is made up of​


The human skeleton is a system in the body consisting of bones, cartilage or cartilage, ligaments and other tissues

14. pengertian dari: -orientation of generic structure -complication of generic structure -resolution of generic structure -re-orientation of generic structure

mungkin recount teks?

15. 1.Mention the organ of human! 2.What the function of skeletal system? 3.Mention the part of Respiratory system? 4.Respiratory system is for......... 5.Mention the parts of skeletal system!

1. Brain, heart, liiver, stomach, lungs, pancreas2. -Provides a form to support the body (skeleton formation)
    -As a means of passive motion,
3. The airway, the lungs, and the muscles of respiration

16. source of asbestos fiber​


bahasa Indonesia nya =

Sumber serat asbes


maaf salah


terjemahan dari kalimat itu adalah sumber serat asbes, mungkin jawabannya besi (bahasa inggrisnya Iron).


Sorry if the answer is wrong

17. Jelaskan arti dari 5 point Function of Your Skeletal System!​


artinya Function of Your Skeletal adalah Fungsi dari kerangka kamu


saya hanya ngikutin soal

18. swimming is a beneficial exercise,....... aerobic activity and uses a number of muscle groups. a. not only because it provides b. because it both provides c. for provision d. as result of providing

b. because it both provides

19. DO COM Activity: Analyzing Structure Based on the text "My First Swimming", analyze the structure of the text​


Kegiatan DO COM: Menganalisis Struktur Berdasarkan teks “My First Swimming”, menganalisis struktur teks



maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

kasih jawaban terbaik ya

20. activity 1make a recount text with the theme meeting of your idol or watching a concert individually! activity 2analyze your text that you have made in activity 1. find the generic structure and the purpose of your text! (tolong dibantu kakak/abang)​


aktivitas 1

buat teks penghitungan ulang dengan tema pertemuan idola Anda atau menonton konser secara individu!

aktivitas 2

menganalisis teks Anda yang telah Anda buat di aktivitas 1. temukan struktur generik dan t

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Art Labeling Activity Structure Of A Skeletal Muscle Fiber Art Labeling Activity Structure Of A Skeletal Muscle Fiber Reviewed by Romano on Januari 04, 2023 Rating: 5

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