Guardado Company purchased a new machine for $400,000. It is estimated that the machine will have a $40,000 residual value at the end of its 5-year useful service life. The double-declining-balance method of depreciation will be used. Instructions Prepare a depreciation schedule which shows the annual depreciation expense on the machine for its 5-year life.
1. Guardado Company purchased a new machine for $400,000. It is estimated that the machine will have a $40,000 residual value at the end of its 5-year useful service life. The double-declining-balance method of depreciation will be used. Instructions Prepare a depreciation schedule which shows the annual depreciation expense on the machine for its 5-year life.
Apa ini sry if i cannot help because its very hard
2. Arka bought a wrong beverage from a vending machine for tiara
Arka membeli minuman yang salah dari mesin penjual otomatis untuk tiara
semoga membantu
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
kalau ga bisa follow aku aja
3. thanks mom you ... a new skirt for mea. had boughtb. has boughtc. have bought
C. have bought.
Kalimat ini merupakan Simple Perfect Tense. Polanya :
S + have/has + V3.
4. your friend have just bought a new handpone. he asked for you for giving openion abouthis new handphone.
gak bisa bahasa ingris.
5. My mother bought. A. For me some new clothes b. Some new clothes me c. Me some new clothes d. For me new clothes for me.
C lah udah pasti paling bener
6. dewi(work) for a national company. dewi... for a national company
the answer is: works
7. My mum bought a new … for her e-reader
Maafkalo salah
8. Mother bought a new T-shirt for Mike. Mike says ... to his mother. *
Mother bought a new T-shirt for Mike. Mike says Thankyou to his mother. *
9. who buys a new washing machine
yang membeli mesin cuci baru
Artinya:yang membeli mesin cuci baru10. Mr. Hirzan has bought a new iPhone. … new iPhone is very expensive. A. Her B. Its C. His D. He
Mr. Itu terkait dengan Panggilan untuk Lelaki . Mr. Hirzan has bought a new iPhone : Pak. Hirzan baru saja membeli Handphone iPhone
... new iPhone is very expensive : Handphone iPhone Dia(Lelaki) sangat mahal , berarti dia(Lelaki) dalam kata kerja His.
Maaf Kalo tidak Jelas
11. I have just bought a new house, would you like to see (it/its)?
It Because If We Answer Its Is Not Correct We must Think The Correct Answer
Wish I Help You Thanks.i have just bought a new house would you like to see it . iam sorry if the answer is not correct that's i know it . sorry .
12. A person who makes a new machine
Seseorang yg membuat mesin baru
Semoga membantu:)
13. interogative dari kalimat MARY BOUGHT A NEW DREES FOR HER SISTER'S WEDDING?
Mary's sister wedding's dress is bought by herdoes mary bought a new dress for her sister's wedding?
14. Choose the correct verb for each 'indirect sentence "we've bought a new car."They told me they ..... a new car.
Pilih kata kerja yang benar untuk setiap 'kalimat tidak langsung "kami telah membeli mobil baru." Mereka mengatakan kepada saya bahwa mereka ..... mobil baru.
Choose the correct verb for each 'indirect sentence "we've bought a new car."They told me they have a new car.
15. Mr. Smith has bought a new car for his jon
Mr Smith telah membeli mobil untuk pekerjaannya?
16. She said that she had bought a new dress A. She said, “She has bought a newdress"B. He said, "He had bought a newdress"C. He said, "I had bought a new dress”D. She said, “I have bought a newdress"
D. She said, "i have bought a new dress"
karena I tidak perlu ditambahkan "s" dan penempatan past tense untuk have sudah ditempatkan ke say.
17. Mrs. Karsono bought a new washing machine. ......uses it every morning. * A.She B. He C. Her D. They E. His
Jawaban = a. sheJawaban yang tepat adalah she
Karena “Mrs” digunakan untuk wanita (yang sudah menikah).
Wanita ⇢ Perempuan
Subyek yang digunakan untuk perempuan atau wanita adalah she.
18. The company had been_______ in an old warehouse since its inception, when it built a huge, efficient, and modern office building. *operateoperatesoperatingoperated
Verb Yang mengikuti HAD BEEN adalah verb-ing
19. 1. i have a new ...... now. she has been in this company for a week.
employee (karyawan, jika yg berbicara adalah atasannya)
partner (teman kerja, jika yg bicara adalah rekan)
Partner, maaf kalo salah
20. Complete the puzzle to find the hidden word. 1. the difference between the amount actually paid for a company and its book value 2. the ways that goods are delivered to the customer: distribution... 3. taking control of a company by buying most of its shares: a... 4. another word for abroad 5. a company, piece of land, etc. bought by a company: an... 6. a company's raw material and finished or unfinished products that haven't been sold yet
The difference between the amount actually paid for a company and its book value: net book value.The ways that goods are delivered to the customer: distribution channels.Taking control of a company by buying most of its shares: a take over.Another word for abroad: overseas.A company, piece of land, etc. bought by a company: an asset.A company's raw material and finished or unfinished products that haven't been sold yet: stocks.
Word Puzzle adalah suatu macam permainan kata-kata yang dalam bahasa Indonesia sering disebut sebagai teka-teki silang. Word puzzle sangat bermanfaat untuk memperkaya penguasaan kosakata (vocabulary) suatu bahasa asing sehingga sangat membantu seseorang untuk menambah pengetahuan kata-katanya dalam berbicara bahasa tersebut.
Word Puzzle bukan hanya mengajari untuk mengartikan kata-kata tertentu namun juga memberi pengetahuan tentang sinonim dari kata-kata yang tertera pada permainan tersebut.
Selain itu, Word Puzzle juga dapat memperluas pengetahuan dan digunakan sebagai aktifitas hiburan penghilang strees.
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