1.what does the writer like to do in his free time2.what is one of his hobbies3.when does the writer do his hobby4.what kinds of music does the writer like?5.what makes the writer awesome?why?6. why does the writer like doing his hobby?
1. 1.what does the writer like to do in his free time2.what is one of his hobbies3.when does the writer do his hobby4.what kinds of music does the writer like?5.what makes the writer awesome?why?6. why does the writer like doing his hobby?
1. listening to the music
2. listening to the music
3. when he has free time, when he do his homework, when he don't have anything to do, when he eat, when he clean his room
4. pop, country, rock n roll, etc (almost all of them)
5. liistening to new songs, because he hasn't heard the song before
6. because some songs bring he back to the memories, give him energy to clean his room, the music make fun on doing the homework, and makes him feel awesome
1. Listening on music2. Listening Music
3. At he doing homework
4. Pop, Country, Rock n Roll
5. listen music make writer awesome
6. Beacuse some songs bring he back to memories
2. where does andika spend his vacation
dimana andika menghabiskan liburannya
3. Does Hamidah spend all day by reading ? ( + )
( + ) Hamidah spend all day by reading
( - ) Hamidah not spend all day by reading
( ? ) Does Hamidah spend all day by reading ?
Semoga Bermanfaat
Hamidah spends all day by reading
s + v1 + c + ving
4. where does he always spend his holiday
kemana dia pergi saat liburan
maaf klou slah
Dimana dia (laki-laki) selalu menghabiskan liburannya?
5. beethoven ... more than 600 pieces of music
Beethoven Had Made more than 600 pieces of music
6. A.Fill with "do, or does"!( isilah dengan "do atau does")1.How........Ali spend his holiday ?2.How.......we spend our holiday ?3.How...... your Father spend his holiday ?4.How.......Dina spend her holiday ?5.How........ they spend their holiday ?
1.How does Ali spend his holiday ?
2.How do we spend our holiday ?
3.How does your Father spend his holiday ?
4.How doesDina spend her holiday ?
5.Howdo they spend their holiday ?
7. where did the writer spend his time on holiday
under a tree while reading a book or walking walking in the park
8. How does anita spend herr free time
9. why did mr.in spend his afternonin suramadu brydge
Kalau yg dimaksud ingin diterjemahkan...
Why did Mr. In... spend his afternoon in Suramadu bridge?
Mengapa P In... menghabiskan sorenya di jembatan Suramadu?
Ini kalimat Past Tense dg kata tanya 'did' di awal kalimat.
Karena sdh ada did, mk kata kerjanya kembali ke asal (spend)
10. where does she spend of the time in her office?
More information please.
11. where did jono spend his time more than his study?
dimana jono menghabiskan waktunya lebih dari belajarnya?
12. Who was music composer before beethoven?
The music composer is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Because Mozart are live at 1700's and Beethoven live at 1800's
They are is Famous music composer
13. why did mr lan spend his afternoon in suramadu bridge?
i dont knsaya tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan anda dengan benar karena pertanyaan anda kurang lengkap
14. where does anaconda spend its lots of time
in the water
dimana anakonda biasa menghabiskan waktunya, jawabannya diair
15. apa artinya where does spend of the time in her office
kalimatnya kurang subjek ya?
harusnya where does SHE spend of the time in her office?
artinya DIMANA di menghabiskan waktunya di kantornya/
16. why some people prefer to spend leisure time at parks?
because Park make you smile and happybecause in Park people can meet with other people ,can play with friends,if we sad we can go to park too for loss our stress(menghilangkan kejenuhan).
intinya : because we can do almost thing in park
17. why did mr lan spend his afternoon in suramadu bridge?
because mr lan love to see sunset
18. my friends spend their time swimmingI accompany____all day
My friends spend their time swimming . I accompany THEM all day
Keterangan : Kata yang ditebali adalah jawabannya, kata/huruf yang digaris bawahi adalah yang harus diperhatikan.
Mengapa memakai kata "them"? Karena, dapat dilihat dari kata "My friends". Artinya : Teman-temanku. Catat! Jika ada huruf "s" pada akhir kata, maka berarti ada banyak. Contoh kalimat : The fruits are scattered on the grass. Jika ada "s"-nya, maka "fruits"-nya ini ada banyak.Kembali ke soal, "them" artinya mereka. Dan mereka itu digunakan untuk orang lain, yang banyak. Maka kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat diatas adalah kata "them".Untuk mengsupport akun ini, silahkan jadikan jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik :)
SEMOGA MEMBANTU :D19. what time does anto have music....... jawabnya =9.45
what time does anto have music.... fifteen to tenAnto have music at quarter to ten
semoga membantu..
20. Does he spend all of this pocked money
Does he spend all of this pocked money
Jikaditerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesiayaitu:
Apakah dia menghabiskan semua uang sakunya
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