What Societal Fear Does This Monster Most Likely Represent

What Societal Fear Does This Monster Most Likely Represent

What number does this Roman numeral represent? MMCMLXIV tolong jawab... terimakasih

1. What number does this Roman numeral represent? MMCMLXIV tolong jawab... terimakasih

2964 klo gk salah,smoga membantu

2. What does arupahdatu represent


represents each of the areas of desire to which we are attached to our desires


Make it the worst answer

I hope this helps

3. What does a pretzel represent?​



4. most of "us" are fear from cancer what does the bold word refersNB:us adalah kata yg bercetak tebalbantu jwb kk​


the answer is we !

karena us itu adalah kita dan kata ganti nya adalah we, mereka memiliki makna yang sama

cmiiw ! <3

5. 1. where does the conversion most likely take place.​


school,playground or restaurant

maaf kalo salah

6. what does make thepeople much more likely to be injured​


falls from a bicycle, in a car accident, and trips


semoga membantu


fall from a bicycle, in a car accident, fall from a ladder,and stumble


smoga membantu


7. where does the dialog take place most likely?​


hospital jawaban nya.....




hospital artinya rumah sakit

8. how do you read this formula and what does it represent : e = mc^2​






millimeter squaredt

millimeter kuadrat

maaf klo salah

9. What does you.c1000 contain most



# maaf kalo salah

10. how do you read this formula and what does it represent W = F × S​


How to read W = F × S (cara membaca W = F × S) :

Work equals force multiplied with distance (usaha sama dengan gaya dikalikan dengan jarak/skala)

> W represents work done, F represents force, and S represents distance (W mewakili gaya, F mewakili gaya, dan S mewakili jarak/skala)

Maaf jika ada yang salah

11. where does the convertation between chalie and edward most likely take place


The conversation between chalie and edward most likely in the school

12. Where would this passage most likely be found?


Di mana bagian ini kemungkinan besar akan ditemukan?

13. where would this annoucement most likely be heard

in the yard

maaf kalau salah

jawannya adalah

in the school

14. what does a sign a knife and fork represent ?​


apa yang dilambangkan oleh tanda pisau dan garpu?


a restaurant, dinner place or dinner

15. 2. where does the dialog take place most likely?​


Dalam menentukan dialog tersebut terjadi dimana, kita bisa dengan mudah mengetahuinya dari konteks dialognya. Bila konteks dialog berkisar tentang kegiatan di sekolah, maka dialog tersebut pasti terjadi di sekolahan. Terkadang, dalam dialog juga terdapat "clue" tentang tempat dimana dialog tersebut terjadi.


Nidar: What are you doing Emily?

Emily: Nidar, I am trying to find my bulletin.

Nidar: Let me help you find it.

Emily: Thanks.

Nidar: By the way, where did you last put it?

Emily: I put it in my drawer after I showed it to Tiara.

Nidar: Err... Does it have light green cover and an illustration of people working?

Emily: Yes, that's right. How do you know it?

Nidar: Look! There is a bound of books under the teacher's desk. It could be your bulletin.

Emily: I hope so.

Pertanyaan: where does the dialog take place?

Jawaban: It takes place in the class.

Semoga membantu. Terimakasih :)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut


Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SD

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Dialogue

Kata Kunci: Dialogue in the class

16. Who is most likely to need this information Tolong dijawab yah teman teman terimakasihhh:)...................

siapa yang paling mungkin membutuhkan informasi ini
thanks... semoga membantu...

17. Where does the conversation between charlie and edward most likely take place?

Is it A girl Or A boy Or? ???

18. if you mix up benedict with protein, what colour does it represent?

superior colour

semoga membantu ya

19. Helen : Next week, I will join the singing contest. Honey : .... What does Honey most likely reply?

Honey : that's cool, don't forget to practice and try to get the best results

Helen :" Minggu yang akan datang , aku akan ikut kompetisi bernyanyi

Honey :" Itu keren , jangan lupa untuk latihan dan berusaha agar mendapat hasil yang terbaik .

20. how do you read this formula and what does it represent W = F × S​


How to read W = F × S (cara membaca W = F × S) :

Work equals force multiplied with distance (usaha sama dengan gaya dikalikan dengan jarak/skala)

> W represents work done, F represents force, and S represents distance (W mewakili gaya, F mewakili gaya, dan S mewakili jarak/skala)

Maaf jika ada yang salah

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What Societal Fear Does This Monster Most Likely Represent What Societal Fear Does This Monster Most Likely Represent Reviewed by Romano on Desember 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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