1)What does the story talk about?2)what happened to his wife Toba mad to his son?
1. 1)What does the story talk about?2)what happened to his wife Toba mad to his son?
1) in a village, there was a man named toba, one day he got a beautiful goldfish. but soon, the goldfish turned into a beautiful woman.
2) Toba mad to Samosir because he ate Toba's Lunch, toba was very angry and shouted at samosir & called samosir is a fish kid, because of that, toba's wife was upset that toba broke his promise.
2. 4.what does his nose look like
seperti apa hidungnya?
3. Mike tyson's nose was broken in the fight what happened to mike
suffered serious injuries
4. What happened to Tio?Did he play football alone?Where did he slip?What did feel after he broke his leg?What happened after he broke his leg?tolong jawaban ya
What happened to TIO?
Tio broke his two legs two days ago
Did he play football alone?
No, he play with his friends
Where did he slip?
He slipped on the ground
What did he feel after he broke his legs?
He felt hurt
What happened after he broke his leg?
His coach quickly ran to him and took him to the hospital, in the hospital the doctor examined him and covered his legs with bandage.
Smoga membantu :)
5. What does dri Nadya offers to wina?What happened with winaWhat does dr nadya doto help herWhere does the dialogue takes placewonat does dr Nadyo suggest to wina
Apa yang ditawarkan dri Nadya kepada wina?
Apa yang terjadi dengan wina
Apa yang dilakukan dr nadya
untuk membantunya
Di mana dialog itu berlangsung
wonat saran dr Nadyo ke wina
semoga membantu
6. 1.What happened to Ellie? 2.what does Ellie's mother say to congratulate Ellie? 3.what does Ellie say to her mother?4.what does Ellie's father say to congratulate Ellie?5.what does Ellie say to her father?
artinya kurng lebih:
1. apa yg terjadi pd ellie?
2. apa yg ibu ellie katakan untuk memberi selamat kepada ellie?
3. apa yang ellie katakan kepada ibunya?
4. apa yang bapa ellie katakan untuk menberi selamat kepada ellie?
5. apa yang ellie katakan kepada bapaknya?
(abis gada teksnya sih)
7. 1. What happened to Wisnu? 2. What did Randy do to help his mother? 3. How did Randy fall? 4. What did Cindy think about the fall? 5. What does Cindy hope
Jawaban:Wisnu broke his left armHe helped his mother to carry carpets, a vase, and wall decorations.While he was carrying a carpet upstairs his hand slipped and the carpet fell. He tried to catch it but he fell too. He landed on my left armCindy thought that must be hurtCindy prayed for Wisnu’s speedy recoverPembahasan
1. What happened to Wisnu?
(Apa yang terjadi pada Wisnu?)
=> Wisnu broke his left arm
Penjelasan:Yang terjadi adalah lengan kirinya terluka
2. What did Randy do to help his mother?
(Apa yang dilakukan Randy untuk membantu ibunya?)
=> He helped his mother to carry carpets, a vase, and wall decorations.
Penjelasan:Dalam percakapan ada dua nama CINDY dan WISNU
Jadi soal bukan RANDY, Mungkin Maksudnya adalah yg dilakukan WISNU untuk Membantu ibunya
3. How did Randy fall?
(Bagaimana Randy jatuh?)
=> while he was carrying a carpet upstairs his hand slipped an the carpet fell. He tried to catch it but he fell too. He landed on my left arm
Penjelasan:Yang dimaksud He (dia) adalah wisnu
4. What did Cindy think about the fall?
(Apa yang Cindy pikirkan tentang jatuhnya?)
=> Cindy thought that must be hurt
Penjelasan:Cindy berpikir bahwa itu pasti sakit
5. What does Cindy hope
(Apa yang Cindy harapkan)
=> cindy prayed for Wisnu’s speedy recover
Penjelasan:Cindy berharap agar wisnu cepat sembuh
=== Semoga Membantu ===
Pelajari Lebih LanjutMenjawab berdasarkan percakapan:
brainly.co.id/tugas/25340243brainly.co.id/tugas/23311010DETAIL JAWABAN Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: ReadingLevel: JHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5#SejutaPohon8. 1. What does nabila believe ?
apa yang nabila yakini
1. Apa yang dipercaya nabila?
itu bahasa Indonesianya
maaf kalo salah
9. 1. what did andi get? 2. who is his pen pal? 3. what happened to ilyas in aceh? 4. what happened to ilyas' parents? 5. how does andi feel after reading the letter?
1. a letter from his pen pal in Aceh
2. Ilyas
3. earthquake in Aceh
4. his parents were killed
5. he fell sad
1. andi got a letter from his pen pal in aceh. 2. his pen pal is ilyas. 3. ilyas had got out from the car with his brother before the tsunami came and managed to save by climbing onto the roof. 4. his parents were killed because both of them were still in the car. 5. andi feels so sad and he could feel ilyas' sadness. (no 5, yg ditanyakan adl apakah yg andi rasakan setelah membaca surat tsb)
10. know whatDoes your aunt know what happened ? Does..... know what happened?
do you know what happened?
11. Activity 2What happened to Ellie ?2 What does Ellie's mother say to congratuiale eue ?3. What does Ellie's father say to her mother &4. What does Fulie's fatuer say to congratulate Fre?5. What does Euie say to her father?
Aktivitas 2
Apa yang terjadi pada Ellie?
2 Apa yang dikatakan ibu Ellie kepada congratuiale eue?
3. Apa yang dikatakan ayah Ellie kepada ibunya &
4. Apa yang dikatakan fatier Fulie untuk memberi selamat kepada Fre?
5. Apa yang dikatakan Euie kepada ayahnya?
apakah ada teks nya?
12. 1. what happened to Doni?2. what does Bram suggest to Doni?3. of you where Bram, what would you suggest to Doni?
1-What Happenedto Doni?
2-What does bram Suggest to Doni?
3-of you werebram,what would you suggestto Doni?
»Jawaban (answers)1.His lost his bag and Stuff in it
2.Be Relax And tell Doni he will ask the Security to find Doni bag
3.I will help DoniFind his bag
⟩⟩Hope it'shelp you out!•Hai semoga membantu yaa,Maaf jika ada typo atau kesalahan.Sekian Terimakasih!
⟩⟩Answer by :Namiyahaisha13. Answer the following questions!1. What will the writer do on his vacation?2. What will he do on his vacation at first?3. What happened to his washing machine?4. How many days does he need to fix the back porch?5. When does he start the vacation?
sebelumnya minta maaf biasanya kalau soal kayak gini ada bacaannya jadi saya cuma mengartikan kalau ada bacaannya saya bisa jawabkan
1.apa yg akan penulis lakukan pada liburannya?
2.apa yg akan dia lakukan pada liburan awalnya?
3.apa yg terjadi pada mesin cucinya?
5.berapa hari yg dia perlu memperbaiki teras belakang?
6.kapan dia memulai liburannya?
penjelasan:semoga membantu jadikan jawaban terbaik
14. What happened whth his/her stomach
i dont know, mybe her has stomachace
Apa yang terjadi pada perutnya?
Nya : His/Her
His utk laki2 , her utk perempuan tergantung pada nama/gambar yg menjelaskan peristiwa
15. What does Tama say to greet Lana?Who looks sa pale?How is Lana?What happened to herWhat does Tama wishes to Lana!plisss di jawab donk
apa yang tama katakan untuk menyapa Lana? siapa yang terlihat pucat? Bagaimana Lana? apa yang terjadi padanya apa yang diinginkan Tama pada Lana!
16. dialog 1 1.what happened to wisnu? 2.what did randy do to help his mother? 3.how did randy fall? 4.what did cindy think about the fall? 5.what does cindy hope?TOLONG DIJAWAB
1. Wisnu break his left arm
2. Carry carpets, a vase, and wall decoration.
3. When he carried a carpets, his hands slipped and The carpets fell and he tried to catched it. But he fell too
4. That must be hurt
5. Speedy recovery
17. dialog 11. What happened to Wisnu ?2. What did Randy to do help his mother? 3. How did Randy fall?4. What did cindy think about the fall? 5. What does cindy hope?TERIMAKASIH BANYAK ,JAWAB DENGAN BENAR ...!!
1.Have a left side fracture
2.Moving Furniture
3.hes hand slipped and the Carpet Fell he tried to catch it but hes fell too
4."that Must be hurt" (Of course lol)
5.shes Hoping for his Recovery
18. what major changes happened in east timor 1922
apa perubahan besar yang terjadi di timor timur 1922..tang terjadi adalaaaaaaaaahhh
19. Ensure it cover the nose and mouth fully. What does the word it refer to
that word refers to everyone
20. bantu jawab ya 1 what happened to anna2 what does mother say to congratulate anna3 what does reyna say to her mother4 what does father say to reyna
1. Anna win singing competition
2. because anna win
3. thank you for saying congratulations
4. Father say "good job Reyna"
I hope this helps :D
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