Ada yang bisa ga buatin pertanyaan ama jawab sebanyak-banyaknya math tentang Quadrilaterals and Polygons
1. Ada yang bisa ga buatin pertanyaan ama jawab sebanyak-banyaknya math tentang Quadrilaterals and Polygons
Apakah itu Quadrilaterals and polygons? Siapakah penemunya? Kapan ditemukan? Negara mana kah si penemu? Bagaimana bisa menemukannya? Adakah motivasi di balik penemuan ini?
Terimakasih :)
apakah Quadrilaterals dan Polygons?siapa penemunya?kapan ditemukan?
maaf kalo slah
2. Characteristics of Triangles and Quadrilaterals is?
triangle is a simple closed curve or polygon which is created by three line-segments. In Euclidean geometry, any three points, specifically non-collinear, form a unique triangle and separately, a unique plane (known as two-dimensional Euclidean space).
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
harus ada bintang 5
3. create stars and Polygons berfungsi untuk membuat
Corel kan yak?
Create star and polygons berfungsi untuk membuat bentuk bintang serta bentuk segi banyak. Dari situ kamu bisa atur kamu mo bintang yang jarinya berapa, ato bentuk segi berapa.
4. Dani like.... books and.... his homework
Dani like to reading books and doing his homework
5. my friend and i are doing homework now. ..... homework is so hard
our home work is so hard
my friend and i adalah we
my friends and I are doing homework now.the homework is so hard.
6. how do bar graphs, histograms, and frequency polygons differ construction? What the type of scaling is appropriate for each.
Apa perbedaan antara grafik batang, histogram, dan poligon frekuensi? Jenis penskalaan apa yang sesuai untuk masing-masing.
7. tolong jawab soal ini !7. lucy and I (do) ..... our homework every night
7. lucy and I do our homework every night.
Kalimat ini sudah benar karena dalam bentuk present tense. "Do" tidak berubah karena"Lucy dan I" subjeknya jamak/plural.
=> lucy and I Do our homework every night
Tapi jika mau ditulis dalam bentuk kalimat lain dengan menambahkan adverb of frequency ( menyatakan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa dilakukan atau terjadi). Adverb of frequency seperti : always,usually, often,sometimes,seldom dan lain-lain juga tidak apa-apa hanya sekedar untuk menegaskan kalimat tersebut
=> lucy and I always do our homework every night.
8. Find the angle mark x in each of these polygons
all u (+) and (:) 7 (all [+] and if was u do [:]
9. 2.Classify the polygons below into two grpups in any way.Then fill the blanks below
group a e polygon that have 4 angles and G that have 4 angles too
Group B f polygons that have 3 angles and h polygons that have 7 angles
Maaf banget kalau salah
10. 2. Marie and Joe/to like/homework
Marie and joe like to do homework
11. Rita and I........our homework afterschool?
do : yang beluma terjadi
doing : yang sedang terjadi
Maaf apabila slah
12. Polygons with equal sides and equal angels are called (a)... polygons. Otherwise, polygons with sides or angels that are not all equal are called (b)... poligons.Mohon jawabanya aja ya kak
A. Regular polygons
A regular polygon must have equal sides and angles. Example: Square (4 same side, 90° each angle)
B. Irregular polygons
An irregular polygon doesnt have equal sides/angles. Example: Abstract polygons.
I hope this will help you :)
Semoga membantu
13. Irma and Dian did homework last night the interrogative form is ??? a. Did irma and dian do homework last night ? b. did irma and dian did homework last night ? c. do irma and dian do homework last night ? d. do irma and dian did homework last night ? :) Vroh
A did irma and dian do homework last night?
14. john and mary homework
john dan marry selalu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah (PR) maaf klw salah
15. 10. do-Radith-and-classmates-finishedhomework-their-his?The best arrangement isA. Radith and his classmates do theirhomework finish?B. Radith and his classmates do finishtheir homework?C. Do his classmates and Radith theirhomework finish?D. Do radith and his family finish theirhomework?
harusnya jawaban D
tapi diganti
Do radith and his classmates finish their homework
16. jawab yg bener Vroh Irma and Dian did homework last night the interrogative form is ??? a. Did irma and dian do homework last night ? b. did irma and dian did homework last night ? c. do irma and dian do homework last night ? d. do irma and dian did homework last night ? :) Vroh
A. Did Irma and Dian do homework last night ?a. Did irma and Dian do homework last night ?
17. giving childern homework: Pro and Con
discussionsadditionalworkshobbieslearnargumentssupportschoolhomeworkhome18. Cause and effect dialog tentang homework
Cause and Effect - Dialog
Topic: Homework
Ali: Bella, can I ask your help please?
Bella: Sure, Ali. What happened?
Ali: Yesterday, my mother was sick so I had to take care of her in the hospital. As a result of it, I didn’t finish my Math homework. If you don’t mind, could you teach me how to answer some of the hard questions?
Bella: Of course! Maybe today after school?
Ali: Sounds good! Thanks a lot Bella.
Bella: No worries.
PembahasanUntuk mengungkapkan cause and effect dalam bahasa Inggris, kita menggunakan signal words berikut:
due tobecause ofowing tothanks toas a consequence ofas a result ofbecausesinceasforNah, untuk menunjukan cause and effect dalam kalimat ada dua jenis yakni yang diikuti kata benda (followed by noun) dan yang diikuti kata kerja (followed by verb).
Followed by noun
Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect
Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause
Due to Jen’s laziness, she didn’t pass the Math test.
Signal phrase: Due toCause: Jen’s lazinessEffect: She didn’t pass the testHe was sick as a consequence of his ignorance.
Signal phrase: As a consequenceCause: His ignoranceEffect: He was sickFollowed by verb
Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect
Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause
Because Jen was lazy, she didn’t pass the Math test.
Signal phrase: BecauseCause: Jen was lazyEffect: She didn’t pass the Math testAs he ignored his health, he will be sick.
Signal word: AsCause: He ignoredEffect: He will be sickPelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang cause and effect:
___________________________Detil JawabanKelas : SMA kelas XI
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Complex sentence - clause of reason and purpose, Building sentences
Kata kunci : Cause and effect, Dialog
Kode : 11.5.6
Cause and EffectLana and Ben are classmates. They are having a conversation on Monday morning before the flag ceremony in their school yard.
Lana: Hi, Ben! Are you alright? You look a bit pale.
Ben: Hi, Lana. I lack of sleep so I feel tired but I'm fine. Thanks!
Lana: Why? Did you go hiking again last weekend?
Ben: No, I didn't. I couldn't go anywhere due to a lot of homework and the upcoming test. Last week, Arfan was punished because he did not submit the homework. I don't want to get the same punishment.
Lana: Oh, I see. I worked on those homework one at a time long before the deadline. As a result, I do not have to stay up late to finish them the last minute.
Ben: Yes, you are right. I should do that next time. Thanks for your advice.
Lana: You are welcome. Let me know if you need any help. Good luck!
Ben: Thank you.
PembahasanCause and Effect Relation
Cause secara sederhana diartikan sebagai alasan atau motif seseorang melakukan sebuah tindakan. Dalam kata lain, cause adalah alasan mengapa sesuatu terjadi. Effect diartikan hasil atau akibat dari sebuah tindakan. Contohnya:
It rained very hard so I got wet.Cause = It rained.
Effect = I got wet.
Dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan cause and effect digunakan signal words sebagai berikut:
due toas a result of because of as a consequence of + Nounowing to thanks to because since + Verbas for Pelajari lebih lanjut1. Materi tentang cause and effect tentang Flooding
2.Materi tentang contoh dialog cause and effect
Detil JawabanKelas : 11
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Complex sentence - clause of reason and purpose, Building sentences
Kata kunci : Cause and effect , reason, impact, dialogue
Kode : 11.5.6
19. Sort the quadrilaterals. Copy the table below in a piece of paper and complete it. ---------------------------------Trapezium:Rhombus :
trapezium:a, c, g
rhombus:b, d, e, f, h
maaf jika salah
semoga bermanfaat
20. You and l have done homework
Bahasa Inggris:
You and l have done homework
Bahasa Indonesia:
Kamu dan aku sudah melakukan pekerjaan rumah (pr)
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