choose the letter of the word of group of words that best completes the sentence....... igneous rocks may be changed into gneises a. the temperature is high b. if the temperature is high c. high temperatures d. if high temperatures
1. choose the letter of the word of group of words that best completes the sentence....... igneous rocks may be changed into gneises a. the temperature is high b. if the temperature is high c. high temperatures d. if high temperatures
So true queen so true heyy lmao idk
2. 1 These are the probabilities for some severe weather in the next month.Flooding0.1High temperatures0.7Hurricane0.2Earthquake0.05ProbabilityFind the probability that there will not be:a hurricaned earthquakeC floodingb high temperatures.tolong dijawab cepat
D. Earthquake
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
sorry if this answer incorrected.
3. 4) Which of the following represents all the possible values of x that satisfy the equation below? X X x − 3 2x 2 *
Nilai x memenuhi persamaan yaitu x = 0 atau x = 4. Soal ini berkaitan dengan materi mencari nilai x dari suatu persamaan.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkahDiketahui :
Koreksi soal, mungkin maksud Anda persamaan x/(x-3) = 2x/2
Ditanyakan :
Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut
Jawab :
Langkah 1
x / (x - 3) = 2x / 2
Jika dipindah ruas akan menjadi :
x . 2 = 2x . (x – 3)
Selanjutnya kita lakukan operasi
2x = [tex]2x^{2}[/tex] – 6x
0 = [tex]2x^{2}[/tex] – 8x
0 = 2x (x – 4)
x = 0 atau x = 4
Jadi, x yang memenuhi adalah x = 0 atau x = 4
Pelajari Lebih LanjutMateri tentang mencari nilai x dari suatu persamaan
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1
4. They build a new high stone wall around the garden.change the sentence below into passive voice
A new high stone wall is built by them around the garden
PembahasanThey build a new high stone wall around the garden
Structure Kalimatnya:Subject => They Verb-1 => build Object => a new high stone wall Complement => around the gardenBerdasarkan keterangan di atas:Kalimat menggunakan pola dari Present Tense karena setelah Subjek (they) menggunakan Verb-1 (build)Kalimat soal adalah kalimat Aktif, karena Subjek melakukan aksi dalam kalimatnya.Untuk mengubahnya ke Kalimat Pasif, maka Objeknya diberi aksi oleh Subjek dalam kalimatnya.Berikut Rumus yg digunakan:Active: S + Verb-1 (-s/es) + O
=> They build a new high stone wall around the garden
Mereka membangun sebuah tembok batu tinggi yg baru di sekeliling tamanPassive: O + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By S
=> A new high stone wall is built by them around the garden
Sebuah tembok batu tinggi yg baru dibangun oleh mereka di sekeliling taman=== Semoga Membantu ===
Link TerkaitPassive Voice: JAWABAN Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Passive Voice Level: SHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Tense
5. if - 15 represents 15m below sea level, then + 20 represents...
20m above sea level.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
hope this help
6. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36
the working and the answer are shown in the pic.
semangat belajar;))
7. if it...…more humid in the desert of the southwest, the hot temperatures would be unbearable.
semoga membantu yaa :D
8. arti lambang high temperatures
hati hati
suhu tinggi
semoga bermanfaat
9. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36
the working and the answer are shown in the pic.
semangat belajar;))
10. On a map, 1 cm represents 60 km. Find the length on the map represents a distance of 480 km!
8 cm
Explanation with steps:
scale = map length : actual length
scale = 1 cm : 6.000.000 cm
scale = 1 : 6.000.000
48.000.000 cm / 6.000.000 = 8 cm
hence, 480 km is represented by 8 cm on the map
11. the buffalo represents... characterjawab secepatnya ya
the buffalo represents... character..Indonesia
maaf klo salah
jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya
12. If A represents 256 units of stamps and B represents 168 units of stamps. The ratio of B to the total of stamps in the simplest form is
53 : 21
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
total= 256+168= 424
424 : 168
212 : 84
106 : 42
53 : 21
klo salah bilang di komen nanti saya coba perbaiki
13. 2. The outlook for the weekend is similar, with temperatures in the high thirties. (Ibid) 3. One of the children in Anna’s group comes to her and says that all his money has been stolen. (Ibid)
maksud pertanyaan nya apa?Arti pertanyaanya atau jawabanya
14. How do plants in tropical rainforests minimise losing moisture through transpiration due to the high temperatures?
How do plants in tropical rainforests minimise losing moisture through transpiration due to the high temperatures?
Bagaimana tanaman di hutan hujan tropis meminimalkan kehilangan kelembaban melalui transpirasi karena suhu tinggi?
tanaman di hutan hujan tropis meminimalkan kehilangan kelembaban melalui transpirasi karena suhu tinggi dalam keseriusan sosial yang ditinjau dari pemanfaatannya dikarenakan dalam suatu alam meminimalkan kehilangan kelembaban melalui transpirasi lingkungan.
15. Make an announcement based on the situation below SITUATION:Your senior high school Will held the independence day
Attention please, this is a very important announcement! Your senior high school will celebrate independece day! get ready and be prepared because it's going to be a hell of a party, kids!
16. 1. The antonim of the words below is........A. Big x ....B. Large x ......C. High x ......D. Heavy x ......
A. Small
B. Narrow
C. Low
D. Light
A. Big x small
B. large x narrow
C. high x low
D. heavy x floaty
17. The ordered array below represents the number of vitamin supplements sold by a health food store in a sample of 16 days.
ufffewfeffwe ubwemubwe osas
18. Complete the dialogue with the words belowFernando meets Yen sy at kjakua Sulo highShcool
fernando meets Yen at Kjakua Sulo highschool.
19. Hich option best represents the location where the electric field strength is zero ?
Why electric field strength in a sphere is zero? All the charges lie on the surface of the charged sphere. If a gaussian surface is drawn within the sphere, there will not be any charge within the surface. Therefore, the electric field strength inside a sphere is zero.
20. What is the difference between day and night temperatures at the dessert ?
Jawaban:temperatures in the desert can reach 40°celcius and at day the temperatures can be so hot and at night the temperatures can be so cold
Arti:suhu di gurun bisa mencapa 40° celcius dan pada siang hari bisa sangat panas dan di malam hari suhu bisa sangat dingin
Maaf kalau salah:"(
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