Stretching Should Be Accompanied By Slow Deep Breaths

Stretching Should Be Accompanied By Slow Deep Breaths

Change into active."Rio will be accompanied by Mr. Peter."

Daftar Isi

1. Change into active."Rio will be accompanied by Mr. Peter."


Mr. Peter will accompany Rio

2. A. TallB. BigC. SlowD. Deep​


A . ( Big \ Sama sama besar seperti kucing )


3. The voice issued by a muadzin must be … slow and fast slow and loud slow and clear loud and clear


Suara yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang muadzin harus…

lambat dan cepat

lambat dan keras

lambat dan jelas

keras dan jelas


يجب أن يكون الصوت الصادر عن المؤذن ...

بطيء وسريع

بطيء وبصوت عال

بطيء وواضح

واضح وعال

jawabannya =

keras dan jelas

Jawaban:Suara yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang muadzin harus…

lambat dan cepat

lambat dan keras

lambat dan jelas

keras dan jelas



يجب أن يكون الصوت الصادر عن المؤذن ...

بطيء وسريع

بطيء وبصوت عال

بطيء وواضح

واضح وعال

maaf kalo slah dit:V

4. Ada beberapa jenis stretching sebelum melakukan aktivitas olahraga. Deni melakukan stretching dengan mengangkat lutut sampai depan dada sampai pada hitungan tertentu. Stretching yang dilakukan Deni merupakan stretching​


kaki atau paha


maaf kalau salah...

5. be careful,you should.......for cars. 1.slow down. 2.knocked over. 3.hurry up. out​


be careful, you should hurry up for cars


may be useful Make the smartest answers

6. what is/are accompanied by caption​


1. Identification Bar

2. Cutline

3. Summary

4. Expanded

5. Group Identification

6. Quote


This Stuff ar Needing for Caption

1. Identification Bar

2. Cutline

3. Summary

4. Expanded

5. Group Identification

6. Quote


Kuharap ini membantu:)

7. ass. tolong bantu aku sekarang ditunggu.12. From the passage, we can assume thatchildren should be their parentswhile they are using the internet.A. Taught D. AccompaniedB. Watched E. ObservedC. Seen​




Aku bingung sih gada bacaannya. Tapi Yg paling spesifik jawabannya itu D


b. watched


maaf kalo salah

8. Why does English need to be taught to elementary school children? explain your answer accompanied by Data or Facts!


Because of the role of English as global language, it is importance to introduce English as foreign language to the Elementary School students since they are in early age. ... This idea states that Elementary School students as young learners are able to learn a new language with greater ease than older learners.

translate: Karena peran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa global, maka penting untuk mengenalkan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing kepada siswa Sekolah Dasar sejak dini. ... Gagasan ini menyatakan bahwa Siswa Sekolah Dasar sebagai pelajar muda mampu mempelajari bahasa baru dengan lebih mudah daripada pelajar yang lebih tua.

note: Kurang lebih begitu


Maaf kalo salah

Source? Google

9. This dance is accompanied by the musical instruments called...


Arti: Tarian ini diiringi oleh alat musik yang disebut...

Kalau boleh tau tarian apa? tapi sorry kalau gabisa jawab

10. Answer."Accompanied by my guide, Mr. Dasa,we rode on a gigantic elephant."(paragraph 3)The world gigantic can be replaced by​

big, enormous, massive, large, huge, giant

11. you should drive more _____(slow) along this road

You Should drive more ____ (slow) along this road.


You Should drive more slowing along this road.

you should drive more (slow up) along this road.

*menurut saya

12. 31. Which of the following is good for children in watching Tv ?? A.Children should watch the violence on Tv B. Children may watch Tv whenever thy like C.There shouldn't be government censorship of Tv program D.Children should be accompanied by their paren in watching Tv E.Children should spend all of their time to watch Tv program

D. children should be accompanied by their parent in watching Tv


D. Children should be accompanied by their parents in watching Tv

(Anak-anak harus ditemani oleh orang tua mereka dalam menonton TV)


Karena yg ditanyakan “Manakah dari berikut ini yang baik untuk anak-anak dalam menonton TV ?” Sedangkan pilihan ganda yg tertera:

A. Anak-anak harus menonton kekerasan di TV

B. Anak-anak dapat menonton TV kapan pun Anda suka

C. Seharusnya tidak ada sensor pemerintah terhadap program TV

D. Anak-anak harus ditemani oleh orang tua mereka dalam menonton TV

E. Anak-anak harus menghabiskan seluruh waktu mereka untuk menonton program TV

Maka Jawaban yg paling tepat D.

Semoga Membantu

13. Slow down or we're going to have an accident. you..... so fast A. Should drive B. Shouldn't drive C. Shouldn't be driving D. Should have driven dan berikan alasan

jawabannya adalah b. shouldn't drive

alasannya karena disuruh jalan agak pelan, jika tidak akan kecelakaan. jadi jawabannya. maukah kamu menyetir tidak terlalu cepat. maka pakai should not drive fast

14. Visitors must be accompanied by a employee when they are in the building ? Manakah kata yang salah dan tolong bagaimana pembetulan katanya yang benar ?

yang salah itu kata "a" nya, ini yang benar: Visitors must be accompanied by an employee when they are in the building

15. slow down or we're going to have an accident. you..... so fast A. Should drive B. Shouldn't drive C. Shouldn't be driving D. Should have driven

The answer is B.Shouldn't drive
I'm sorry if wrong...

16. 1. How is our lungs when we breaths in air?2. How is our lungs when we breaths out air?3. How is our diaphragm when we breaths in air?4. How is our diaphragm when we breaths out air?5. How is the process of human respiration? Explain it!​


1. our lungs expand

2.Our lungs deflate

3.our diaphragm contracts

4.our diaphragm relaxes

5.when we inhale, air goes into a tube called the windpipe and then into your lungs .

17. dinner at the club is always ... at seven thirty a.serving b.served c.serves serve financial statements must be ... by supporting documents a accompany b having accompanied c accompanies d accompanied alesannya?pola?kenapa jawab begitu?

DIner at the club is always served at seven thirty (c) --> kalimat pasif.

Financial statements must be accompanied by supporting documents (d) --> kalimat pasif.


18. 3. According to the writer, the drug users should bea accompaniedb. rehabilitatede Entertainedd trapped​

b rehabilitated maksudnya direhabilitasi

19. You should drive more...(slow/slowly)along this road​


You should drive more...(slow/slowly)along this road​

jawab :( slowly )


Semoga membantu

#j#jangan lupa follow ya




You should drive more...(slow/slowly)along this road

jawab : ( slowly )


Semoga membantu

#jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

20. You should drive more...(slow/slowly)along this road


You should drive more slowly along this road


Maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu


You should drive more...(slow/slowly)along this road

jawab : You should drive more slowly (slow/slowly)along this road artinya Anda harus mengemudi lebih lambat (pelan/pelan) di sepanjang jalan ini


semoga membantu

# jangan lupa follow ya

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Stretching Should Be Accompanied By Slow Deep Breaths Stretching Should Be Accompanied By Slow Deep Breaths Reviewed by Romano on Desember 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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