Robert Louis Stevenson The Swing

Robert Louis Stevenson The Swing

can someone tell me ALL of the characters in the novel book (TREASURE ISLAND) by Robert Louis Stevenson

Daftar Isi

1. can someone tell me ALL of the characters in the novel book (TREASURE ISLAND) by Robert Louis Stevenson


Ben gunn

Billy Bones

Jim hawkins

Long John Silver


john trelawny

abraham gray

israel hands

captain alexander smollet

Job anderson

Semoga membantu yaa

2. Please give me - CLARIFICATION OF TERMS - CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS in Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson




semoga membantu jadikan jawaban yang tercerdas

3. Can someone make the full settings of the book TREASURE ISLAND by Robert Louis Stevenson. The settings of book report. please i will be so grateful if anyone would make this properly :)

please make the full settings of book report. the book is TREASURE ISLAND by Robert Louis.

Set in the mid 1700s, first along the coast of western England and then in the seaport of Bristol, the book takes readers quickly to the high seas and finally to a remote and secret island on a quest for pirate treasure.

The story is about Jim, a young boy who goes in search of treasure after finding a treasure map.

According to one source, the action of the novel probably takes place between the years 1757 and 1762.

Isla de Pinos near Cuba, which served as a supply base for pirates for about 300 years, is believed to have inspired Treasure Island. Norman Island in the British Virgin Islands was supposedly mentioned to Stevenson by a sailor uncle, and also possesses a "Spyglass Hill" like the fictional Treasure Island.

4. Tokoh yang menemukan vaksin cacar adalah .... a. Louis Pasteur b. Alexander Fleming c. Robert Koch d. Edward Jenner

D. Edward Jenner......... :)

5. what the meaning of swing​


the meaning of swing is ayunan

6. i think no one will ever answer this but i wanna ask if someone can compile a book report. the book is TREASURE ISLAND by Robert Louis Stevenson


can, but with intent


if someone makes a book report, it really needs to be asked because it's easy

7. the gril swing in the playground​


pengertiannya adalah seorang anak perempuan sedang berayun atau bermain ayunan di taman bermain. sorry kalo salah, semoga membantu.

8. the swing and slide are near the wall

Ayunan dan perosotannya dekat dengan tembok

kalau salah maafayunan itu dan prosotan itu ada di dekat tembok

9. mikroskop elektron diperkenalkan oleh?a. Robert hookeb. Antonie van leeuwenhoekc. Louis pasteurd. ernst ruska

Mikroskop elektron diperkenalkan oleh?
a. Robert Hooke
b. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
c. Louis Pasteur
d. Ernst Ruska
Jawaban: D. Ernst RuskaMikroskop elektron diperkenalkan oleh?
A. Robert hooke
B. Antonie van leeuwenhoek
C. Louis pasteur
D. Ernst ruska

==> D. Ernst ruska

Semoga Membantu ^_^

10. Saintis yang berperan dalam perkembangan Biologi terutama di bidang sel adalah : * Robert Hooke Charles Darwin Louis Pasteur Gregor Mendel


A.Robert Hooke


Robert Hooke adalah penemu sel pada mahluk hidup


Robert Hooke


karena dia orang pertama yang menemukan sel

- Charles Darwin orang yang mengemukakan teori evolusi

- Louis Pasteur dia adalah orang yang berhasil mencegah pembusukan makanan

- Gregor Mendel dia adalah orang yang menunjukkan sifat dan warisan gen secara biologis yang di sebut Hukum Mendel

11. tuliskan hasil penemuan yang diperoleh oleh robert hooke dan louis pasteur

Robert hooke penemu sel

Louis Pasteur pencetus teori abiogenesis

12. a. Ilmuwan pertama yang melihat sel-sel menggunakan mikroskop.... Van Hohl b. Robert Hooke Louis Pasteur d. Robert Brown C.k besok di kumpulin tolong akuipa​




Pada tahun 1665, ia mengamati gabus di bawah mikroskopnya dan mengurai apa yang disebut sel gabus. Sebenarnya yang diamatinya ialah sebuah benda berupa sayatan gabus. Kata sel berasal dari kata Latin cellulae yang berarti 'kamar-kamar kecil'.

[tex]{\boxed{\colorbox{lavender}{\colorbox{white}{\colorbox{blue}{ Semoga Membantu }}}}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\colorbox{black}{\color{magenta}{\boxed{\pink{\mathscr{☯ \:Geng \: Pintar☯}}}}}[/tex]

13. Tuliskan penemuan yg diperoleh oleh ilmuwan berikut: a. Christian Eijkman b. Robert Hooke b. Louis Pasteur

R.H wittaker : tata nama ganda (binomial nomenklatur) ----> klasifikasi 5 kingdom
louis pasteur :yg menyangga teori abiogenesis,louis berpendapat bahwa asal usul kehidupan berasal dari kehidupan sebelumnya (omne vivum ex vivum)

ingetnya sih gitu.louis pasteur ahli mikroba ,

14. can someone make a book report. the book is (TREASURE ISLAND) by Robert Louis Sevenson. i know its to much sorry...

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson tells the story of Jim, a young boy who watches over an inn in an English seaside town with his mother and his gravely ill father. A new guest at the inn, Bill, terrifies everyone at the inn with his raunchy sea songs and threats of violence.

Bill falls ill and dies just as pirates descend on the inn to kill Bill and to ransack his things. Just before the pirates can burst in and find Jim and his mom, the two of them escape with a number of coins and a pouch. Jim finds out that there is a treasure map hidden in the pouch.

After showing this map to the doctor that waited on his father and Bill, Dr. Livesey, the doctor and his friend Squire Trelawney decide to set sail to uncover the treasure. Jim goes along as a member of the crew.

The squire and doctor hire a number of men to head the voyage, including Long John Silver as the ship's cook. Along the journey at sea, Jim falls asleep inside a barrel and awakes to hear that Long John Silver has planned a mutiny along with most of the crew!

Once they reach the island with the treasure, Jim slips onshore with Silver and some of the mutineers. After the mutineers kill two men that don't want to join the mutiny, Jim runs away into the jungle on the island. While there, he meets an abandoned man, Ben Gunn.

Meanwhile, Trelawney, the doctor, and the other men get ashore and find a stockade, or a giant wooden enclosure, something like a mini-fort. Eventually, after a meeting between Silver and the captain of the ship in the stockade, there is a battle. While a number of mutineers are killed, two men die and one is injured within the stockade, and Dr. Livesey goes out to find Ben Gunn and enlist his help.

Jim sneaks out of the stockade and cuts the ship loose, crashing it on the beach, securing it for the crew, and killing a pirate left on the ship in self-defense. Jim sneaks back to the stockade where, to his surprise, Long John Silver and his men are now staying! Silver explains that the captain and Dr. Livesey agreed to give up the map and the stockade for free passage. However, when the mutineers get to the treasure, they find that someone has already dug it up! Before the angry mutineers can attack Silver and Jim, the original crew pop up and ambush them with guns, having already dug up and hid the treasure.

Though Silver slips away from the crew during the journey back to England, evading a trial and hanging, Jim still has terrifying dreams of him for many months afterward.

15. * Tokoh yang menemukan penisilin adalah .... a. Louis Pasteur b. Alexander Fleming c. Robert Koch d. Edward Jenner

Tokoh yang menemukan penisilin adalah Alexander Fleming

16. Ilmuwan yang berjasa dalam penemuan sel adalah.... a. Robert Hooke b. Louis Pasteur c. Edward Jenner d. Christiaan Eijkman

a. Robert Hooke

Ilmuwan yang berjasa dalam penemuan sel adalah Robert Hooke


Ilmuwan yang berhasil menemukan sel adalah Robert Hooke. Penemuan sel ini didapati ketia Beliau meneliti sayatan gabus dari batang batang Quercus suber menggunakan mikroskop. Hal tersebut terjadi pada tahun 1665, ketia ia berusia 30 tahun. Dalam penelitian tersebut, Ia mendapati adanya ruang-ruang kosong yang dibatasi dinding tebal. Ia menyebut ruang ruang kosong itu dengan istilah cellulae yang artinya sel. Ternyata, sel yang ditemukan dalam penelitian tersebut adalah sel-sel gabus yang telah mati. Sejak penemuan itu, beberapa ilmuwan berlomba untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang sel.

sel adalah suatu satuan struktural dan fungsional terkecil dari suatu organisme atau makhluk hidup. Sel pada umumnya tersusun dari membran sel, sitoplasma, dan organel-organel sel. Tumbuhan dan hewan juga terdiri dari susunan sel-sel.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri mengenai klasifikasi hewan: mengenai uniseluler dan multiseluler: jawabanKelas: 7Mapel: BiologiBab: Organisasi kehidupanKode: 4Kata Kunci: sel, biologi, makhluk, hidup

17. * Tokoh yang menemukan vaksin cacar adalah .... a. Louis Pasteur b. Alexander Fleming c. Robert Koch d. Edward Jenner

vaksin cacar: (d) Edward Jenner

18. Bagaimana bunyi hukum Stevenson?

Kecepatan angin bertiup berbanding lurus dengan gradien barometiknya. Semakin besar gradien barometiknya semakin besar kecepatannya.Menurut hukum Stevenson, kekuatan angin berbanding lurus dengan gradien barometrik. Gradien barometrik adalah angka yang menunjukkan perbedaan tekanan udara dari dua isobar pada tiap jarak 15 meridian (111 km).

19. Tokoh yang menemukan penisilin adalah .... a. Louis Pasteur b. Alexander Fleming c. Robert Koch d. Edward Jenner

jawaban B alexander fleming

20. obrometer stevenson??

alat penakar hujan ☺

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Robert Louis Stevenson The Swing Robert Louis Stevenson The Swing Reviewed by Romano on Desember 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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