1. (a) The special tube has many tiny holes. From the results, which substance !passed from the solution in the special tube to the water in the beaker(b) Why is this substance found in the water in the beaker?
1. 1. (a) The special tube has many tiny holes. From the results, which substance !passed from the solution in the special tube to the water in the beaker(b) Why is this substance found in the water in the beaker?
where is the question? if you give me the text i will answer it
2. The solute is ... A. The solute is the substance in a solution that has the greatest amount B. The solute is the substance that is being dissolved by another substance C. The solute is the substance that dissolves the other substance D. The solute is the the substance in a solution that has the greatest amount
(B).The solute is the substance that is being dissolved by another substance
3. 6.Sebuah gelas beaker dengan volume 250 ml sudah diisi dengan 100 ml air. Sejumlah kelereng,masing-masing bervolume 5 cm dimasukkan ke dalam gelas beaker, jumlah kelereng yang dapatdimasukkan sampai air pada gelas beaker penuh adalah ....A 15B. 20C.25D. 30
maaf bgt klo slh
semoga membantu:)❤
maaf Kalau Salah Hasilny D.30
4. the following notice means DO NOT TASTE a. you must not taste the substance b. the substance in not tasty c. the taste in not delicious d. you can taste is later
b the substances is not tasty
A. You must not taste the substance5. 1 .Gopal left 200ml of water in a beaker on a table. in the next morning there was only 175ml of water left in the beaker(a) explain why there was less water in the beaker the next morning(b) if he left the same volume water in a dish instead of the beaker would there be more or less 175ml of water left the next morning? why?.2. Rose collected some seawater when she went to seaside describe one way she could get salt cystals from the seawater.
1.Because it's been drunk.
2.Filter the water.
Sorry if wrong.
Make it the brainliest answer! ;)
6. Put a, an or the in the dialogues!
semua pake the, semoga mwmbantu ,maaf klw salahwhy is the earth hottest at an equator?
because that is the part of an earth that is close to the sun
7. there are a lot of books..... a. put it on the boxb. put them on the boxc. put it in the boxd. put them in the boxjawab pliss
a.put in on the box
smoga benar dan bermanfaat
the answer is D. put them in the box
a lot of books ( plural )
plural noun uses them
inkarena masukan kedalam bukan masukan diatas ( on)
8. put a tick in the correct answer
This is the answer i hope it will be helpful for you1. more
2. less
3. bigger
4. wildest
5. wiser
6. fairer
7. the heaviest
8. the most delicious
9. more patient
10. closer
9. A. Put the mix in the pan. B. Put the flour in the bowl.C. Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.D. Make sure it's 250 ml of milk.26. "Make sure (it's) 250 ml of milk"The underlined word refers to ...A. 2 eggs B. the flour C. the cupD. the milk
(C) the cup
10. 1. Imagine that you are looking down a microscope at a slide labelled 'cells'. You can see a coloured substance with dots in it and lines that divide the substance into rectangular shapes. What are :a. the dotsb. the linesc. the coloured substance?
b. the lines
sorry if wrong
11. Put them in the cupboard in the ...”
maaf kalau salah
12. Sebuah gelas beaker dengan volume 250 ml sudah diisi dengan 100 ml air. Sejumlah kelerang, masing masing bervolume 5 cm3 dimasukkan ke dalam gelas beaker jumlah kelereng yg dapat dimasukkan sampai air pada gelas beaker penuh adalah
Banyaknya kelereng yang dapat dimasukkan dalam gelas beaker yang sudah di isi air sebanyak 100 ml adalah 30 butir.
PembahasanBesaran adalah sesuatu yang dapat diukur dan mempunyai nilai. Salah satu jenis besaran dari besaran turunan adalah volume. Satuan SI untuk besaran turunan adaalah m³. semua benda yang yang diukur volume nya satuannya harus dinyatakan dengan satuan m³. Benda-benda seperti bola atau tabung, volumenya dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan volume dari masing-masing jenis bangun ruang. Namun ada benda yang tidak beraturan seperti batu,kita tetap dapat menghitung volume benda tersebut dengan menggunakan gelas beaker atau gelas ukur. Caranya dengan mengamati volume air sebelum kita isi dengan batu dan volume setelah kita isi batu. Selisih kedua volume menjadi nilai volume dari si batu. Sayangnya gelas beaker tidak dinyatakan dengan satuan m³ melainkan dalam ml (mili liter), namun jangan khawatir
ml = cm³ , maknanya 1 ml setara dengan 1 cm³
l = dm³ , maknanya 1 l setara dengan 1 dm³
kl = m³ , maknanya 1 kl setara dengan 1 m³
berdasarkan kasus yang di sajikan
V sebelum = 100 ml
V sesudah = 250 ml
V batu total = 250 ml - 100 ml
V batu total = 150 ml = 150 cm³
volume 1 batu = 5 cm³
V batu total = n x V 1 batu
n = [tex]\frac{V batu total}{V 1 batu}[/tex]
n = [tex]\frac{150 cm³}{5 cm³}[/tex]
n = 30 butir
Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang besaran pada link https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12567428
Materi tentang volume pada link https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20315698
Detail jawabanKelas : 7
Mapel : IPA
Bab : 1. besaran dan pengukuran
Kode soal :7.6.1
Kata kunci : Besaran , besaran turunan, volume batu, konversi satuan
13. which substance must be present in the soil for the growth of a healthy green plant ?
Nutrition, even it macronutrien or micronutrien
macronutrien such as Carbon, Hidrogen, Nitrogen, Oksigen, Sulfur, Posfor, Kalcium, Kalium, Magnesiumthe substance must be be present in the soil for the gwowth of a healthy green plant is humat substance
14. The hunter put the lion in a itu artinya apa
kayanya artinya si pemburu itu meletakkan singanya dimana
semoga membantu ^_^Pemburu menempatkan singa dalam
15. the highest substance contained in the product is..
vit B1
maaf kalau salah
16. a put my pencil in the
pencil box: kotak pencilpencilchase. kalo ga slah..
17. the sofa....in the corner of a roomA.put B.puts C.is put D.are put
c) is put
maaf kalau salahB. Puts Karena pakai V+Ing
18. 2. Read the text carefuly!This is our house. The parts of the house are a guest room, a living room, dining room, a bed room, abath room, a kitchen, and garage, We put one table and tour chairs in the guestroom. We put six chairs andone dining table in the diningroom. We put a sideboard, we put a wardrobe and a bed. We put a bucket in thebathroom. In the kitchen we put utensils and we put our car in the garage,Answers Questions !1. Mention parts of the house!2. What do we put in the diningroom?3. In the sofa in the guest room?4. What are there in the bedroom?5. Where do we put kitchen utensil?6. How many room are there in the house?7. What do we put in the guestroom?8. Where we do watch TV?9. Where do we put a bucket?10. What is there in the garage?.
1. Mention parts of the house!
guest roomliving roomdining roombedroombathroomkitchengarage2. What do we put in the diningroom?
one dining table and six chairs3. In the sofa in the guest room?
the text does not mention any sofa.4. What are there in the bedroom?
a wardrobe and a bed5. Where do we put kitchen utensil?
in the kitchen6. How many rooms are there in the house?
7 rooms7. What do we put in the guestroom?
one table and four chairs.8. Where we do watch TV?
in the living room.9. Where do we put a bucket?
in the bathroom10. What is there in the garage?
a carPenjelasan:
guest room = kamar tamuliving room = ruang keluargadining room = ruang makanbedroom = kamar tidurbathroom = kamar mandikitchen = dapurgarage = garasikitchen utensil = peralatan dapurchair = kursibed = tempat tidurbucket = ember19. how you could test for the presence of glucose in a substance.
drip the subtance with certain drops of benedict. observe the subtance, if the subtance's color turns into orange, then there's glucose in the subtance.
20. the following notice means DO NOT TASTE a. you must not taste the substance b. the substance in not tasty c. the taste in not delicious d. you can taste is later
A. You mustnot taste the substance
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