Label The Blood Vessels Using The Hints Provided

Label The Blood Vessels Using The Hints Provided

. Blood vessels are tubes in the body. Two kinds of blood vessels are cepet kakk

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1. . Blood vessels are tubes in the body. Two kinds of blood vessels are cepet kakk


yg 1 artery( merah)

yg 2 vein( biru)

ada pda pelajaran ipa

2. Made up of the heart and blood vessels​


Cardiovascular system

sorry if it's wrong hope it helps

3. 1.Human heart is divided into … chambers. a fourb.threec.twod.one2.The human lungs are made up of …, which are surrounded by numerous …. a.gases, blood vesselsb.blood vessels, air sacsc.air sacs, hairsd.air sacs, blood vessels3.To allow digested food, water, and gases to pass through, blood vessels have very … walls. a.thinb.thickc.smoothd.muscularWhich of the following statements are true about our blood vessels? A: All blood vessels are of the same size. B: All blood vessels perform the same function. C: Some blood vessels cary blood away from the heart. D: Some blood vessels cary blood to the heart. a.C and D onlyb.A and D onlyc.B, C, and D onlyd.B and C only​







sorry if wrong

4. Complete The Text Using The Provided Words In The Box​


1. discussions

2. Time

3. Claim

4. Enough

5. Argue

6. Homewoek

7. Pointless

8. Important

9. Support

10. indenpendent


maaf klo salah

5. Complete the paragraph using the verbs provided. Tolong bantu yaaa...

2. Stay
4. Saw
5. Scenery
6. Had
7. Was
8. Took
9. Lunch
10. Thaught

Semoga membantu :)

6. complete the dialogue using the worlds provided​


1. Can i help you

2. May I have

3. please

4. thankyou

5. Here you are

6. Would you also like

7. colors

8. souvenirs

9. don't mind

10. Not at all

semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

7. complete the following sentence using the words provided in the box!


1. came to

2. stayed

3. spent

4. trapped

5. accumulated

6. continued

7. briefed

8. advised

9. stuck

10. disarmed

8. The heart, blood vessels and blood form the ....(3 Points)a.circulatory systemb.respiratory systemc.nervous systemd.digestive system​

Jawaban: a. Circulatory system


9. complete the sentences using the phrases provided in the box​


1. a bowl of soto betawi

2. a cup of coffee

3. a plate of kerak telor

4. a glass of orange juice

5. a bottle of bir pletok

6. a slice of bread

7. a box of cookies

8. a piece of candy

10. Coats disease is an eye disorder characterized by abnormal development of the blood vessels in the retina ​


Penyakit Coats adalah gangguan mata yang ditandai dengan perkembangan abnormal pembuluh darah di retina


maaf kalo salah tapi kalau benar jadikan jawaban terbaik ya jangan lupa comment

Coats disease was first described in 1908 and is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal development of the blood vessels in the retina. The retina is a nerve-rich tissue lining the back of the eye that transmits light images to the brain, which allows a person to see.

11. find the information in the label provided​


•The ingredients used

•Nutritional facts

•Serving instruction

•Expiration date


maaf klo salah

12. how many types of blood vessels in the body and differentiate their characteristics?

thwre are 3 types of blood vessels in our body.
1. veins: it carries blood back to our heart,
2. arteries: it carries blood away from our heart,
3. capillaries: the smallest blood vesselsleukosit : bentuk tidak teratur, bisa menembus organ2 di dalam tubuh
Eritrosit : tidak berinti, mempunyai Hb
Trombosit :bentuk tak beraturan, tak berinti, berukuran lebih kecil dari eritrosit

13. Complete the following complement cards using the verbs provided


Lengkapi kartu pelengkap berikut dengan menggunakan kata kerja yang tersedia

maaf ya kalo salah

14. completr the following dialogue using expresions provided in the box

where is the dialogue?
nothing serve there. and about the expressions in the box?
where they are!?

15. The blood vessels that bring the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all parts of the body is called​


The blood vessels that bring the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all parts of the body is called​ ARTINYA;

Pembuluh darah yang membawa darah kaya oksigen dari jantung ke seluruh bagian tubuh disebut



16. complete the following complement cards using the verbs provided

1) heard
2) won
3) felt
4) worked

terjemahan :
mendengar bahwa karanganmu memenangkan juara pertama dalam kompetisi nasional. selamat! aku tahu seberapa kuat kamu tentang masalah ini dan berapa lama kamu mengembangkan argumenmu. kamu adalah contoh yang baik tentang bagaimana komitmen dan kerja keras yang membuahkan hasil. kehormatan ini menunjukkan masa depan yang menjanjikan dalam jurnalisme dan pelayanan publik. kita berharap yang terbaik untuk kamu

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya:)

17. complete the following compliment cards using the verbs provided

told, completed,said,were.

Itu jawabannya ya..

Semoga membantu.. Maaf kalo salah...:)

18. Complete the label with the correct word provided in the box!

1.Relieves. Artinya:Dapat meredakan migrain

2.Caplets. Artinya:tablet yang berbentuk bulat kalau untuk berbentuk seperti tabung itu tablet jadi bisa bedakan diantara mereka berdua.

3.Composition. Artinya komposisi dalam obatnya

4.Indication. Kebalikan dari kontraindikasi yaitu manfaat dari mengonsumsi obat ini/menyembuhkan penyakit apa.

5.Times. Artinya:3 kali sehari

6.Contraindication. Kontraindikasi biasanya berfungsi untuk mencegah bagi pasien yang terkena penyakit yang lebih tinggi dan merupakan kebalikan dari indikasi(indication).Ini hampir mirip dengan efek samping mengonsumsi obat ini.

7.Doses. Artinya: Kebanyakan dosis(Overdosis) penggunaan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada ginjal

8.Immediately. Artinya:Segera hubungi dokter

9.Consume. Artinya:Mengonsumsi alkohol berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada liver

10.Produced by Artinay:Diproduksi oleh

Sekian terima kasih!

Jadikan jawaban yang terbaik!

19. arti dari the microscopic blood vessels that connect arteries and veinds callaed...please sekalian jawabannya

artinya pembuluh darah mikroskopis yg menghubungkan arteri dan vena disebut jawabannya pembuluh kapiler maaf kl g salah ypembuluh darah mikroskopis yang menghubungkan arteri dan vena disebut Jantung/ Heart

Maaf kalau salah

20. Complete the sentences using the words provided.​


1. I think its a Good Idea to stay at home and watch TV in the rainy days.

2. I think That would be a good idea to have a weekend at the beach.

3. If you feel sicky, you should stay at home and have a rest.

4. Can you give me some Advice? I am really confused.

5. You should sleep earlier if you are not well.

6. Atty feels very tired so, she doesn't go any where.

7. They Dont mind to work hard, because they need much money.

8. We Suggest him to receive the money.

9. If I were you I would be very happy.

10. If you don't want to fail in your exam, you had better study hard.


Untuk penjelasan nya tidak ada,

jawaban nya itu adalah yang di garis bawahi tinggal di tulis


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Label The Blood Vessels Using The Hints Provided Label The Blood Vessels Using The Hints Provided Reviewed by Romano on Desember 17, 2022 Rating: 5

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