If The Distribution Of Absences Was Displayed In A Histogram

If The Distribution Of Absences Was Displayed In A Histogram

Her new pair of shoes ... on the store every Sunday. Displayed Was displayed Were displayed Is displayed Are displayed

Daftar Isi

1. Her new pair of shoes ... on the store every Sunday. Displayed Was displayed Were displayed Is displayed Are displayed


Her new of shoes displayed on the store every Sunday.

2. 22. New products ...... in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.A. DisplayedB. Was displayingC. Were displayedD. Have displayed​

Passive Voice

22. New products ...... in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.  

=> C. Were displayed


Kalimat pada soal di atas menggunakan pola kalimat simple past tense, hal ini dapat diidentifikasi dari bentuk keterangan waktu yang digunakan (a week ago), namun kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk passive. Subject kalimat dalam bentuk jamak, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi  C. Were displayed.

Perhatikan penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang passive voice berikut ini!

Passive voice merupakan suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).

Rumus Kalimat Pasif (Passive Voice)

Subject (object dari kalimat aktif) + to be ( disesuaikan dengan bentuk tensesnya + Verb 3 (past participle)

TENSES                                                 RUMUS PASSIVE VOICE

Simple present                                   subject + is/am/are + Verb 3

Present continuous                      subject + is/am/are + being + Verb 3

Present perfect                               subject + have/has been + Verb 3

Simple past                                       subject + was/were + Verb 3

Past continuous                                subject + was/were + being + Verb 3

Past perfect                                        subject + had been + Verb 3

Simple future                                        subject + will be + Verb 3

Be going to                              subject + is/am/are + going to + be + Verb 3

Future continuous                              subject + will + be + being + Verb 3

Future perfect                                   subject + will have been + Verb 3

Modal                                              Subject + modal + be + Verb 3

Langkah-langkah (tips) membentuk kalimat pasif (Passive Voice) dari kalimat aktif:

Pilih objek penderita dari kalimat aktif itu Buatlah objek tersebut menjadi subjek dari kalimat pasifnya Perhatiakan bentuk tensesnya, subjeknya tunggal atau jamak karena tenses yang di gunakan harus sama Bentuklah predikatnya dengan to be + Verb 3


Materi tentang passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12128532

Materi tentang passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18775915

Materi tentang passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18300489



Kelas : 11

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 6

Kode:11 .5.6


3. Asian type region of the distribution of fauna in indonesia is…


The faunal area of western Indonesia includes Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, and the surrounding small islands. ... The fauna of western Indonesia is also known as the Asiatic fauna. Examples of fauna in western Indonesia include the following:l

4. jelaskan mengenai the functional distribution of income (share distribution)​


Cara menentukan ukuran pokok the functional distribution of income adalah dengan cara

Berdasarkan the size distribution of income

Pada bagian ini, biasnaya secara umum akan dilakukan oleh para ahli ekonomi yang dimana dilakukan pengukuran pada masing-masing individu yang dimana memiliki penghasilan akan dilakukan pencatatan berdasarkan pendapatannya selama satu tahun dari beberapa jumlah individu yang sedang dilakukan penelitian berdasarkan sampling. Di dalam hal ini, biasnaya penghasilan tersebut akan didasari pada pendapatan uang dari kelompok pendapatan terendah hingga tertinggi.

Berdasarkan the functional distribution of income

Di dalam hal ini mealkukan penjelasan terhadap pendapatan yang dimana dilakukan penerimaan oleh beberapa faktor seperti faktor produksi, penguasa, pemilik tanah, hingga pemilik modal.

5. Explain the distribution of the volcanoes


Volcanoes are most likely to occur along the margins of tectonic plates, especially in subduction zones where oceanic plates dive under continental plates. As the oceanic plate subducts beneath the surface, intense heat and pressure melts the rock.


Maaf klo salah....

6. The statue displayed in the Museum last week ... now on display in another city.A. isB. showedc. showingd. was​




semoga bermanfaat


d. was


karena kejadiannya sudah berlalu maka memakai simple past yaitu was

7. which of the following squences is a direct channel of distribution

a.maaf kalo salah manufacturer

8. Of all freshman at a large college, 16% made the dean’s list in the currentyear. As part of a class project, students randomly sample 40 students and check if those students madethe list. They repeat this 1,000 times and build a distribution of sample proportions.(a) What is this distribution called?(b) Would you expect the shape of this distribution to be symmetric, right skewed, or left skewed? Explainyour reasoning.(c) Calculate the variability of this distribution.(d) What is the formal name of the value you computed in (c)?(e) Suppose the students decide to sample again, this time collecting 90 students per sample, and they againcollect 1,000 samples. They build a new distribution of sample proportions. How will the variabilityof this new distribution compare to the variability of the distribution when each sample contained 40observations?


Terjemahan dari soal di atas :

Dari semua mahasiswa baru di perguruan tinggi besar, 16% membuat daftar dekan pada tahun ini. Sebagai bagian dari proyek kelas, siswa secara acak mengambil sampel 40 siswa dan memeriksa apakah siswa tersebut membuat daftar. Mereka mengulangi ini 1.000 kali dan membangun distribusi proporsi sampel. (A) Apa sebutan distribusi ini? (B) Apakah Anda mengharapkan bentuk distribusi ini menjadi simetrik, kanan miring, atau miring kiri? Jelaskan alasan Anda. (C) Hitung variabilitas dari distribusi ini. (D) Apa nama formal dari nilai yang Anda hitung (c)? (e) Misalkan siswa memutuskan untuk mengambil sampel lagi, kali ini mengumpulkan 90 siswa per sampel, dan mereka mengumpulkan 1.000 sampel lagi. Mereka membangun distribusi proporsi sampel baru. Bagaimana variabilitas distribusi baru ini dibandingkan dengan variabilitas distribusi ketika setiap sampel berisi 40 observasi?

jawabannya :

E. Suppose the students decide to sample again, this time collecting 90 students per sample, and they againcollect 1,000 samples. They build a new distribution of sample proportions. How will the variabilityof this new distribution compare to the variability of the distribution when each sample contained 40observations?

maaf kalo salah





c. shown


show v1 nya. sinonim dari displayed yg artinya bisa menunjukkan

10. Explain the differences distribution in the period of pre-islam and after islam?​


Jelaskan distribusi perbedaan periode pra-islam dan setelah islam?

11. begun illegal addition the crackdown Public Order Agency of In oplosan has city"s a on distribution the

dimulai Selain ilegal tindakan keras Badan Ketertiban Umum In oplosan memiliki kota "s pada distribusi

12. change into interrogative form1.the painting displayed in front of the room looks so colorful ​

1. Is that painting displayed in front of the room looks so colorfull?

semoga membantu ^^

13. The government were involved in the distribution of gasoline. Correct the sentences


the goverment supporting the distribution of gasoline

14. The distribution of NKRI Maps

Jawab:Distribusi Peta NKRI

15. 6. New products... in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.a. displayb. displayedc. was displayingd. were displayedbantu kak​



artinya ditampilkan.

maaf kalo salah.


b. displayed


maaf kalo salah semoga membantu Anda

jadikan jawaban tercedas ya

16. "mother and i are going to the mall for some window shopping this afternoon"What does the underlined phrase means? A. Buying the goods displayed in the shop window. B. Looking foythe goods displayed in the shop windows c. Looking at the goods displayed in the shop windows d. Selling the goods displayed in the shop windows




ini yang ditanyakan artinya "window shopping" kan?

window shopping tuh ya berarti liat-liat aja. B & C sama2 looking, tapi yang B kan 'looking for' (artinya: mencari). jawabannya C.

semoga manfaat ^^

17. 1.What kind of electronic device displayed in the brochure? a.televisi b.washing machine. C.refrigerator


ada gambar brosur atau text nya gak kak?


a. televisi



18. Distribution of national income in a country among its population will be worse if​


if the lorenz curve is more curvature


19. diartikan dlm bhs indo.asian type region of the distribution of fauna in indonesia is​


Tipe indo asian wilayah persebaran fauna di indonesia adalah..

semoga membantu yaa


Translateinto Indonesia:

Asian type region of the ditribution of fauna in Indonesia is

Daerah tipe Asia persebaran fauna di Indonesia adalah


Semoga membantu:)

20. 11. Australian type region of the Distribution of fauna in Indonesia isA. SulawesiB BaliС PapuaD Sumatera​


11. Australian type region of the Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is

(persebaran fauna Australian di Indonesia yaitu pada Indonesia bagian?)



C. Papua

Semoga Membantu

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If The Distribution Of Absences Was Displayed In A Histogram If The Distribution Of Absences Was Displayed In A Histogram Reviewed by Romano on Desember 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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