Find five songs in english and fill in the table
1. Find five songs in english and fill in the table
it will rain - brunomars
pretty girl - clairo
to the bone - pamungkas
count on me - brunomars
dandelions - ruth b.
snowman - sia
cheap treals - sia
runaway - aurora
sofia - clairo
1. the title : Heal The World
genre: pop
singer: michael jackson
theme: save the world for better future
2. the title : True Friend
genre: pop
singer: miley cyrus
theme: the powership of friend
3. the title : You Raise Me Up
genre : pop
singer: josh groban
theme: God will always be there for you
4. the title : Fight Song
genre : pop
singer : rachel platten
theme : not to give up in living life
5. the title : Let It Go (ost Frozen)
genre : pop
singer : indina mezel
theme : build strong children's attitudes even though they have limitations.
3. the table: The title,genre,singer,theme.find five songs in English and fill in the table.Tolong yaa..
Title: Superhero
genre: EDM(elektronik dance music) singer : unknown Brain, theme: super hero for life. Semoga membantu(:
4. fill in the table with the information in the letters
wonder world T One Direction
5. I can find Blacket,"bolster and fill in the
Saya dapat menemukan Selimut, "dukung dan isi
Blacket = Selimut
Bolster = Bantal
6. Find the other pronouns to fill in the table correctly!
1. i - me - my - mine
2. you - you - your - yours
3. they - them - their - theirs
4. we - us - our - ours
5. he - him - his - his
6. she - her - her - hers
7. it - it - its - (tidak ada/tidak dipakai)
7. fill in the table with the different roles of parents,scools and society.
parents is your father and your mother and scools is you learn in that place and aoxiety you meet many people in a big place maaf klo slah
8. fill in the table below with the activity and the place off professions
31 cathing fish the/sea
32 guard us from danger/major city
33 deliver us message/city
34 make us laugh/club
35 make paint that magnifice us/depends
36 put down fire/city
37 make a song for us to here/studio
38 to move their body to impress us/studio
39 sing a beautifil song that make us comfartable/depends
40 have our backs when facing the judje/the courct
41 sorry dont know
42sorry dont know
43 to defend us at war/military base
44 to make cloth that we wear/studio
45sorry dont know
46 make beautiful tings that we see /depends
47sorry dont know
48 make a book that we read when we bored/depends
49sorry dont know
9. find the other pronouns to fill in the table correctly!
Subjective pronouns:
Objective pronouns:
Possesive Adjective:
10. fill in the letters and find the mianing. T-B-E=
TABLE : T - A - B - L -E
T-B-E= BET (bertaruh)
(noun) an act of risking a sum of money on the outcome of a future event.
(verb) risk something, usually a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event, such as the result of a race or game.
11. Read and fill in the following table and then remember the form of the verb
1. visited
2. was/were
3. met
4. had
5. came
6. lived
7. put
8. showed
9. participated
10. made
11. sold
12. used
13. ran
14. thought
12. find out narrative text and the fill in the following tablekomplikasiorientasiresolusipliss di jawab cukk
1.orientasi adalah tahapan perkenalan tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita.
2.komplikasi adalah tahapan dimana tokoh utama mulai mengalami masalah.
3. resolusi adalah tahapan dimana permasalahan mulai mereda
1.orientation is the stage of introducing the characters in the story.
2. complications are the stages where the main character begins to experience problems.
3. Resolution is the stage where the problem starts to subside
13. The table: the title,genre,singer,theme.find five songs in English and fill in the table.Tolong bantu yaa..
genre:slow rock
singer; metallica
theme: feeling of somenone who feel guilty and live in misery,but still want to break the wall..Title: Clay
Genre : Pop
Singer: Grace Vanderwaal
Theme: Even if people say bad things, doesn’t mean they can hurt your feelings
14. Find the other pronouns to fill in the table correctly!
1. They me your her
Maaf saya cuman bisa segitu doang
Maaf kalo salah ya
1. I , me , my , mine2. you , you , your , yours
3. they , them , their , theirs
4. we , us , our , ours
5. he , him , his , his
6. She , her , her , hers
7. It , it , its , -
15. Fill in the table with the different roles of parents,scholls and society
I'm sorry, but where is the "Table with the different roles of parents, schools and society"?
16. Fill in the table with the information in the letters
17. Find the unknown marked angle and fill in the blanks.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
2. ∆ EFG sama kaki => EG = EF
maka <F = <G = 60°
< E = 180-<F-<G = 180-60-60 = 60°
18. fill in the table with the correct form of verb and also the meaning
fill in the table with the correct form of verb and also the meaning
isi tabel dengan bentuk kata kerja yang benar dan juga artinya
tabelnya tidak ada jadi tidak bisa di jawab..
jadi,kemungkinan di terjemahkan?
19. Study the table and fill in the blanks with the correct completion
1. Ken is youngerthan johnny but he is older than Nathan, Evan is the same age as ken. Johnny is the oldest of the group, and Nathan is the Youngest
2.Nathan is taller than ken, but he is shorter than Evan, ken is the same heightas Johnny, and they are the shortest the group, meanwhile Evan is the tallest of all
3. jhonny is lighter than Nathan, but he is heavierthan Evan, Nathan is the same weightas ken, and they are the heaviest of the group, Evan is the lightestof all
4. Evan is worse than ken at math but he is better
than Nathan because Nathan is the worse at math of the group. Ken is the smartest of all
5. jhonny and Nathan are the best in athletic of the group, Evan is better in athletic than ken, because ken is the worse at athleticof all
yang di bold jawabannya, tolong kasih brainliest answer ya
20. fill in the table below with the activity and the place off professions
4) Doctor :
cure patients at the hospital5) Nurse:
provide medical and nursing care to patients at the hospital6) Pilot :
controls flying aircraft to various destinationsat the airport/airplane7) Stewardess:
ensuring passengers' safety and comfort at all timesat the airplane/airport8) Driver :
transport people, goods or products from one place to the nextat various industries9) Surgeon :
treats patient's injuries, diseases, and deformities through operationsat the hospital10) Actor/Actrees:
represent the character they are playingin theaters, tv, flim studios11) Accountant:
handles the bookkeeping and prepares financial documents like profit-and-loss statementsin office12) Pharmacist:
distribute prescription drugs to individualsat the pharmacy13) Architect :
plans and designs buildingsin offices14) Midwife:
supports and cares for women during pregnancy, labour and birthHMOs/private practices/birth centers15) Dentist :
provides care for a patient's teeth, gums, and oral healthat dental hospital16) Pediatrician :
manage the health of child, including physical, behavior, and mental health issuesat the hospital17) Veterinarian:
serves healthcare needs of animals, including small animalsat private clinic18) Lecturer :
teaches postsecondary students at the undergraduate and graduate levels in colleges and educational establishmentsat University19) Governor :
leads the executive branch of each state, whose job it is to carry out the governor's policiesat town hall/Governor's office20) Judge :
insuring that the law is followed, and the jury determines the facts. In cases without a jury, the judge also is the finder of factat law libraries21) Scientist :
discover new things and research how things workat laboratory22) Photographer :
produce and preserve images that paint a picture, tell a story, or record an eventat studio/indoor/outdoor23) Employee :
a person working for another person or a business firm for payat a company/office24) Headmaster/Principal:
managing the major administrative tasks and supervising all students and teachersat school25) Chef :
supervise the preparation of foodat restaurant26) Manager:
sets goals for the group, and decides what work needs to be done to meet those goalsat offices27) Mechanic :
repairs and regular maintenance on motorized vehiclesat service shop28) Athlete :
competes in one or more sports that involve physical strength, speed or enduranceSpectator sports /Fitness and recreational sports centers29) Waiter/Waitress :
Taking orders from customers, serves patrons in a variety of dining establishmentsat restaurant30) Sailor :
someone who works on passenger ships, freighters, and tanker ships, navigating sea-going vessels and assisting with the maintenance, operation, and service of these vesselsat port/ship/harbor–hope this helps you!
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