Create A Quilt Pattern Using Transformations

Create A Quilt Pattern Using Transformations

Create the pattern of past continous tense

1. Create the pattern of past continous tense

(+) S + was/were + V ing + O
(-) S + was/were + not + V ing + O
(?) Was/were + S + V ing + Obuat pola tegang kontinu sebelumnya

2. Create a sentence using expressing symphaty

Jack : Why are you in hurry Tina?
Tina : I have to go to hospital now.
Jack : Are you sick? you look okay.
Tina : No, but my mother got an accident. A bus crashed her motor cycle on the way home.
Jack : Uh, that’s ghastly, I hope your mother will be okay soon.
Tina : Okay, thanks.

Hopefully helps.❤☺

3. create a dialogue using "expression opinion" !​


A : Hey, your mother told my mom that you are watching a movie with your brother yesterday

B : Yes, I watched Moster Inc

A : Wow, what do you think about that movie?

B : That movie is awesome, it's very great film with a nice CGI

A : Wow, I Should watch it tonight

4. Create a short dialog using expressions of congratulations


Maverick : Hey, i heard you are the new manager.

Jake : Yeah bro, this is the best day in my life.

Maverick : Well, congratulations.

Jake : Thank you, bro.

Maverick : No Problem.


Maaf klo salah


A:Guess what? I win in competition of Eating A lot of rice and get 1.000 dolar

B:Wow!Realy?Congratulation I even dont know If eating a lot of rice i can get money

A:Thank you,this maybe not make sense hehe

5. Create a dialog using the expressions of Invitation​


Dewi : Hello,Rin

Rin : Hello,Dewi

Dewi : Are you busy this sunday

Rin : No i don't

Dewi : Do you want to come to my birthday party on sunday

Rin : Sure

Dewi : That's great,i'll be waiting for your arrival

6. create a simple dialouge by using that​

terjemahan :

Harap buat dialog sederhana

Ekspresi memberi izin .Ekspresi memberitahu kewajiban. Ekspresi memberitahu larangan .Ekspresi kemampuan memberitahu .Ekspresi kemampuan bertanya

buat dialog sederhana menggunakan itu

7. make 10 sentence using the pattern​


1. The Shark mouth is so wide that can swallow a sheep inside.

2. Budi is so smart that he can answer all of the question in 15 minutes.

3. Andi is so tired that he can't walking anymore.

4. Bob was so happy that he got new toys from his mom.

5. The catapult was so big that they can destroyed a stone tower in a shot.

6. Amoeba is so tiny that we can look at it using microscope.

7. The earthquake was too strong for me that I couldn't stand.

8. The stone pillar is so heavy that we can carried it with tractor.

9. Kangaroo is so fast for me that I can't record them when they running.

10. The cake is so big that we already spend 3 days to eat it.

8. create a sentance by using the word must​


you must go to bed right now because it's already late

9. create a sentence using the word authorize​

Parents must authorize the treatment, otherwise the doctors cannot move forward.


"Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them.

Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking."

10. create a sentence using the word trials​

suruh terjemahkan??.. jawaban: membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata trial


maaf kalo salah


Trials are expected to be open and public. The acts of councils of this age are full of the trials of bishops not only for heresy but for immorality and common law crimes.


hope it help :) Your welcome :v

11. Create a dialog using the expressions of instructing

Teacher: Please be quite and do your task by yourself!

Student: Yes mam.

Mr.Budi : Good morning my students

students : Good morning Sir

Mr Kin : Do yo know what are we going to study? Well, today I will show you how to operate about coreldraw program. Firstly, turn on your computer.

students : Yes sir

Mr.Budi : Secondly, click the coreldraw icon located at the main dekstop

students : Alright sir

Mr kin : Then, draw an icon from the shape tool and be creative from it!

students : Alright sir

Contoh Dialog Giving Instructions Pendek Bahasa Inggris 2

Contoh percakapan yang kedua tentag memberi instruksi ini adalah bagaimana seorang instruktur tennis menunjukkan beberapa teknik dasar bermain tennis kepeda anak-anak. Perhatikan kalimat kalimat imperative yang dipakai.

Instructor : Hey Children, I am going to instruct you some basic techniques

Children : Horrey

Instructor : First, jump as high as you can !

Children : Okey sir

Instructor : Second, set your racket as comfortable as you can

Children : We get it sir

Instructor : Then lets get practice now

Children : lets go!

Contoh Dialog Giving Instructions Pendek Bahasa Inggris 3

Percakapan bahasa Inggris memberi instruksi bisa dilakukan dengan sangat sederhana perhatikan cara seorang ayah memberi tahu bagaimana cara menyiapkan ujian.

Abi : Hi, How are you ?

Father : Hmm not good

Abi : Why?

Father : Because my exam is failed

Abi : Oh really ? Why your exam failed ?

Father : I’m not study

Abi : You must study hard. Firstly, you have to prepare you material. Then read all the lessons, Don’t forget to ask your teacher when you do not understand. Finally, review you lessons. So that your exam will be satisfying

Father : Yes father. Thank you

Contoh Dialog Giving Instructions Pendek Bahasa Inggris 4

Percakapan dibawah ini cukup panjang dan menunjukkan cara memberi instruksi dalam bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan kakalimat-kalimat imperative yang digunakan dalam memberi instruksi (giving instruction).

Rani: You know, I’m thinking about designing a website for our company.

Bidu: You’re right but we have no one who has got good command of codding and webbing.

Rani: That doesn’t matter. We can learn it. Let me read the instruction to make a website. First of all, login to home page. Click on the ink in the navigation panel. Then, click the ‘Sign Up Now’. Now create your Website.

Bidu: Wow. That’s easy. I think we can do it.

Perlu diketahui selain belajar percakapan cara membuat intruksi, ketika belajar bahasa Inggris di bangku sekolah menengah, para siswa dan guru juga akan memeplajari berbagai macam bentuk dan jenis teks. Inilah yang disebut learning English through text based approach dimana mereka akan belajar memahami bacaan cerita dalam bentuk text narrative. Selain itu para siswa juga harus belajar jenis cerita yang lain yaitu spoof text. Jenis cerita ini cukup menghibur karena plotting nya yang tak terduga di akhir cerita.

Untuk menutup dan memantapkan reading comprehension skill, para siswa terutama yang duduk di kelas akhir sekolah menegah juga dibekali dengan pelajaran review text supaya ketika lulus kelak mereka sudah mendapatkan bekal yang cukup dalam menuangkan ulasan, tinjauan, dan pemikirannya terhadap suatu karya baik produk seni atau komersial.

              Terimakasih... Tolong berikan yang terbaik!

12. create a sentence using the word trials​


she may turn pale when the trial comes

Trials are expected to be open and public.


maaf kalo salah

13. Create a short dialogue about using must!!!​


Beni : hey buddy, what’s going on?

Edo : hey Beni, i’m really lazy to do all my assignments

Beni : Why are you lazy? You must do your homework before the teacher get mad at you.

Edo : .. I don’t know, I just don’t have a single motivation to study.

Beni : Edo, you have to do your assignments, it’s your duty to be a student.

Edo : hmm, okay fine. Thanks Beni, you’re the best!

14. Create a short dialogue about using must!!!​


Mom: Venelope!

Vene: Yes Mom!?

Mom: Dear you must to clean your room right now!

Vene: Okay Mom, on the way

Sarah : Hey regina! let’s work this project together, u in?
Regina : i would love to! but what should we do?
Sarah : Teacher said we must talk about indonesian culture, and we have to make indonesian food
Regina : okay! but where can we have one?
Sarah : at the supermarket, and we must show the teacher how we make it, so we have to record it too
Regina : okay! lets go

15. Create a dialog using the present continuous tense. ​


i am studying englis now

my mother is cooking fried chicken now

we are visiting our friend


George: "hi, claudy!"

Claudy: "hi, george!"

george: "are u going to school today?"

claudy: "no, i'm not going to school today because i'm sick"

george: "oh okay. get well soon!"

claudy: "thank you"

16. create a dialog using the expressions of sunggestiin (using should).

a : iam bad in math lesson :( 
b : hey anna dont be sad,you should study hard. iam sure you will good in english.
a : but always i cant,my friends always take me into the his house to play his Playstation. i cant reject it because thats my hobby.
b : So you should to reject your friends invite. say to him that you must study.
a : hmmm oK thank you Benny 

17. write a pattern of offering help/service,and write a sentence by using that pattern

menulis metode menawarkan layanan bantuan dan menulis kalimat dengan menggunakan metode itu

18. pattern of using "too" and "enough"

too + adj
adj + enough
ex , too good
good enoughtoo + adjective
adjective + enough

example : it's not big enough for her
it's too hot here

19. create a dialog using the expression of suggestion (using should)

A : HEY Budi, you should Eat Vegetables
B : Why I should Eat Vegetables?
A : because it can make you Healthy
B : Thank you for that Information

20. Create a brief dialogue using future continuous tense!​


Tony : Hi Brian, i start thinking about the plan for the party next week.

Brian : What sort of party Ton? You haven’t told me yet, have you?  

Tony : Ooh yaa I forget to tell you that i’m going to have a party next week for my graduation.

Brian    : Lucky you Ton, I wish my parents would give me a present as well. What will you be doing on the party next week?

Tony : There will be several activities Brian. I will be dancing of course and i will be singing. How about you, what will you be doing at my party?  

Brian : I won’t be dancing at that time because i can’t dance but i’ll be making some beverages for all.  

Tony : That’s awesome Brian. Thank you so much.

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Create A Quilt Pattern Using Transformations Create A Quilt Pattern Using Transformations Reviewed by Romano on Desember 26, 2022 Rating: 5

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