Complete each sentence with the word(s) in parentheses.
1. Complete each sentence with the word(s) in parentheses.
2. complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses
1. Have
2. Washes
3. Do you know.
4. Is
5. Doesn't
6. Keeps
7. Never washes
8. Wears
9. Is always
10. Is always
11. Says
12. Takes
3. complete this sentence with the correct word using pas tense (1/2)​
1. Goes
2. Traveled
3. Took
4. Welcomed
5. Will
4. complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.Add 'than' when necessary.​
3. Cheaper
4. Important than
5. Nicer than
6. Bigger than
7. an* efficient
8. Good than
9. Easier
10. Bad than
11. Hotter
12. Further than
13. Friendlier than
14. Cooperated
15. A) Charming than
B) Easy-going than
C) Vivacious than
D) Cosmopolitan than
E) Practical than
Maaf kalo salah
5. Correct the sentence below with the proper word
The astronauts put on their helmet and climbed into the rocket
6. Complete the sentence with the correct verbs​
Jawaban: have to work, win. (no 4) be, need. (no 5)
7. complete the sentences with the correct word!​
1. was
2. studied
3. was
4. go
5. you
6. were
7. was
8. did
9. was
10. studied
11. told
12. were
13. visited
14. joined
15. visit
8. complete the sentece with the correct word​
1. Will
2. Can
3. Should
4. Can
5. Can
6. Will
7. Should
8. Must
9. 5. Complete sentence below with the correct word! Julian :.... Andre : it's 69 Empang Jaya.​
Julian : whereisthelocation? Andre : it's 69 Empang Jaya.
10. Complete the sentence below with the correct word!We...................washing our shirts in the bathroom.​
Karena ada ing nya maka harus ditambahkan (is/are/am)
11. Complete the sentence with the correct verbs (conditionals)​
1.come on if we go to school by bus we wouldnt be late
2.if you have problems with your studies why dont you ask your older brother for heps?he must have some advice for you
3.unless you want to pass this class you have to study more harder than before
jadikan jawaban terbaik terimakasih^-^
12. Look at the pictures. Complete each sentence with the correct possessive adjective. bantu isi ya​
13. Her
14. Their
15. Our
16. His
17. Your
Semoga membantu :)
Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
13. fill in the blanks with the correct profession to complete each sentence! 1. ..........................designs clothes and accessories.
menurut saya designerJawabannya Designer.
14. A)Write the right plural for each word!!!B)complete the sentence with the right plural!!!​
A) Church= Churches
Kimono= Kimonos
Story= Stories
Hero= Heroes
Box= Boxes
Buffalo= Buffalos
Tax= Taxes
Motto= Mottos
Dancer= Dancers
Boy= Boys
Office= Offices
Girl= Girls
Instrument= Instruments
Day= Days
Canoe= Canoes
Paper= Papers
Mango= Mangoes
Taxi= Taxis
Class= Classes
Video= Videos
Baby= Babies
Cargo= Cargos
Zero= Zeros
Fox= Foxes
Watch= Watches
Volcano= Volcanoes
Carrot= Carrots
Peacock= Peacocks
Pilot= Pilots
Singer= Singers
Street= Streets
Song= Songs
Bank= Banks
Ruler= Rulers
Candy= Candies
Sash= Sashes
Car= Cars
Ox= Oxen
Fish= Fishes
Phone= Phones
Doctor= Doctors
Computer= Computers
Backpack= Backpacks
Friend= Friends
Tomato= Tomatoes
Chef= Chefs
Person= People
Speaker= Speakers
Dragon= Dragons
Cactus= Cacti
Family= Families
Holiday= Holidays
Zebra= Zebras
Book= Books
B) 1. Girls
2. Ways
3. Candies
4. Mangoes
5. Glasses
6. Buses
7. Photos
8. Years
9. Radios
10. Stories
11. Keys
12. Countries
13. Wishes
14. Computers
15. Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence​
Without -s
(Multiple person name | Group)
With -s
(A person's name)
Thence, we can find the answer using the "table" above:
She always helps ....I jump over ....My mother listens ....Zack laughs at my jokes ....The chef bakes ....I walk around ....She answers ....Celine lives ....The dog barks ....For the number ten, answer it yourself. Please, do not be lazy.
16. the correct word to complete the sentence (i)is​
" Me "
Semoga membantu..
17. Adel...... at home every evening. with the correct word to complete the sentence is...​
2 jawaban yang kemungkinan salah satu ada yang benar "Stays" dan "Always"
"Stays" berarti nanti jadi Adel berada di rumah setiap sore
"Always" berarti nanti jadi Adel selalu berada di rumah setiap sore
dua duanya make sense, tapi silahkan pilih satu, dan mungkin ada lebih dari 2 jawabannya
18. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.Add 'than' when necessary.​
3. cheaper
4. more important than
5. nicer than
6. bigger than
7. more efficient
8. better than
9. easier than
10. worse than
11. hotter
12. farther than
13. friendlier than
14. more cooperative
more charming
more easy-going
more vivacious
more cosmopolitan
more practical than
Dalam comparative form, kita butuh than jika dalam kalimat tersebut ada 2 hal yang diperbandingkan.
Tapi jika tidak ada perbandingan antara 2 hal, maka tidak dibutuhkan than .
Misalnya kita katakan: "Aku butuh sepatau yang lebih besar. Di sini tidak ada perbandingan antara 2 hal, hanya dikatakan sepatu yang lebih besar.
Maka kalimatnya: I need bigger shoes
Tapi jika kita katakan: My new shoes are bigger than my old ones,
maka di sini ada perbandingan (antara sepatu baru dengan yang lama)
makaada than di sana.
Semoga bermanfaat.
19. complete the sentences with correct word-ing​
1. they are playing the football
2. he is singing
3. she is reading a book
4. Tom is jumping
5. my mum making a cake for me
6. martin is playing the guitar
7. the chef is cooking
8. they riding a bike in the garden
9. the bird is flying
10. we are making a snowman
semoga membantu yaa:)
20. Adel home every evening with the correct word to complete the sentence is​
karena kalimat tersebut ada every nya berarti selalu dilakukan.
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