Which Media Element Appears In Dan

Which Media Element Appears In Dan

which element are present in magnesium carbonate?

Daftar Isi

1. which element are present in magnesium carbonate?


Magnesium carbonate is a magnesium salt with formula CMgO3. Its hydrated forms, particularly the di-, tri-, and tetrahydrates occur as minerals. It has a role as an antacid and a fertilizer. It is a magnesium salt, a carbonate salt and a one-carbon compound.

2. the period in which an element is located gives us

principal quantum number (n)

3. 7. Which element has the biggest portion in this product? a. Calcium b. Potassium c. Bicarbonate d. Chloride​


akadvsaka djajagagshs

4. The element symbol Sb stands for stibnum or stibnite. Stibnum was another name for which element?

Sb, stibnum, antimony

5. Which one is a kind of descriptive text?  A.Yesterday I got a terrible experience    B.I am going to buy a car someday C.My cat has  large eyes,  almost 26 cm.   C.dewi always appears in the morning E dew always appears in the morning ​

Jawaban =
C. My cat has a large eyes

6. do you know what information appears in an application letter? ​


When writing a cover letter, specific information needs to be included: a contact section, a salutation, an introduction to the hiring manager, information on why you are qualified for the job, a closing, and your signature.

7. Which of the following elements is not a narrative text element?​


mana pilihan jawabnya


manakan elemen berikut ini yang bukan elemen teks naratif

8. the moon appears in the​


The Moon Appears In The Night

Kalo Salah Mohon Bantuannya


Bulan Datang Di Malam Hari

The Moon Appears In The Night

The moon appears in the sky

9. what information appears in an application letter?

informasi pribadi,pendidikan,dan pengalaman


semoga bermanfaat

10. What are the two phases during which the moon appears almost full, but not quite

Waning gibbous and waxing gibbous

11. What ia the mist imprortant element in Photoshop


Apa elemen penting kabut di Photoshop

12. what is the most important element in photoshop?​


Layer Tool


Layers are by far the most important element of Photoshop -- and, in my opinion, they're one of the reasons many people throw their arms up in frustration. But once you understand how they work, I promise they'll make your life much easier.

13. which of the following elements is not a narrative text element​

Jawaban : semoga membantu yaa

- Time

- Setting

- charaterization

- character Frame

Jadikan yang terbaik yaa , dan bintang 5 juga , semoga membantu


14. What is the most important element in photoshop?


layer "layer is the most important element if you use Photoshop application".


semoga membantu

15. What is "Element" in indonesian language?

Jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya.Elemen. Maaf kalau salah

16. A rainbow, ... has beautiful stripes,appears in the sky after the rain.a. Whod. Whereb. From whome. Whichc. When​

A rainbow, which has beautiful stripes, appears in the sky after the rain

Jadi jawabannya: e. Which

Maaf klo salah

17. Where does the text given in tag appears ?


Di mana teks yang diberikan dalam tag muncul?

18. Cara merangkai kata,the-night-appears-in-moon-the


the moon appears in the night

19. Which the following elements is not a narrative teks element?


Elemen-elemen berikut mana yang bukan elemen teks naratif?

20. Compound x is made from two elements. one element has the second highest value of first ionisation energy in its group and the other element has the third highest value of first ionisation energy in its group. which compounds could be compound x


Senyawa X terbentuk dari dua unsur. Unsur pertama memiliki energi ionisasi pertama tertinggi kedua dari golongannya dan unsur kedua memiliki memiliki energi ionisasi pertama tertinggi ketiga dari golongannya. Senyawa apa yang merupakan senyawa X itu?

Ne merupakan unsur pertama dengan eV 21.5646

F merupakan unsur kedua dengan eV 17.42282

Senyawa FNe- Neon fluoride(?)

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Which Media Element Appears In Dan Which Media Element Appears In Dan Reviewed by Romano on Oktober 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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