What would you say if you wanted to show appreciationA.Attention,please!B.It is greatC.Do you understand what I sayD.I think it is okdi jawab pliss..
1. What would you say if you wanted to show appreciationA.Attention,please!B.It is greatC.Do you understand what I sayD.I think it is okdi jawab pliss..
B. it is great.
maaf kalau keliru
2. What question you want to ask buth didn't have the courage to ask ?
A question concerning someone's privacy (pertanyaan yang menyangkut privasi seseorang)
Penjelasan:Setiap orang berhak untuk menanyakan sesuatu, apabila orang itu memiliki rasa penasaran dan ingin mengetahui hal baru, pepatah mengatakan "malu bertanya sesat dijalan", pepatah tersebut akan menganjurkan kita untuk semangat bertanya, semangat belajar, dan memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar.
Namun ada beberapa hal yang tidak sepatutnya ditanyakan, hal-hal yang menjadi batasan kita untuk bertanya biasanya menyangkut privasi seseorang. Contohnya adalah:
Gaji (berapa pendapatan kamu perbulan?)Umur (berapa usiamu saat ini?)Urusan rumah tanggadan masalah pribadi lainnyaBiasanya seseorang ingin bertanya tentang hal-hal tersebut namun takut untuk menanyakannya dikarenakan yang demikian itu adalah batasan-batasan yang tidak sepantasnya untuk ditanyakan.
Pelajari Lebih LanjutTentang pepatah "malu bertanya sesat dijalan"
3. what's your passion? a.she wanted to know what is my passion b.she wanted to know what was my passion c.she wanted to know what my passion was d.she wanted to know what was my passion
(c) she wanted to know what my passion
4. My friend wanted to see a scary film , ................... I wanted to see a Romance a Unless b Even if c When d Nevertheless e while
C. When
Temenku pengen nonton film horror, tapi aku mau nonton film romantis
tidak bisa menjawab karena otaknya hilang
5. dhika.... and nailaraska I'm sorry... I see keselek is not the serious... :( I... real sorry pls sorry... but you see dhika and nailraska?
hei Acen,aku merindukan tawa kita dulu^^
6. If you wanted to compare two bags of shoping. What would you say?
which one is the good bag?
7. Change into inderect speech! Salsabila wanted to know "is there anything i can do to help you"
Salsabila wanted to know whether there is anything she can do to help me
salsabila wanted to know if there was anything she could do to help you8. 16°R=…°C ( I said give a damn what am i doing I wanted it to be a good I guess I'll see
just calm down you dont need to swearing because its quiet easy though. 5/4*16=20. thats all. see?16 R = 20 C
R/80 = C/100
16/80 = C/100
16 x 100 = 80 x C ( kali silang )
1600 = 80 x C
C = 20
9. dhika.... and nailaraska I'm sorry... I see keselek is not the serious... :( I... real sorry pls sorry... but you see dhika and nailraska? I need he
what is keselek?
apa dhika lagi keslek
10. If you wanted to compare two bags of shoping. What would you say?
2 kantong belanja ya? Hm. Mungkin seperti ini:
This one shopping bag is bigger than that one shopping bag.
(Kalau tidak pakai one juga gpp).
Maaf kalo salah ya.
11. 10.What will you say to your friend if you wanted Your Ideas to Understand?
explain in a way that is detailed and easy to understand...
12. I Want To See Your Real Please Can Are You See My Bag Dont Hide That
i don't hide your bag OK :v
artinya :aku ingin melihat yg asli .tolong bisakah kamu lihat tas ku, jangan menyebunyikan nya
13. have you ever wanted to die? what makes you want to do that what do you think is the meaning of life? psychological quiz hurt my brain.
do not know
Life is the characteristic that distinguishes physical objects that have biological processes from physical objects that do not, either because those functions have ceased or because they never had those functions and are classified as inanimate objects.
#I hope this helps
#Sorry if wrong
#Make it the best answer
14. Tora: what are you doing?elly : i am arranging flowers.tora: do you like arranging flowers?elly : yes, i do.tora: they are real flowers, aren't they? why don'tyou arrange the artificial ones? real flowers can wiltquickly.elly : i know, but i prefer arranging real flowers toartificial ones. they have natural fragrance.tora: i see.which expression is used to state an opinion?a.i see.b.they have natural fragrance.c.i am arranging flowers.d.i prefer arranging real flowers to artificial ones.
d. i prefer arranging real flowers to artificial one
CMIIW, semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
15. dhika.... and nailaraska I'm sorry... I see keselek is not the serious... :( I... real sorry pls sorry... but you see dhika and nailraska?
di gambar
bahasa Inggris
16. hey since this is probably will be the last year for us i wanted you to please write something that you always wanted to tell me. it doesn’t have to be school related but just something that you wanted me to know. this is personal, just between us
you're good, you're smart, don't fight the teacher, have to listen to what your teacher explains, don't be a bad kid in school
17. What is the definition of courage
courage is synonim of brave, courage is the attitude of a people who can show that he is not shy of people
soor if this answer is wrongcourage is the bravery and/or strength to do something that could be dangerous
18. apa bedanya i want you to know dan i wanted you to know?
Kalo “I want you to know” pake v1 (want) yang artinya membicarakan masa kini
Kalo “I wanted you to know” pake v2 (wanted) yang artinya sedang membicarakan masa lalu
Kata kerja "Want" merupakan kata kerja pertama (Verb 1).
Kata kerja "Wanted" merupakan kata kerja bentuk 2 atau 3 karena kata "wanted" merupakan kata kerja beraturan (regular verb).
19. Risa : Naomi, i want to borrow your novel tonight.Naomi : sorry, what did you sayTika : she said that... 28. the best answer is...a. she wanted to borrow your novel b. she wanted to borrow her novelc. she wanted to borrow my noveld. i wanted to borrow your novele. i wanted to borrow my novel
a. she wanted to borrow your novel
a. she wanted to borrow your novel
20. 17. A: Tony, what do you want to be in the future?B: .......a pilot. I want to travel around the world.A: Wow, that would be nice. Do you know what school do you.....have to attend to be a pilot?The correct option to complete the expression is.....a.I guess I want to bec. As I see itb. The real fact is thatd. I believe
A. I guess i want to be
a.I guess I want to be
semoga membantu :)Video Terkait Topik Diatas

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