Senses are sending … to our brain.
1. Senses are sending … to our brain.
Senses are sending information to our brains.
paragraph 1 on sentences 1
mmf kalo salah
2. these are our senses,excepet artiny??
artinya ini adalah indra kita
maaf kalau salah
3. 45. Mention the five senses of our body!
Alat indera pada manusia disebut juga dengan panca indera. Karena alat indera manusia terdiri dari lima, yakni indera penglihatan ( mata), indera pendengar ( telinga), indera pembau ( hidung), indera pengecap ( lidah), dan indera peraba ( kulit.
The sense organs in humans are also called the five senses. Because the human sense organs consist of five, namely the sense of sight (eyes), the sense of hearing (ears), the sense of smell (nose), the sense of taste (tongue), and the sense of touch (skin).
maaf kalok salah
45.sebutkan 5 panca indra!
4. How many senses does the human body have?What are the functions of those senses?Why do we have to know about the function of those senses?What are the senses that we have?Is the function of eye important to us?- Nm & wi
yang nomor 4. Apakah fungsi mata penting bagi kita?ya mata penting bagi kitakak tolong kasih poin 25 ya
semoga bermanfaat
maaf kalo salah
karena saya baru kelas 2 sd
terimakasih5. Firefighters are coming to our school today. they _____ a very big fire engine with them
peju peju sekolah yang rajin dek brainly terus bodog otak kau
6. Expressions of gratitude. A:................ B: thnks you for coming to our hotel
A. hello, thank you for the hotel service sir/ma'am
saya harap itu benar semoga membantu
7. How about coming to a barbeque at our house on saturdaya. That sounds greatb. It's a long weekendc. I'm coming home
A. That sounds great
> Kedengarannya bagus
Soal tersebut merupakan bentuk saran dan jawaban menerima yang paling relevan adalah yang A.
Semoga Bermanfaat
Terima Kasih \\^_^//
❤❤❤a. that sounds great
8. Look! Mr President ... to our school.A. comeB. comesC. cameD. is coming
B. comes
semoga bermanfaat
D. is coming
maaf yaa klo salah
semoga membantu
follow aku follow back
jadikan jawaban terbaik
9. Which senses do birds of prey use to catch their food? They use senses of tolong secepatnya
They use senses of exceptional sight to hunting food.
maaf kalo salah
10. uncle paul is coming to visit us in december .... will stay in our guest (she, her, him)
i think it is a true answerkalau aku yh jawabannya HIM karena pamannya kan laki2
11. our five senses (maksud nya menyebutkan panca indera ya)
disebut panca indra kita
12. where is mr. neil going to go?
Mr.neil go to the office in this morning
13. the meaningWe have two types of nerves in our nervous system:• Sensory nerves• Motor nerves.Our sensory nerves send and receive information comingfrom our senses to our brain. The brain helps us to identifythe things we feel, see, hear, taste and smell.Our motor nerves send and receive messages from thebrain to get our body muscles to moveOur nervous system sends and receives messages in acertain order. Let us trace the path a message takes fromthe point of stimulus to the point of response
Kami memiliki dua jenis saraf di sistem saraf kami:
• Saraf sensorik
• Saraf motorik.
Saraf sensorik kita mengirim dan menerima informasi yang datang
dari indera kita ke otak kita. Otak membantu kita mengidentifikasi
hal-hal yang kita rasakan, lihat, dengar, cicipi dan cium.
Saraf motorik kami mengirim dan menerima pesan dari
Otak untuk membuat otot tubuh kita bergerak
Sistem saraf kita mengirim dan menerima pesan dalam
pesanan tertentu. Mari kita telusuri jalannya pesan
titik rangsangan ke titik respons
i hope this can helps
14. Terjemahkan Kids' korner gift shoppes is coming to shes our school
kids corner gift shop is comeing to see our school...
toko hadiah 'kid's corner' datang untuk melihat sekolah kita
semoga terjemahannya pas
15. 10. Do you object ...?A. to comeB. to comingC. comingD. for coming
D. for coming
semoga membantu☺
16. we have five senses in our body they are..
sight (penglihatan) , hearing (pendengaran), smell (penciuman), taste (perasa), and touch (sentuhan)
17. II. Answer the questions.The human body has five senses to help in daily activity. The five sensesare eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin. These senses have important functions toknow. The function of eye is to see something around us. It is really importantto us. Ear is to hear something, whether it is far or near in distance. Tongue isto taste the food and the drink inside the mouth. Nose is to smell something.Then, skin is used to feel something.Questions1. How many senses does the human body have?2. What are the senses that we have?3. What are the functions of those senses?4. Is the function of eye important to us?5. Why do we have to know about the function of those senses?
1. five
2. eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin
eye = to see something around us
ear = to hear something, whether it is far or near in distance.
tongue = to taste the food and the drink inside the mouth.
nose = to Smell something
skin = to feel something
4. yes, it is
18. uncle paul is coming to visit us in december will stay in our guest
Paman paul yang akan datang mengunjungi kami pada bulan desember akan menginap di tamu kamiTerjemahannya :
Paman Paul akan datang mengunjungi kami di bulan Desember, dan akan menginap di tamu kami.
19. Apa arti dari uncel joe coming to visit in December. . Will stay in our guets room.
paman joe datang berkunjung pada bulan Desember. . Akan tinggal di kamar tamu kami
20. ne19teHow do messages travel in our nervous system?We have two types of nerves in our nervous system:• Sensory nerves• Motor nervesOur sensory nerves send and receive information comingfrom our senses to our brain. The brain helps us to identifythe things we feel, see, hear, taste and smell.Our motor nerves send and receive messages from thebrain to get our body muscles to move.Our nervous system sends and receives messages in acertain order. Let us trace the path a message takes fromthe point of stimulus to the point of response.
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kalau ditranslate
Bagaimana perjalanan pesan di sistem saraf kita?
Kami memiliki dua jenis saraf di sistem saraf kami:
• Saraf sensorik
• Saraf motorik
Saraf sensorik kita mengirim dan menerima informasi yang datang
dari indera kita ke otak kita. Otak membantu kita mengidentifikasi
hal-hal yang kita rasakan, lihat, dengar, cicipi dan cium.
Saraf motorik kami mengirim dan menerima pesan dari
Otak untuk membuat otot tubuh kita bergerak.
Sistem saraf kita mengirim dan menerima pesan dalam
pesanan tertentu. Mari kita telusuri jalannya pesan
titik rangsangan ke titik respons.
semoga membantu:)
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