A Plumber Has A Contract With A Homeowner

A Plumber Has A Contract With A Homeowner

the pipe is leaking.you must have it mended, means : A. you have mended the pipe B. A plumber has mended the pipe C. someone has nended the pipe D. you have to find a plumber to mend the pipe E. A plumber must have mended the pipe

Daftar Isi

1. the pipe is leaking.you must have it mended, means : A. you have mended the pipe B. A plumber has mended the pipe C. someone has nended the pipe D. you have to find a plumber to mend the pipe E. A plumber must have mended the pipe

D. You have to find a plumber to mend the pipe.

Semoga membantuJawabannya d, semoga membantu

2. 7. What happens when a dog chasing a homeowner?Tolong dijawab ya...​


The homeowner will try to calm the dog down by putting it in a cage


In my opinion, the homeowner will try to calm the dog down and put it safely inside a cage.

3. what does a plumber do?

plumber seperti pipa air.. tapi kebanyakan digunakan untuk pipa wastafel

*di translate sendiri ya

4. 15. I asked a plumber to examine my boiler. It isthe same as ...a. I had a plumber to examine.b. I had a plumber examined by my boiler.c. I had my boiler examined.​



jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

maaf kalau salah


C. I had my boiler examined.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

I asked a plumber to examine my boiler.

Subject: Plumber

Verb: Examine

Object: Boiler

Pilihan A

"I had a plumber to examine."

Kalimat ini kurang lengkap. Karena kalimat ini menggunakan to examine, seharusnya ada object setelah verb tersebut.

NB. Yang sedang diperiksa oleh plumber tidak dispesifikasikan.

Pilihan B

"I had a plumber examined by my boiler."

Kalimat ini tidak tepat, karena examined merupakan Verb 3, dan ini menjadikan kalimat ini menjadi kalimat pasif yang tidak tepat karena Object seharusnya di depan Verb, bukan Subject.

NB. Seharusnya "I had my boiler examined by a plumber."

Pilihan C

"I had my boiler examined."

Pilihan ini tepat. Walaupun tidak ada plumber, namun kalimat pasif ini yang paling tepat di antara kalimat lainnya.

NB. Examined = Diperiksa


5. what does a plumber need to fix the water pipe

a wrench
waterproof tapeartinya: apa yg tukang ledeng harus memperbaiki pipa air

-waterproof materials

6. what does a plumber do?

plumber pipe repair damaged or leaking

7. what does a plumber do?

Plumber adalah saluran air seperti pipa air.. tapi kebanyakan di gunakan untuk tempat wastafel..

*di translate sendiri ya.

8. A plumber is Going to fix the leaky faucet,


Tukang ledeng akan memperbaiki keran yang bocor,

Penjelasan: maaf klo slh kak soalnya aku gk tau harus kasih jawaban b. indonya doan apa b. inggrish pake cara:)



aku sayang kamu

9. Mr. Eko is a plumber. what does he do?

He fixed a broken pipe and other things in the kitchen
he repairs the pippes and fittings of water supply,sanitation,or heating system

10. a4. Why does Chris want to be a plumber?​


Because,He wants to be able to work in different places.


he wants to be able to work in different places and become his own boss


semoga bermanfaat, follow aku yah dan kasih aku jawaban tercerdas

11. if you're good at ....... you might become a plumber.

fixing water machine and plumbing

12. mr. eko is a plumber. what does he do?

tukang ledeng


13. Yang salah yang mana? Mr. Williams has agreed meeting with us in order to discuss the new contract.[tex]has agreed[/tex][tex]meeting[/tex][tex]to discuss[/tex][tex]contract[/tex]

kea nya yg meeting yg salah

14. 4.Why does Chris want to be a plumber?​


he wants to be able to work in different places and become his own boss


semoga bermanfaat, follow aku yah dan kasih aku jawaban tercerdas

15. if you didn't follow the conditions in the contract, it... teriminated a. being b. be c. having d. has

if you didn’t follow the conditions in the contract, it *would (b. be) terminatedE. will be




16. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet


arti: Seorang tukang ledeng akan memperbaiki keran yang bocor

17. Active voice : He will sign the contract.Passive voice : …. A contract will be signed by him A contract will have been signed by him A contract will be sign by him. A contract will be signed by her A contract will be sign by her


A contract will be signed by him

Active voice : He will sign the contract

rumus : s + Will + V1 + o

passive : A contract will be signed by her

rumus : s + will be + V3 + by + o

18. a ... fixes your toilet and the kitchen sink. a. mechanic b. plumber

a plumber.........jwbnnyaB. Plumber
plumber is a person who works to fix the toilet

19. marion barber has receivrd extra...years of contract.​


marion barber has receivrd extra 6 years of contract.


maaf kalau salah

20. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet Hai!

The plumber fixed the leaky faucet
Maaf kalo salah

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A Plumber Has A Contract With A Homeowner A Plumber Has A Contract With A Homeowner Reviewed by Romano on Oktober 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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