1.do you like reading? what's your favorit book and why?2.do you think that reading a book is important?why?
1. 1.do you like reading? what's your favorit book and why?2.do you think that reading a book is important?why?
1.apakah Anda suka membaca? apa buku favoritmu dan kenapa?
ya, buku favorit saya tentang dongeng
yes, my favorite book about fairy talesya
2.apa menurutmu membaca buku itu penting?mengapa
ya, membaca buku itu sangat penting karena bisa menambah wawasan kita
Yes, reading a book is very important because it can add to our insight
itu ya setahuku
itu juga saya translate in:)
2. why english is important??
karena bahasa inggris adalah bahasa internasional
because english is international language
because english language is an international language in the world
3. why form is important?
Because it gives you some useful information Karena memudahkan kita memahami kalimat tersebut
4. why chopin is very important?
Chopin is very important because of his contribution in the Romantic era of music. He composed many masterpiece that are still enjoyed by many people in the world right now.
semoga membantu :)
5. why is photosynthesis important
Photosynthesis is important for living organisms because it is the number one source of oxygen in the atmosphere. Without photosynthesis, the carbon cycle cannot occur, life that requires oxygen will not survive and plants will die. Green plants and trees use photosynthesis to make food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water in the atmosphere: This is their main energy source. The importance of photosynthesis in our lives is the oxygen it produces. Without photosynthesis there will be little or no oxygen on the planet.
Subjects: Biologycontinue to study at home yes even though the corona virus is always #studyhome
6. 9. Why is fiber important?
fiber is important because it has so many functions. for example, it can make our body stay healthy and give our body energy. so that we can do our activity normaly everyday
semoga membantu yaa~^^
Why is dietary fiber important for humans? Helps you lose weight Therefore, fiber can reduce appetite and provide a sensation of fullness, absorb air in the intestines, and spend nutrition time.translate;b.indonesiaMengapa serat makanan penting bagi manusia? Membantu menurunkan berat badan Sebab, serat dapat mengurangi nafsu makan dan memberikan sensasi kenyang, menyerap udara di usus, dan menghabiskan waktu nutrisiterimakasih sekilas jawaban saya7. Why is management important?
cause management help a lots
mengapa menajemen penting=why is mana gement important
8. why form is important ?
to write your information
9. Is it important?why?
ARTINYA=Apakah ini penting? Mengapa?
yeah that's important coz if you don't it can be dangerous
10. why is respiration important?
The main purpose of respiration is to provide oxygen to the cells at a rate adequate to satisfy their metabolic needs. This involves transport of oxygen from the lung to the tissues by means of the circulation of blood.
The purpose of the respiratory system is to get oxygen from the air to the body's tissues and remove carbon dioxide. This gas exchange is very important
sorry if the answer is wrong
11. why schooling is important ?
School is a place where we get an education. Education is a treasure that's why going to school is very important, especially for children and youth who are the future leaders of the worldWell, school(schooling) is important because it would educate the student(child) to learn. He/She will learn a lot from school, experiences, knowledge and Skills. They would also make friends and learn more about life. That's why i think school(schooling) is important.
if i did something wrong, let me know. I'm trying to constantly improve myself.
12. Why is report text important
Manfaat kesimpulan pada teks laporan percobaan adalah untuk mengetahui gagasan apa yang dapat diambil dari percobaan yang telah dilakukan. Penjelasan: Teks laporan percobaan adalah teks yang melaporkan hasil dari percobaan yang dilakukan oleh seorang peneliti.
13. why is learning English important?
Because english is international language, english can learn how to speak of foreignBecause english is a universal language, hence everyone in the world will probably understand english than other languages.
14. why is fiber important?
Because it can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, a few cancer and it can also improve you digestive health
15. Why your job is important?
mengapa pekerjaan kamu itu penting? Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: jobs
My job as a teacher is important as being a teacher is a bridge to the next generation in terms of transferring knowledge. Teacher has the great responsibility to raise the level of next generation's position in a society for a better life and hopefully to create a better civilization of a nation.
16. why ESP is important?
The ESP approach enhances the relevance of what the students are learning and enables them to use the English they know to learn even more English, since their interest in their field will motivate them to interact with speakers and texts.
17. why conjunction is important?
because without conjunction, we cant connect a word/sentenceCause the conjunction is used to connect the word in order to become an intact sentences
18. Why is urine important?
Jawaban:The urinary system allows your body to successfully filter out your blood, creates urine as a waste product, then stores and excretes it. But that's not all it does. The urinary tract system is an integral part of your body's overall maintenance as it works to maintain homeostasis and produce necessary hormones.
19. Why English is so important?
because english is international languange
Because english can help us to reach our goal
20. why is water important
Because water is a need and to fulfill the needs daily
karena air merupakan kebutuhan dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari
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