Biology came from the word 'Bios"and “logos” in Greek. The meaningof "Bios" is..
1. Biology came from the word 'Bios"and “logos” in Greek. The meaningof "Bios" is..
so , the word biology came from the word "bio" which means life , and "logos" which means study in Greek
2. Biology came from the word 'Bios"and "logos" in Greek. The meaningof "Bios" is..inthing
Istilah biologi berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani βίος, bios, yang berarti "kehidupan", dan akhiran -λογία, -logia, yang artinya "ilmu."
3. What is Definition of Greek word and Latin word
A Greek word is a word that is derived from the Greek language. Greek is an Indo-European language that was spoken in ancient Greece and is still spoken today by a small number of people.
A Latin word is a word that is derived from the Latin language. Latin is a classical language that was spoken in ancient Rome and is the basis for many modern languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Italian. It is still used as a language of study and in certain fields such as law and medicine.
The definition of Greek is of or relating to Greece, the Greeks, or their language. See additional meanings and similar words.
the language of ancient Rome and its empire, widely used historically as a language of scholarship and administration.
4. Which word has the same meaning as the underline word"fusion? Apa artinya
Fusion itu artinya menggabungkan atau juga penyatuan sama aja
5. paragraph 2 atas 3 yg bawahwhich word in paragraph 2 hasil similar meaning to the word "moon"?which word in paragraph 3 hasil similar meaning to the word "night"?
moon= bulan
night= malam
gitu kan ya??
6. ryme word and meaning
7. uses of meaning meaning and process, comprehension, production materi psikoliguistik Ada yang tahu ?
penggunaan makna makna dan proses, pemahaman, produksi teori psikolinguistik8. the Indonesian word which has the same meaning with on your make and ready is
the Indonesian word which has the same meaning with on your make and ready iis
Translate :
kata bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan pada make dan ready Anda adalah
9. sport which uses a bat as one of its tools is
semoga membantu :D
10. The word which has closely meaning to the word "unsteady" is… .
shaky, wobbly, unstable, Rocky
11. Democracy comes from the greek word demos, which means "the people," and kratia, meaning "to rule." the term democracy refers to a form of government in which the people govern, either directly or through elected representatives. in other words, it is a set of rules for determining who will exercise the authority of government. The stated main idea sentence is ...
It is a set of rules for determining who will exercise the authority of government. Maaf Klo salah
12. The word that comes from the Greek word for "one who manages a household" is
The word " economy" comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means. Resources are scarce
13. Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word"fusion? Apa artinya
kata manakah yg memiliki kesamaan arti pada kata yg bergaris bawah "fusion (fusi)?
kata mana yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata digabungkan fusi
14. Which word has similar meaning to the victory
sptnya ini soal pilihan ganda.
synonim victory = winning, gainingSucces. kalo benar kasih terima kasih
15. The word which has meaning banyak luat biasa is
Translatenya? Win a lot
16. word, meaning and account
*Ya itu lah dia :)?*
17. which one is closest in meaning of the word 'SECURE' B.gain C.obtain D.get hold
A. safe --------------#trueA . Safe , this is true
18. Post three words with roots and explain the meaning.
bene means good, example: benefactor
multi means many, example: multiple
mit means to send: admit, permit
mater means mother: maternity
a root is the basis of a new word, but it does not typically form a stand-alone word on its own. For example, the word reject is made up of the prefix re- and the Latin root ject, which is not a stand-alone word
19. What the meaning of rule and give some examples!
What is meant by rules
A rule is a provision made to limit behavior or bind a person or society. Rules make things that can be done and shouldn't be done.
Here are the various rules:
1. House rules
House rules are certain rules that are made and apply to all members of society. The rules in the house must be obeyed by all families, for example, house rules:
a. A rule to always respect both parents
b. Rules to always maintain peace in a home atmosphere
c. Rules to always help family members who are in trouble
2. School rules
It is a rule or order made by the school and must be obeyed by all school members. The following are the rules in school:
a. Students shouldn't be late
b. Students are required to wear uniforms neatly and with sticky attributes
c. Male students should not grow their hair out
d. Female students must not wear flashy jewelry
e. All students must respect the Teacher
f. Students are required to make a permit if they do not enter school
g. Students must be students obliged to maintain order and tranquility of the class
3. Rules in the community
Rules in society are created to be created to create order among citizens of society. The following rules exist in society:
a. Guests are not allowed to visit more than 22.00
b. Community study hours 18.00 to 21.00
c. Guests staying more than 24 hours are required to report to the RT head
d. Community members must maintain a clean environment
e. Community members are obliged to maintain environmental security and order
f. All members of the community are required to comply with existing regulations
Benefits of complying with the rules:
a. Life becomes discipline.
b. Life becomes calmer when you obey the rules.
c. The realization of a safe, peaceful, and prosperous life.
d. Have an attitude of responsibility.
I hope this helps.
sorry if wrong
Yang dimaksud dengan aturan
Aturan merupakan sebuah ketentuan yang dibuat untuk membatasi tingkah laku atau mengikat seseorang atau masyarakat. Aturan membuat sesuatu yang boleh dilakukan serta tidak boleh dilakukan.
Berikut macam-macam aturan:
1. Aturan rumah
Aturan rumah merupakan aturan tertentu yang dibuat dan berlaku untuk semua anggota masyarakat. Aturan yang ada di rumah harus ditaati oleh semua keluarga contoh aturan rumah:
a. Aturan untuk selalu menghormati kedua orang tua
b. Aturan untuk selalu menjaga kedamaian dalam suasana rumah
c. Aturan untuk selalu membantu anggota keluarga yang kesusahan
2. Aturan sekolah
Merupakan aturan yang aturan atau tata tertib yang dibuat oleh pihak sekolah dan harus ditaati oleh semua warga sekolah. Berikut aturan yang ada di sekolah:
a. Siswa tidak boleh terlambat
b. Siswa wajib memakai seragam dengan rapi dan atribut lengka
c. Siswa laki-laki tidak boleh memanjangkan rambutnya
d. Siswa perempuan tidak boleh memakai perhiasan yang mencolok
e. Semua siswa harus menghormati Guru
f. Siswa wajib membuat surat izin jika tidak masuk sekolah
g. Siswa harus siswa wajib menjaga ketertiban dan ketenangan kelas
3. Aturan di lingkungan masyarakat
Aturan di masyarakat diciptakan untuk dibuat untuk menciptakan ketertiban warga masyarakat. Berikut aturan yang ada di masyarakat:
a. Tamu dilarang bertamu melebihi 22.00
b. Jam belajar masyarakat pukul 18.00 hingga 21.00
c. Tamu yang menginap lebih dari 24 jam wajib lapor kepada ketua RT
d. Warga masyarakat harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan
e. Warga masyarakat wajib menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban lingkungan
f. Semua warga masyarakat wajib mematuhi peraturan yang ada
Manfaat mematuhi aturan:
a. Hidup menjadi disiplin.
b. Hidup menjadi lebih tenang apabila mematuhi aturan.
c. Terwujudnya kehidupan yang aman, damai, serta sejahtera.
d. Mempunyai sikap tanggung jawab.
Semoga membantu.
maaf kalau salah
meaning of rule : Aturan
Example 1 : Please read the rules for taking the exam
Example 2 : What are the rules for?
20. which word has the closest meaning with "submit"? a.collect b.send
Kalo menurut saya sih submit sama saja seperti send dan bring
Submit = menyerahkan
collect = mengumpulkan
send = mengirimkan
Kalau pilihannya cuma dua itu, yang paling dekat artinya adalah SEND.
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