Which Technology Contains At Least One Permanent Magnet

Which Technology Contains At Least One Permanent Magnet

Make a short conversation that contains at least TWO expressions of Giving Instruction.​

Daftar Isi

1. Make a short conversation that contains at least TWO expressions of Giving Instruction.​


Chris: Good morning!

Mr. Felix: You're here? Get me the files I asked for yesterday.

Chris: I just came! I haven't even got into my seat.

Mr. Felix: After that, send the folders on your desk to the other departments.

Chris: I'll do them in a moment, Mr. Felix, please wait.

2. a bag contains 6 blue balls, 5 green balls and 3 red balls. three balls are selected random. a) find the probability that at least one red ball is selectedb) find the probability that at least one green ball is selected​


n(b) = 6 buah

n(g) = 5 buah

n(r) = 3 buah

n(S) = 14

a. P(r) = [tex]\frac{n(r)}{n(S)}[/tex]

          = [tex]\frac{6}{14}[/tex]

          = [tex]\frac{3}{7}[/tex]  atau  0,43

b. P(g) = [tex]\frac{n(g)}{n(S)}[/tex]

          = [tex]\frac{5}{14}[/tex]  atau  0,36

3. Name one technology which you feel has revolutionised your world and give one reason why?


Artificial Intelligence(AI)


Artificial Intelligence or (AI) is a technology that copies the intelligence of a human in a machine or system. with AI, now we can, for example, search on google, use digital maps, and also use many apps on our phones. This makes our daily life easier.

Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawaban terbaik yah :)

4. write a paragraph in which you use at least 2 linking commas, two semicolons, and one colontolong bantu ya :)​


Maaf kalo salah.

5. Apakah induksi magnet menghasilkan magnet sementara atau permanent? Jelaskan?

induksi magnet menghasilkan magnet sementara,karena induksi magnet bergantung kepada arus listriksementara...karena pada proses induksi sifat kemagnetannya diciptakan oleh magnet permanen, dimana jika magnet permanen dilepas ( tidak ada kontak ) dengan benda magnetik maka sifat kemagnetannya akan hilang.

6. 1.Write one paragraph (at least consisting of 3 sentences) which includes however or nevertheless. Then, it’s ended by a concluding statement. 2.Write one paragraph (at least consisting of 3 sentences) which includes then, in addition, moreover, or furthermore. Then, it’s ended by concluding statement.


The first confirmed death of coronavirus in Indonesia occurred on 11 March 2020. However, an employee of one of BUMN who died on 3 March was found positive of COVID-19 on 14 March. So, it needed time to determine whether someone is really infected with COVID-19 or not.


Jakarta became the first province that confirmed COVID-19 cases, while Gorontalo was the last to do so. Java is currently the epicenter of the pandemic as the four most affected provinces are located on the island. Furthermore, South Sulawesi and South Sumatra are the worst-hit provinces outside of Java. Therefore, we must be more careful, because these viruses can affected anyone and anywhere.

7. write down at least five proverbs and its(one proverb one meaning)​


1.Empty drum gives loud sound:orang yang banyak bicara otaknya kosong

2.Every cloud has a silver lining:ada hikmah di tiap musibah

3.Don’t bite off more than you can chew: janganlah kamu jadi orang serakah

4.Better safe than sorry: lebih baik selamat daripada menyesal

5.Don’t bite the hand that feeds you:jangan bertindak kurang ajar dengan orang yang sudah memberimu kemudahan

Semoga bermanfaat

Maaf jika salah

8. Please make a text contains at least 4 paragraphs based on certain topic here. Topic : My pet

I have so many pets. I love animals since I was a kid. I got my first pet from my father. He bought a puppy for my seventh birthday. I named him Choco. He's a poodle with soft brown fur. His eyes are big and cute.

On my eighth birthday, my mother gave me a hamster. I named it Nezu because he looks like my favorite character from an anime. Its fur is white like snow. It is very small and adorable.

On my ninth birthday, my father gave me another dog. But this time, it is a black German Shepherd. My father suggested to name it Ace because it looks like Batman's dog. Ace is really big and heavy.

My favorite pet is Maya, my kitten. My best friend Maya gave me this kitten. My kitten, Maya is really adorable and cute. Its eyes are very big. I named it after my best friend because she gave me this for my tenth birthday.

Maaf terlalu singkat dan lama menjawabnya. Maaf jika ada kesalahan. Semoga membantu.


• My Pet


His name is Bruno. My pet dog is scary but very funny. Bruno is brown and finished. Bruno is a dog that is very sensitive to around. If he hears a voice coming, he will bark loudly.

My pet dog is very much loved. many things can make him happy. Like playing together and doing things that are very rarely done with humans.

My dog takes a bath every once a day. My dog is well maintained. I take care of him so that he can always be healthy and not have a disease.

Pets should always be looked after, so that something that is very valuable is not a disease for the keeper.

9. You must write a conversation that contains at least 4 present continuous and 4 future continuous tenses


You must write a conversation that contains at least 4 present continuous and 4 future continuous tenses!

Let Me Answer Your Quistion..

- Holidayy☕ -

Iva : Hello Guys,Good Morning How Are You?

Fio : I'am Fine Iva Thank You ^w^

Felicia : I'm Fine to Iva.What is the need Va?

Iva : I want to take a vocation☕

Fio n Felici : Okay!! Let's go

Iva : But, what about your parents? are you allowed to go

Fio : My Father n My Mother be sleeping now n they are say you can talk with your bestie.

Iva : Ooww how about you felicia?

Felicia : My Mom n Dad Say To Me try not to go home at 7 o'clock,I'll be having dinner with my family.

Iva : Okay,Guys Let Go on vocation☕

Fio n Felicia : Goo!!

Mom Iva : Helo Iva,How Are you Baby Do you studying today?

Iva : No Mam,We are not studying today because my teacher say Today we have a day off, kids because theteacher is in a meeting

Mom: Okay Good Luck Va,Byee

Iva : Bye Mom

Fio : Who is Called you Iva?

Iva : Ohw,That is my mom

Felicia : Guys, areweswimmingtoday?

Fio n Iva = Yes Of course

Felicia : Meylissa and Cacil will be celebrating their birthday in Jakarta

Iva n fio : Oww We can't go now...

Felicia : Yes :'(

Fio : Will you be sunbathing at the beach this time?

Iva n Felicia : Yes


[tex]\bold {Detail} [/tex]

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 9 - SMP

Materi : past,present, and future present

Kode Kategori : 9.5.5

Seemoga Membantu kak : ) Maaf Jika Salah

10. arti dari "include at least one number or symbol"​


termasuk sedikitnya 1 nomor atau simbol

11. bagaimanakah cara menghilangkan sifat kemagnetan dari magnet permanent? jelaskan!​


1.Dijatuhkan/dipukul-pukul,Dengan dijatuhkan akan menyebabkan magnet tersebut kehilangan kemagnetannya sedikit demi sedikit

2.Pemanasan pada magnet, Pemanasan pada magnet dapat menyebabkan perubahan susunan magnet elementernya

3.Dialiri arus listrik bolak-balik (AC)



-dialiri arus listrik bolak-balik (AC)

semoga membantu:)

12. cara membuat magnet permanent

dengan mengaliri arus listrik/induksi magnet pada baja..

13. tell about one of family member , at least 15 sentences.​


My dad's name is John. He is 30 years old. My dad is a doctor, he heals people that are sick. He is the first son from my grandfather. He has a family. He has a wife and two kids. He enjoys sports. He plays soccer, basketball, and rugby. My dad loves to travel. Last year he went to New York, one of the most famous city in America. He once took the whole family to Spain. It was my dad's favorite trip so far. He loves to cook for his family. He enjoys watching my movie. He is my dad.

14. tell about one of family member , at least 15 sentences.​


1. my mom is 50 years old but she looks very young

2. i have two brothers and a sister, i love them all

3. my sister won the university this year, we are all very happy

4. my aunt lives abroad, so we cant meet her very often

5. a doctor who loves my cousins profession is also very interested in his patients

6. we get along very well with all my cousins and have a great time

7. we made chocolate cake with my little sister today

8. my brother will be back from Korea tonight, we will all wait for him at the airport

9. Jacks wife is going on vacation today by car

10. my little niece is turning ages today and we're going to have her birthday party

11. i saw her husband going to eork today, we met in the morning

12. my uncle's children studied abroad and they speak English very well

13. my father always advises my brothers and me, and talks to us to be a good person

14. my father and uncle will come by car in 5 minutes

15. my aunt and her children are coming to dinner today


15. Please describe one of your idols,at least offifty words !​



Niki zefanya or better known as NIKI is an Indonesian singer-songwriter. She is currently signed to label 88rising. She was born on January 24, 1999. Her hit songs are Lowkey, Lala Lost You, Indigo, and others. The usual genres are contemporary R&B, Indie folk, Neo-folk. She is also famous for her relationship with Lisa from Blackpink.


16. kelebihan dan kekurangan electromagnetik dibanding magnet permanent

a. Kemagnetannya dapat diubah-ubah dari mulai yang kecil sampai yang besar dengan cara mengubah salah satu atau ketiga dari kuat arus listrik, jumlah lilitan dan ukuran inti besi. b. Sifat kemagnetannya mudah ditimbulkan dan dihilangkan dengan cara memutus dan menghubungkan arus listrik meng- gunakan sakelar. c . Dapat dibuat berbagai bentuk dan ukuran sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang dikehendaki. d. Letak kutubnya dapat diubah-ubah dengan cara mengubah arah arus listrik

17. Write a paragraph which is containing passive voice at least 15 sentences!​


Lala back to house and see her mother is cooking in the kitchen. Suddenly lala feels so upset because of the can't help her mother to cook. her hand was beaten by the her friend dog. she remember that her mother tell her not to go out for today. after opening the door, slowly lala goes to the her room. she hears her mom get cough and it sounds so hurt for lala of knowing her mom looks tired. finally Rina comes to her mother and begging apologize of the mistake she has done that day. Mom looks at Rina and smile, she looks so proud. Mom says: "i am so proud of you, lala"

18. Tree have one tall, thick... Stem called a trunk which is at least 10cm thick ,allowing the tree to stand up by itself

tree have one tall, thick... stem called a trunk which is at least 10cm thick, allowing the tree to stand up by it self

pohon memiliki satu tinggi, tebal ... batang disebut batang yang setebal 10cm tebal, membiarkan pohon berdiri dengan sendirinya

saya hanya menerjemahkan

19. In an experiment that has at least one nested factor ?


Dalam percobaan yang memiliki setidaknya satu faktor bersarang ? dari


maaf kalo salah y

20. Tree have one tall, thick... Stem called a trunk which is at least 10cm thick ,allowing the tree to stand up by itself

batang tebal minimal 10cm memungkinkan tiga untuk berdiri dengan sendiri

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Which Technology Contains At Least One Permanent Magnet Which Technology Contains At Least One Permanent Magnet Reviewed by Romano on September 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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