anne frank adl tokoh...
1. anne frank adl tokoh...
perempuan yahudi yang dikenal sebagai penulis
orang yang terkenal karena tulisan buku hariannya ketika ia bersembunyi bersama keluarganya saat perang dunia ke 2
2. Anne Frankby Jennifer RosenbergAnne Frank spenttwo years and one month hiding in a secretannexin Amsterdam during World Warll. She kepta diary, Anne Frank'sdiary, which was published by her father after the war and has beenread by millions of people around the world. It chronicles both thetensionsand difficulties oflivinginsuchaconfinedspaceforthatlong,as well as Anne's struggles with becoming a teenager."I want friends, not admirers. Peoplewho respect me for my character andmy deeds, not my flattering smile.The circle around me would be muchsmaller, but what does that matter, aslong as they're sincere?" (March 7,1944)wikipedia-Anne FrankTolong diartikan
Anne frank oleh jennifer rosenberg anne frank menghabiskan dua tahun dan satu bulan bersembunyi di lampiran rahasia di amsterdam selama perang dunia II. dia membuat buku harian, yang diterbitkan oleh ayahnya setelah perang dan telah siap oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. itu menceritakan ketegangan dan kesulitan hidup dalam ruang yang terbatas selama itu, seperti halnya kita mulai beranjak remaja. "Aku ingin saudara, bukan pengagum. orang-orang yang menghormati aku untuk karakter dan perbuatanku, tidak ada senyum menyanjungku. Lingkaran di sekelilingku akan jauh lebih kecil, tapi apa masalahnya, selama mereka tulus?" (marc 07 1994) wikipedia -Anne frank
maaf kalo salah
anne frank
oleh Jennifer rose
Anne Frank Menghabiskan dua dan satu bulan bersembunyi di lampiran rahasia di amsterdam selama perang dunia. dia menyimpan buku harian, buku harian anne frank, yang diterbitkan oleh ayahnya yang mengisahkan perang dan telah dibaca oleh jutaan orang di dunia.itu menceritakan ketegangan dan kesulitan hidup dalam ruang yang terbatas selama itu, serta Anne berjuang untuk menjadi remaja.
"Saya ingin teman, bukan pengagum, orang yang menghormati saya untuk karakter dan perbuatan saya, bukan senyum saya yang menyanjung.
lingkaran di sekitar saya akan lebih kecil, tetapi apa masalahnya, asalkan mereka tulus? "
(maret ,7 ,1944)
-Anne Frank
maaf kalo ada yg salah ya :)
3. teks recount anne frank bahasa inggris
text recount anne frank english
4. state the characteristics of a diary
5. What is The colour of the writer' s diary
Apa warna dari buku harian penulis?
6. Isi kutipan teks cerita ulang mertayani dan anne frank
Isi kutipan teks cerita anne frankmenceritakan masa-masa persembunyian keluarganya (di loteng kecil) dari pemerintah Nazi Jerman, sebelum akhirnya mereka dikhianati, ditangkap dan digiring ke kamp konsentrasi.
maaf cuma ini yg saya tau smoga membantu
7. Apply the aims of a diary, and choose which one of these notes best represents the characteristics of a diary.
Inggris - Indonesia
Inggris :
Apply the aims of a diary, and choose which one of these notes best represents the characteristics of a diary.
Indonesia :
Terapkan tujuan buku harian, dan pilihlah buku harian mana.
8. Jawaban dari pertanyaan.................of the play Mourning Becomes Electra introdces the cast of characters and hints et the plot.a. The act firstb. Act onec. Act firstd. First act
D.. First act ... of....(so on
D. first act
itu yg betul InsyaAllah :)
9. What goverment act of counter the spread of covid?
Apa tindakan pemerintah untuk melawan penyebaran Covid?
maaf kalau salah
10. Contoh expression the act of blaming?
1. How could you do such a thing?
2. It’s your mistake/fault.
3. I think you are to blame.
4. I think you are the one who could have done it.
5. Are you out of your mind?
6. I can’t believe that you did it.
7. I hope you’re sorry.
8. I hope you are sorry for....
9. Serves you right.
10. What on earth were you thinking?
11. 4. What does the word "registration" mean?a. The act of being present.b. The act of enrolling,c .The number of people that are present.d. The act of paying money.e. An act of requiting; returning in kind.
B. the act of enrolling
B. the act of enrolling, sama sama bang
12. apply the aims of a diary, and choose which one of notes best represent the characteristics of a diary
Terapkan tujuan buku harian tersebut, dan pilih catatan yang mewakili karakteristik dari sebuah buku harian
menerapkan tujuan dari buku harian, dan memilih salah satu catatan yang paling mewakili karakteristik dari sebuah buku harian
13. what is the surname of FRANK MOSS FERDINAND ?
Ferdinand is the surname of Frank Moss Ferdinand, Frank is the first name, and Moss is the middle name.
Surname can also be referred to as last name.
Have a good study, keep ur spirits up!!
14. frank westwood is applying for the positif of
Frank Westwood sedang menerapkan sisi positif dari ...
15. carilah 5 kata sulit pada teks Anne Frank beserta artinya
1.spenttwo:menghabiskan dua
3.around: sekitar
4.smaller:lebih kecil
5.confined spacefor:ruang terbatas untuk
maaf kalo salah ya kk,. ,•́ ‿ ,•̀
16. Choose the correct adverb of frequency.Anne : You look tired, Frank. Are you okay?Frank : I'm fine, but school is very busy. I have to study a lot.Anne : You ( always / hardly ever ) study a lot.Frank : That's because I ( sometimes / always ) want to do well in my classes,but I (usually / sometimes) hang out with my friends. I play soccer onthe weekend, too.Anne : 1( always / sometimes ) study, but not so much. I'm a genius!Frank : Sure you are. Good luck on your test!
always, always, sometimes, sometimes
frank selalu belajar sehingga dia kelihatan lelah oleh anne, tapi dia meluangkan waktu terkadang untuk bermain bola, yang mana anne bukan tipe pelajar seperti frank, semoga membantu
17. anne frank during the two years and one month anne frank spent hiding in a secret annex in amsterdam during world war II, she kept a diary, anne frank's diary, which was published by her father after the war and has been read by millions of people aroundthe world. it chronicles both the tensions and difficulties of living in such a confined space for that long as well as anne's struggles with becoming a teenager. “ i want friend, not admirers. People who respect for my character and my deeds, not my flattering smile. The circle around me would be much smaller, but what does that matter, as long as they’re sincere ?” ( march 7, 1944) The question 1. what is described in the book? 2. guess the content of the book 3. what's the author's purpose by writing the book ? 4. in one minute, find facts about anne frank in the blurb above !
1. what is described in the book?
The book describes the tension at the time and the difficulty of life
2. guess the content of the book?
It confined space for that long as well
as anne's struggles with becoming a teenager
3. what's the author's purpose by writing the book ?
To provide information about the situation and living conditions of someone named Anne Frank who lived during World War II to the readers.
4. in one minute, find facts about anne frank in the blurb above !
- Anne frank preferred to have many friends than to have many admirers
-Anne frank had a diary
-Anne Frank kept her own Diary before her father published it.
-Anne Frank had to get through the tough times of the day so she had to fight for her life.
18. apa bahasa indonesianya diary=... in the diary=... of the super league heroes=... another special thing aboutmy new diary is that it has lock to keep the diary a =...
buku harian
di (dalam) buku harian
liga pahlawan super
bagian spesial lainnya dari buku harianku adalah buku harianku memiliki kunci untuk menjaganya....Diary: buku harian
In the diary: didalam buku harian
Of the super league heroes: pahlawan liga super
Another special thing about my new diary is that it has lock to keep the diary a: Hal istimewa lainnya tentang buku harian saya yang baru adalah bahwa buku itu memiliki kunci untuk menyimpan buku harian itu.
19. What goverment act of counter the spread of covid?
Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto said efforts to overcome COVID-19 were carried out by breaking the chain of transmission, namely by finding infected people to be treated and isolated.
Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto mengatakan upaya mengatasi COVID-19 dilakukan dengan memutus rantai penularan, yaitu dengan menemukan orang-orang yang terinfeksi untuk diobati dan diisolasi.
20. what is the definition of diary?
diary is a book in which you write down your personal experience and thoughts each day
a daily record of personal activities, reflections, or feelingsdiary is a activity book of your days
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