How Did The Constitution Set Up The Legislative Branch Weegy

How Did The Constitution Set Up The Legislative Branch Weegy

The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government ________ to pass laws. Select one: a. The power is b. Has the power c. The power d. Of the power

Daftar Isi

1. The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government ________ to pass laws. Select one: a. The power is b. Has the power c. The power d. Of the power


b. Has the power

2. QUIZZ !!!(B.Inggris)The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government ________ to pass laws.a. the powerb. the power isc. has the powerd. of the power#englishtestbyalfan2/2​


A. the power


Dalam Konstitusi Amerika Serikat, legislatif memiliki wewenang untuk menetapkan undang-undang. Hal ini dinyatakan dengan kalimat "the legislative branch of government has the power to pass laws". Artinya, cabang legislatif pemerintahan memiliki kekuatan untuk mengeluarkan undang-undang. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "A. the power".

A. the power

The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government the power to pass laws.


Konstitusi memberikan cabang legislatif kekuasaan pemerintah untuk mengesahkan undang-undang.

3. Can someone tell me about the legislative branch , executive branch, and the judicial branch and what does each branch represent?


Can someone tell me about the legislative branch , executive branch, and the judicial branch and what does each branch represent?

Terjemahan soal

Dapatkah seseorang memberi tahu saya tentang lembaga legislatif, eksekutif, dan yudikatif, dan apa yang diwakili oleh setiap cabang?


Lembaga legislatif merupakan lembaga atau dewan yang mempunyai tugas serta wewenang membuat atau merumuskan UUD yang ada di sebuah negera, seperti DPR, DPD, MPR. Lembaga eksekutif adalah presiden dan wakil presiden dan beserta dengan menteri-menterinya yang turut membantunya dalam menjalankan tugasnya di sebuah negara, contohnya Presiden dan Wakil Presiden,  Menteri. Lembaga yudikatif adalah lembaga negara yang tugas utamanya sebagai pengawal, pengawas, dan pemantau proses berjalannya UUD, dan juga pengawasan hukum di sebuah negara, seperti MA, KY, MK.

Terjemahan bahasa inggris

The legislative body is an institution or council that has the task and authority to make or formulate a constitution in a country, such as the DPR, DPD, MPR. The executive branch is the president and vice president and along with his ministers who help him in carrying out his duties in a country, for example the President and Vice President,  Minister. The judiciary is a state institution whose main task is to guard, supervise and monitor the process of the running of the Constitution, as well as legal supervision in a country, such as MA, KY, MK.

4. 1) what is the purpose of the falcon and the branch 2) where did the story take place the falcon and the branch3) who is the story about the falcon and the branch4 ) who was responsible for training the falcons and the branch 5 ) what problem did he have the falcon and the branch ceritannya namanya the falcon and the branch

Find the answer myself do not expect others question too confusing

5. Task 2Answer these questions!1.What is the purpose of the text?Answer: ....2. How many people were there in thewriter's family who joined the camping?Who were they?Answer:....3. Where did the writer set up their tent?Answer:4.What did the writer's parents do in theeveningAnswer:5. What activity did the writer do in themorning?Answer:​


1. What is the purpose of the text?

it is a recount text written by the author with the purpose of describing what he/she did on their holiday.

2. How many people were there in the writer's family who joined the camping? Who were they?

There were 3 people who joined the camping trip.

They were the author’s father, mother, and brother.

3. Where did the writer set up their tent?

They set up their tent at a camping site, more specifically near a big tree.

4. What did the writer's parents do in the evening?

The father made a fire, and then the mother cooked the fish that they had caught earlier.

5. What activity did the writer do in the morning?

the writer accompanied their brother who was playing ball.


semua nya ada di text..

semoga ini membantu

6. Answer the questions: 1. Who was at a gift shop? 2. Why was he there? 3. Who was the lady? 4. Did she know Ter's wife? 5. What did the lady offer? 6. Did Ted like what the lady offered? 7. How much was the discount? 8. How did Ted pay? 9. Howe was the set packed? 10. How was Ted when he left the shop?


Reading Comprehension:

1. Who was at a gift shop?

Ted was at a gift shop.

2. Why was he there?

Ted wanted to buy a present for his wife.

3. Who was the lady?

The lady was a shopkeeper.

4. Did she know Ted's wife?

No, she did not know Ted's wife.

5. What did the lady offer?

The lady offered a set of brooches and a necklace, with a beautiful peach pink flower in the middle.

6. Did Ted like what the lady offered?

Yes, Ted liked what the lady offered.

7. How much was the discount?

The discount was 25% off.

8. How did Ted pay?

Ted paid by using his credit card.

9. How was the set packed?

The set was packed in a gift wrap.

10. How was Ted when he left the shop?

Ted was Happy whan he left the shop because he had a wonderful gift for his wife.


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman membaca:

1. Siapa yang berada di toko suvenir?

Ted berada di toko suvenir.

2. Mengapa dia ada di sana?

Ted ingin membeli hadiah untuk istrinya.

3. Siapa wanita itu?

Wanita itu adalah seorang penjaga toko.

4. Apakah dia mengenal istri Ted?

Tidak, dia tidak mengenal istri Ted.

5. Apa yang ditawarkan wanita itu?

Wanita itu menawarkan satu set bros dan kalung, dengan bunga merah muda persik yang indah di tengahnya.

6. Apakah Ted menyukai apa yang ditawarkan wanita itu?

Ya, Ted menyukai apa yang ditawarkan wanita itu.

7. Berapa diskonnya?

Diskon adalah 25% potongan harga.

8. Bagaimana Ted membayar?

Ted membayar dengan menggunakan kartu kreditnya.

9. Bagaimana paket dikemas?

Paket itu dikemas dalam bungkus kado.

10. Bagaimana Ted ketika dia meninggalkan toko?

Ted senang ketika dia meninggalkan toko karena dia memiliki hadiah yang bagus untuk istrinya.

Semoga membantu ya.

7. where did the write and his family set up their tent

dimana penulis dan keluarganya mendirikan tenda mereka

8. 1.what is the pupose of the text? 2.where did the writer and his father go fishing? 3.Why did they set a fire? did they get the baits to fish? did the writer catch the prawn? Bantu jawabbb pliss

1. a child go fishing with his dad

2. they goes to the river

3. because the smoke from the fire make a dangerous animals to come closer so the fire make them saver

4.they dig some soil to find worms

5.placed slowly the hook into prawn face and moved it up and down so it's make the look still alive

hope this help

9. 1. Had the writer come late to school before? 2. When did the writer set the alarmn What time did the writer set the alarm to? 3. What time did the writer wake 4. Why did the writer wake up m 08.007 5. When did he realize that the alarm was broken? 6.What did the writer de after he woke up? 7. How did the writer ride the bike? 8. What happened when the writer arrived at school? 9. What did the writer do to prevent him/her from doing the same mistake? When did he buy a new alarm?​


1. no he had not.

2. the writer set the alarm at night, before sleeping. he set it to 05.00

3. the writer woke up at 8.00

4. because the alarm was broken and didn't ring

5. he realized it after he woke up

6. he rushed to bathroom, changed his costume then he went to school on his bicycle.

7. he rode it with full speed

8. he was punished for being late

9. he bought a new alarm. he bought it the next day

10. how does lily set up the circuit so the bulb can light up


bagaimana Lily mengatur rangkaian sehingga lampu dapat menyala

11. where did the writer and his family set up hair tent?

dimana penulis dan keluarganya mengatur rambut kemah ? itu mengkin jawabannya

12. How to set the externel monitor with the intergrated graphics card ?

Way to set external monitor using integrated graphics card is:

Right click  and click on NVidia Control Panel.Expand 3D settings.Click Manage 3D settings.Selecting High-performance NVidia processor.Click Apply.


Jika Anda  melihat driver grafis onboard, cukup colokkan monitor kedua dan itu akan berfungsi. Jika Anda tidak memiliki driver Terintegrasi, buka BIOS dan aktifkan Grafik Terintegrasi. Kemudian instal driver itu. Kemudian cukup sambungkan kabel layar ke motherboard dan Anda siap untuk pergi. Ini sangat mungkin dengan sistem PCI dan PCIe. BIOS memiliki pengaturan yang menunjukkan mana yang utama jika keduanya ada. Mencampur berbagai merek kartu grafis menyebabkan masalah biasa. Pengemudi dapat memiliki reaksi alergi satu sama lain. Grafis terintegrasi adalah GPU yang dibangun ke dalam prosesor. Perangkat keras grafis terintegrasi tidak menggunakan bank memori terpisah untuk grafis / video. Sebagai gantinya, GPU menggunakan memori sistem yang digunakan bersama dengan CPU.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang graphic card:

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

13. The United States Constitution of 1787 is now one of the oldest constitution in the world ​

Konstitusi US pada tahun 1787 sekarang adalah salah satu konstitusi tertua di dunia

14. how did the writer feel when she finally got the turn to set Afgan's signature?

happy. sorry if wrong

15. 2. Look! The sun (set) _______________ behind the mountain now. How beautiful!



maaf kalau salah


Is setting


Karena ada"now" di kalimatnya.

Yang berarti terjadi sekarang.

Jadi kita harus pakai "present continuous tense"

Rumus present continuous tense:

Subject+to be(am,is,are)+verb+ing(dan bisa tambah keterangan)

Moga membantu ^^

Jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa ^w^

16. 1. Had the writer come late to school before? 2. When did the writer set the alarmn What time did the writer set the alarm to? 3. What time did the writer wake 4. Why did the writer wake up m 08.007 5. When did he realize that the alarm was broken? 6.What did the writer de after he woke up? 7. How did the writer ride the bike? 8. What happened when the writer arrived at school? 9. What did the writer do to prevent him/her from doing the same mistake? When did he buy a new alarm?​


cari nya di translate aja artinya


1. No, He / She had not.

2. He / She set the alarm before sleeping.

He / She set the alarm to 05.00.

3. He / She wokeupat08.00









semoga dapat membantu

17. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent?


Tidak ada gambar soal jadi tidak bisa jawab

18. Why did the writer stay until the sun set ?

itu bhs Indonesia nya

mengapa penulis tetap tinggal sampai matahari terbenam

19. Why did the giraffe order the deer to put the branch on the tiger's back once more ?


kenapa jerapah menyuruh kancil untuk meletakkan dahan di atas kaki harimau kembali sekali lagi?


ini bahasa indo nya ygy

20. 1.what is the purpose of the text? 2.where did the writer and his father go fishing? 3.Why did they set a fire? did they get the baits to fish? did the writer catch the prawn?



2. The writer and his father go fishing at the river

3. Because the smoke from the fire would scare the dangerous animals to come closer to the hut so it would make them safer

4. They dig some soil to get worms as bait

5. He placed the fishing hook slowly into the face of the prawn and moved it up and down so the worm seemed alive

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How Did The Constitution Set Up The Legislative Branch Weegy How Did The Constitution Set Up The Legislative Branch Weegy Reviewed by Romano on September 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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