you are going to be part of solving those problems therefore you need to be able to understand ecinomic matters.identify what tense?
1. you are going to be part of solving those problems therefore you need to be able to understand ecinomic matters.identify what tense?
Anda akan menjadi bagian dari pemecahan masalah-masalah itu, oleh karena itu Anda harus dapat memahami masalah-masalah ekonomi
ini artinya
maaf bila ada yang salah..
2. I'm hungry . . . . a. I need something to bring b. i need something to eatc. i need someone to be my girlfriendd. i need someone to be my daughter
i need something to eat
Saya lapar jadi saya membutuhkan sesuatu untuk dimakan
semoga membantu ya dan JADIKAN JAWABAN TERBAIK DONG makasih
3. They might need your advice to solve their financial problems di ubah ke passive voice
your advice might be needed by them to solve their financial problems
4. To whom announcement addressed to?
addressed to the public and is general
5. where should be the application letter addressed
in your mom ass or V4G1N4
6. We really need to be careful with this machine
Kita benar benar harus berhati hati dengan mesin ini
kita perlu berhati hati dgn mesin ini
7. why do you think we need to be equal ??
I think that there’s a fine distinction between saying that everyone should be equal and everyone should be treated equally.
I don’t, personally, think that everyone should be equal. People’s differences make them unique. If you make everyone equal then you have a whole lot of people with the same amount of money, the same skill sets, the same tastes, the same looks, blah blah blah. Everyone being equal is boring.
The other definition is more interesting. I think that everyone should be treated equally (at least to begin with) as no human is of more or less philosophical worth than another. We are all anatomically made up of equivalent things. We’re all the result of energy being converted into mass which happened to end up making people. Humans, at their base, are equal.
What sets people apart is personality, and it’s on personality that people should be judged. Everyone should be treated with the same amount of respect upon first hearing their name or meeting them. Everyone should be given an equal chance - but it’s up to them how they use that chance. I will treat everyone with equal respect the first time I meet them. How they react is what determines whether they gain my respect, or lose it; but I will treat every stranger as an equal to myself.
I think that everyone should be treated equally until they’ve been given a chance to tip the scales. Every interaction between humans casts more connections between people; if those connections are initially biased then what’s the point in establishing them at all?
8. apa itu I smile because I need to be strong
Saya tersenyum karena saya harus kuat
:")I SMILE BECAUISE I NEED TO BE STRONG adalah = aku tersenyum karena saya butuhkan untuk menjadi kuat.
9. What can we learn from the dialog?A. We should be kind to others.B. We should be honest to othersC. We should overcome our problems wiselyWe should work hard to achieve our dreams.E. We should be patient in facing problems
Apa yang dapat kita pelajari dari dialog tersebut? A. Kita harus berbaik hati kepada orang lain.
B. Kita harus jujur kepada orang lain
C. Kita harus mengatasi masalah kita dengan bijak, kita harus bekerja keras untuk mencapai impian kita.
E. Kita harus bersabar menghadapi masalah
Dialog nya mana?
10. The students leave at eight. They … … … be at the school at ten to eight.A. Need toB. Needs toC. Doesn't need toD. Don't need to
jawaban nya(A:Need to)
11. 6.Who is the song addressed to?A. It's addressed to someone who is in a troubleB. It's addressed to someone who is missingC. It's addressed to someone who gets a giftD. It's addressed to someone who fall in love
A. its addressed to someone who is in trouble
maaf kalau salah
A. It's addressed to someone who is in a trouble
The message of Lean On Me is that helping others in their time of need isn’t just selfless charity. It’s in our own interest. Withers wrote the song in the form of a direct appeal to a friend: Call on me when you need a hand, “For it won’t be long, 'Til I’m gonna need, Somebody to lean on.”
That is just the spirit we need right now. This crisis has brought home how interlinked we all are, how vulnerable and how dependent on each other.
At a time when something as simple as mingling with friends might put them in danger, we need to be thinking harder than ever about how our actions affect others – and about what we can do to help them.
12. What item do we need to put our clothing that need to be washed?.
To put clothing that needs to be washed, we need a laundry basket or hamper. A laundry basket or hamper is a container used to store dirty laundry until it is ready to be washed. It is usually made of durable materials such as plastic or wicker, and is often equipped with handles or a lid for easy carrying. Laundry baskets and hampers come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit different needs and preferences.
13. young people need to be healthy so that ?
They will have longer life expectancy and more energy.
young people need to be healthy so that ?
so that they can be more productive in their that they can help the government build a better that they can study seriously and be successful in their lives.Penjelasan:
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan Giving Opinions (memberikan pendapat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
anak muda perlu sehat agar ?
sehingga mereka bisa lebih produktif dalam hidupnya. sehingga mereka dapat membantu pemerintah membangun negara menjadi lebih baik. agar mereka bisa belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh dan sukses dalam hidupnya.Semoga membantu ya.
14. Can the students solve these problems? The correct passive voice of the sentence above is …. a. Can these problems be solved by the students? b. Can these problems solve the students? c. Are these problems allowed to be solved by the students? d. Can the students be solved by these problems?
A. Can these problems be solved by the students ?
15. make the sentences with use : because : use to: be use to: even though:
1. I should walk on foot to school this morning because the school bus didn't come.
2. I used to drink milk every morning.
3. I am used to waking up on 05.00 am.
4. I still visit my grandma's house every month even though she moved to Bandung.; Iam not go to school because we are vacation
; You used to sleep in night day
; We are use the pen to write
; they still went to supermarket even though
+_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ +_+ ++__++
16. attitudes that need to be practiced to develop their potential
confident and thorough about it
sorry if wrong
17. What do people need to be healthy?
People need a good rest and a balance nutritious meal ofcourse, don't forgetabout exercise and a good hygiene too.
artinya :
Orang butuh istirahat yang cukup dan makanan yang bergizi seimbang tentunya, jangan lupa olahraga dan juga kebersihan yang baik.
18. where should be the application addressed
di mana seharusnya aplikasi tersebut ditanganikemana surat lamaran itu harus dikirim
19. why does galungan need to be celebraten?
Galungan is a Balinese holiday celebrating the victory of dharma over adharma. It marks the time when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. The last day of the celebration is Kuningan, when they return. The date is calculated according to the 210-day Balinese calendar.
20. When will the problems of the event be given to the regent
hy u genius and smart
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