47. Skilled mechanicsThe underlined word is closest in meaning toA. justifiedB. admittedC. acceptedD. experienced
1. 47. Skilled mechanicsThe underlined word is closest in meaning toA. justifiedB. admittedC. acceptedD. experienced
smg membantu
D. Experienced.
Because the word skilled is given to someone who have a lot of experience of doing something.
(karena kata "skilled"/"berpengalaman" diberikan kepada seseorang yang memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam melakukan bidang tersebut.
2. For number 11 and 12, change into passive!11. Do boys buy on-line clothes?a. Are on-line clothes bought by the boys?b. is on-line clothes bought by the boys?c.Are on-line clothes buy by the boys?d. Is Are on-line clothes bought by theboys?
B. Is on-line clothes bought by the boys?
3. (+) the boys will build the tentthe negative sentence (-) is . .a. the boys build the tentb. the boys won't build the tent c. will the boys build the tent d. the boys want build the tent
~ Answer:b. the boys won't build the tent.
~ Discussion:Halo, sobat cerdas! Agar kita dapat merubah pernyataan positif (+) tersebut, kita perlu memerhatikan tense-nya dulu.
» The boys will build the tent.kalimat di atas termasuk kalimat verbal dengan auxiliary: will menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan akan terjadi nanti di masadepan menggunakan bentuk simplefutureS + will + V1 + ...Kalimat negatif (-) menyatakan hal atau pekerjaan yang bertentangan dengan kalimat positif dengan dibuktikan adanya not setelah helping verb.
S + will not + V1 + ...Will not dapat menggunakan contraction dengan merubahnya menjadi won't.
b. the boys won't build the tent.~ Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.
Good luck! ✿
4. the boys is ...... lazy that he is berated by his father(adverb clause) please help me!!
the answer to this question is so
5. bahasa indonesia is the woman talking to the boys
apakah wanita (itu) sedang berbicara dengan anak2?
apakah wanita tersebut sedang berbicara kepada anak laki-laki tersebut
6. find the noun phrases in the folowing sentences1.Each development stage is carefully observed by experienced architects
I Do not know
makasih poinnya
7. is playing dakon for the boys?
yes, the game is free to be played by anyone
Semoga membantu
8. translate , Yes, we are living in a world of fear. The life of man today is corroded andmade bitter by fear. Fear of the future, fear of hydrogen bomb, fear of ideologPerhaps this fear is a greater danger than the danger itself, because it is readrives men to act foolishly, to act thoughtlessly, to act dangerously.bieter by fe is a greater danger tehtlessly, to act dangerouar which
Betul, sekarang kita hidup di dunia akan ketakutan. Kehidupan seorang pria /laki-laki saat ini telah berkarat dan telah dibuat pahit oleh takut. Takut akan masa depan, takut akan gas hidrogen, takut akan ideologi. Mungkin, rasa takut ini merupakan bahaya yang amat hebat dibandingkan dengan 'bahaya' itu sendiri, oleh karnanya itu sangat membuat para pria untuk bertindak bodoh, diluar pikiran, dan secara bahaya.
maaf, sebelumnya soalnya kurang lengkap sepertinya. Pada kalimat "bieter by fe is a greater danger tehtlessly, to act dangerou ar which" sepertinya soalnya tidak ditulis lengkap sehingga kalimat tidak jelas serta ada beberapa kata yang ditulis secara typo.
Kata "Man" bisa berartikan sebagai "seorang manusia" namun, disini aku paka "pria/laki-laki" dikarenakan ada tertulis "men" yang merupakan bentuk jamak dari kata "man" yang berartikan ada lebih dari 1 pria/laki-laki
9. main paragraph of Yes, we are living in a world fear. The life of man today is corroded and made bitter by fear. Fear future, fear of hydrogen bomb, fear of ideologies. Perhaps this fear is a greater danger than the danger itself, beacuse it is fear, which drives men to act foolishy, to act thoughtlessly, to act dangerously.
we are living on a world feat
JADIKAN JAWABAN TERBAIK❣We are living in a world fear
kalimat selanjutnya menjelaskan tentang fear tersebut
10. make these sentences active1. The suspects were seen by a group of boys near the bus.2. The house is cleaned by the maid every saturday.
keywords : simple past, simple present
1. The suspects were seen by a group of boys near the bus.
→ a group of boys saw the suspects near bus
✐ formula
S + V2 + O/C
2. The house is cleaned by the maid every saturday.
→ the maid cleans the house every saturday
✐ formula
S + V1(s/es) + O/C
11. 1. The boys sing the Pop song.2. The boys are singing the Pop song.3. The boys were singing the Pop song.4. The boys were singing the Pop song.5. Ranny is beautiful.6. Ranny was beautiful.Change the sentences into interrogative (Tanya)!
1.what genre do boys sing?
2.boyssinging what?
3.what is the boysdoing?
5.what's so special about ranny?
6.whatis ranny pretty?
jangan lupa love rate dan jawaban terbaik y ( ≧Đ”≦)12. The boys have been told the good news." It means.... A. The good news has been told by the boys B.Somebody has told the boys C.The boys heve told the good news
Hᴀʟᴏ. Pᴇʀᴛᴀɴʏᴀᴀɴ !The boys have been told the good news." It means ?
-----------------------------------------DɪᴊᴀᴡᴀʙA. The Good News Has Been Told By The Boys .
Pembahasan :Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action)
Contoh Lainnya :The Beautifull Poem Was Wrote By Favourite Author
The Car Was Drove By Josh Yesterday
Detail Jawaban :Mapel : B Ingg
Kelas : 8,9
Kata Kunci : PassiveVoice
# LearnWithBrainly13. (+) The boys always (go) ............ by motorcyles. (-) (?)
anak laki laki selalu (pergi) ...... dengan sepeda motor
apakah pakai bahasa Indonesia langsung.?maaf yah kalau salah nanti bisa di bantu sama saya
(+) The boys always go by motorcycles.
(-) The boys do not always go by motorcycles.
(?) do the boys always go by motorcycles?
14. the boys itu menggunakan is atau are??
semoga membantu:)
Isthe boys itu menggunakan is atau are??
15. "The boys have been told the good news.”It means ... A.the good news was told to the boysb. somebody has told the boys the good newsC.the good news has been told by the boysD.the boys have told the good news
b.)Somebody has told the boys the good bews
A. THE GOOD NEWS WAS TOLD TO THE BOYSmeaning: "kabar baik telah diberitahukan kepada anak laki-laki"semoga membantu^^
16. Tom is taller than ricard.richard is taller than fred.which of the boys is the tallest? which is the shortest
Tom is the tallest and Fred is the shortest
tom is the tallest, fred is the shortest
hope this helps :)
17. Which is the Wh - question for informative question rom the list ? a. The boys is playing? b. What games are they are playing? c. Are the boys relative? d. What the boys happy ?
a maaf kalo salah
moga benar
18. Yes, we are living in a world fear. The life of man today is corroded and made bitter by fear. Fear future, fear of hydrogen bomb, fear of ideologies. Perhaps this fear is a greater danger than the danger itself, beacuse it is fear, which drives men to act foolishy, to act thoughtlessly, to act dangerously. Main idea of this paragraph? Bantu lg hehe
Main Idea of this paragraph is, the fear of most men/ fear of men
19. the boys played football,the passive is....
The Football is being played by the boys
maaf klo salah:)
Football was played by the boys
Semoga Membantu
20. The average amount of money spent by 4 boys was $20.25. What was the total amount spent by the 4 boys?
$81 or normally sayed eighty one dollars
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
sorry if im wrong :)
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