Every spring local as well as international tourists flock to Keukenhof Garden in the Netherlands, ........ its magnificent, colorful displays of tulips. (A) itis of great renown to (B) won great renown as (C) is greatly renowned as (D) greatly renowned for
1. Every spring local as well as international tourists flock to Keukenhof Garden in the Netherlands, ........ its magnificent, colorful displays of tulips. (A) itis of great renown to (B) won great renown as (C) is greatly renowned as (D) greatly renowned for
(D) greatly renowned for
Penjelasan:Translate :
Setiap musim semi, wisatawan lokal maupun internasional berduyun-duyun ke Taman Keukenhof di Belanda, ........ tampilan tulipnya yang indah dan penuh warna.
(A) sangat terkenal untuk
(B) memenangkan banyak penghargaan sebagai
(C) sangat terkenal sebagai
(D) sangat terkenal karena
2. Which of the following sentences is correct?a. There are just as many great restaurants in San Francisco like there are in Los Angeles.b. There are just as many great restaurants in San Francisco like Los Angeles.c. There are just as many great restaurants in San Francisco as there are in Los Angeles.d. There aren’t as many great restaurants in San Francisco the same as Los Angeles.
jawabannya a
jangan lupa follow,like, and kasih bintangnya ya :p
3. What is the purpose of the text? A. The writer's experience as a mother B. Vandra's experience as the great mother C. Vandra's experience meeting a great mother D. The writer's experience meeting a great mother
One holiday, Vandra visited his aunt in a village. It was his first experience of traveling by train, but he enjoyed it. He arrived at the railway station at 3 p.m. His uncle’s house was not far from the railways station, so he decided to go there by horse cart.
Vandra stopped a horse cart. To his surprise, the rider was a woman. She was dark skinned and looked strong. Along the journey, they had a chit-chat. The rider told him about her life. She is a wife with three children. She was simple, but had a great dream. She wanted her children to be successful. As a mother, she was willing to work hard for her children’s education. She never gave up. She belived that her hard work would be paid off.
Vandra was amazed at the horse cart rider’s story. What a great woman.
Answer:What is the purpose of the text?
A. The writer's experience as a mother
B. Vandra's experience as the great mother
C. Vandra's experience meeting a great mother
D. The writer's experience meeting a great mother
Explanation:Dalam teks di ceritakan soal Vandra yang berlibur ke rumah Bibinya dan bertemu seorang Ibu berkulit gelap yang sedang menunggangi kuda dalam kutipan teks "Vandra stopped a horse cart. To his surprise, the rider was a woman", di perjalanan mereka saling bercerita dan sang Ibu bercerita kepada Vandra bahwa ia ingin sekali anaknya sukses, sebagai seorang Ibu ia rela bekerja keras demi pendidikan anak²nya, hal ini bisa di lihat dalam kutipan "She was simple, but had a great dream. She wanted her children to be successful. As a mother, she was willing to work hard for her children’s education". Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C. (Pengalaman Vandra bertemu seorang Ibu hebat).
C. Vandra's experience meeting a great mother
teks di atas menjelaskan tentang vandra sedang berlibur ke rumah bibinya dan vandra juga bertemu dengan seorang ibu yang berkulit hitam yang sedang menunggangi atau menaiki kuda
4. 1. Radium is one of the ... metals. (valuable/ more valuable/ most valuable) 2.Few English poets were as ... as Wordsworth (great greater/ greatest) 3.Shimla is ... than most other hill stations in India. (famous/ more famousi most famous) 4. Gold is one of the ... metals. (precious/ more precious/ most precious) 5.Sultan Agung was .. than any other king. (wise/ wiser/ wisest)Few historians write as ... as Macaulay. (well better/ best)7. Very few books are as ... as David Copperfield. (popular/ more popular/ most popular)8. A train is ... than a car. (fast/ faster/ fastest)9. No other boy is as ... as Kevin. (tall/taller/ tallest)10. Milk is ... than any other food. (nourishing/ more nourishing/ most nourishing)tolong jawabanya ya
1. Most valuable
2. Great
3. More famous
4. Most precious
5. Better
6. Well
7. Popular
8. Faster
9. Tall
10. More nourishing
1. Most valuable
2. Great
3. more famous
4. most precious
5. wiser
6. well
7. popular
8. faster
9. tall
10. more nourishing
semoga membantuuu
5. Task 1: Make comparison using “as + adjective + as”a. The Principal is friendly. His wife is friendly. (use friendly)b. The Chairman is not so approacheable. The vice Chairman isvery approchable. (use approchable)c. I am a great listener. My father is a great listenet (use quiet)d. My salary is Rp. 5.000.000 per month. Riko's salary is 5.000.000per month. (use big)e. Randy is not afraid to ask questions. Diko is afraid to askquestions (use confident)
1. the principal is as friendly as his wife
2. the chairman is not as approachable as the vice chairman
3. I am as quiet as my father
4. my salary per month is as big as riko's salary
5. Diko is not as confident as Randy
semoga membantu
6. TERJEMAHKANa good book as a great friend
buku yg baik menjadi teman yg baiksebuah buku yg bagus sebagai sebuah teman yg baik
7. 1. Complete the following sentences - no other boy is as ....... as James. ( Tall / taller / tallest ) - milk is ....... than any other food. ( Nourishinh/ more nourishing / most nourishing ) - radium is one of the ..... metals. ( Valuable / more valuable / most valuable ) - few english poets were as ...... as Wordsworth. ( Great / greater / greatest ) - shimla is ..... than most other hill stations in india. ( Famous / more famous / most famous )
1. Taller
2. More nourishing
3.most valuable
semoga bermanfaat
maaf klu slh
No lapor /hps jawaban! Ketauan? Ku lapor balik!1.taller
2.more nourishing
3.most valuable
5.more famous
8. Do really men talk _________ than women? * more little littler less Few historians write as _________ as Macaulay. * good better well James is as _________ as his brother. * tall taller tallest A negative number is ________ than zero. * less more little more Peter is not as _________ as Fred. * 4 points tall more tall tallest The modern wind turbine works the ________. * most efficiently more efficiently efficiently He is the _________ worker among the others. * harder hardest most hard Alexander was one of the ________ kings who ever lived. * great greater greatest This type of store offers the _________ variety of products. * wider most wide widest No other boy is as ________ as James. * tall taller the tallest
smg membantu
1.Do really men talk _________ than women? *
more little
2.Few historians write as _________ as Macaulay. *
3.James is as _________ as his brother. *
4 .A negative number is ________ than zero. *
more little
5.Peter is not as _________ as Fred. *4 points
more tall
6 .The modern wind turbine works the ________. *
✓[most efficiently]
more efficiently
7.He is the _________ worker among the others. *
most hard
8.Alexander was one of the ________ kings who ever lived. *
9.This type of store offers the _________ variety of products. *
most wide
10.No other boy is as ________ as James. *
the tallest
9. Amy: For me, there's no question - London is the ......... (great) city in the world. I mean, Paris is lovely, the people there are great - but Paris isn't ......... (exciting) as London.
Amy: For me, there's no question - London is the greatest city in the world. I mean, Paris is lovely, the people there are great - but Paris isn't so exciting as London.
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Degrees of Comparison (derajat perbandingan) terutama bentuk Superlative dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kita menambahkan akhiran "-est" pada kata sifat satu suku kata dan awalan "The most" pada kata sifat lebih dari dua suku kata untuk membentuk Superlative Degree (derajat superlatif), contohnya:
Biggest = terbesar (satu suku kata "Big")
The most Beautiful = tercantik (empat suku kata "Beautiful")
Bentuk negatif dari Degrees of Comparison adalah menggunakan so... as seperti pada jawaban di atas.
but Paris isn't so exciting as London.
Semoga membantu ya.
Jawaban:Comparative and Superlative
Great→Greatest (dengan ada kata "the" berarti superlative)
Exiting→more exciting(perbandingan paris dengan london menurut Amy)
[tex]\boxed{ \colorbox{black}{ \sf{ \color{lightgreen}{ answered\:by\:Duone}}}}[/tex]
10. LessonOh, no! We aren't as goodas the other performers.Is the band going to perform?Yes, we are, Jason! We'rebetter! Our songs are amazing!1.2.3.Read and listen.4.THE HAPPCAMPERWow! The ballerinais beautiful!37 Dictation! Listen and write. Then say.I think the tap dancer is astalented as the ballerina.Lesson 4Theviolinistis great!1.sten again to The Happy Campers.Cool Look atthose acrobats2.musicas goodours.3.3like the comer2 Grammar Pass! Complete the sentences.No, it isn't.1 like thejugglersWe aren'tThe top dancer isHis music isn't4Come on,we're nextGood luck,everyone! We'regoing to be the best!Sthe other performers.the ballerinaOUTS38 Listen and cheer!The comedian is as good as the juggler.The acrobat is as interesting as him. Everyone likes the ballerina.But we are going to win!CHEERBOX!
kamu nanya
kamu bertanya tanya
biar aku kasih tau ye
ya gak tau kok tanya saya
11. He give it to his parentsHe takes photos of everything.He work as a photographerIt is great fun
Dia memberikannya kepada orang tuanya
Dia mengambil foto semuanya.
Dia bekerja sebagai fotografer
itu sangat menyenangkan
12. C. Write answers to the following as directed.1. Very few animals are as useful as the cow. (Use the most useful')Answer:2. Latif is more hardworking than most other boys. (Use 'as hard working as')Answer:3. Ashoka was one of the most powerful emperors. (Use 'more powerful than')Answer:4. India is hotter than most other countries. (Use the hottest')Answer:5. Very few poets are as great as Keats. (Use 'greater than')Answer:please di bantu ya kaka baik : )
1) The cow is one of the most useful animals.
2) Very few boys are as hardworking as Latif.
3) Ashoka was more powerful than many other emperors.
4) India is one of the hottest countries.
5. Keats is greater than many other poets.
Degree of ComparisonDegrees of Comparison digunakan saat kita ingin membandingkan seseorang atau sesuatu dengan lainnya.
Terdapat 3 Degrees of Comparison dalam Bahasa Inggris.
1. Positive degree.
2. Comparative degree.
3. Superlative degree.
Positive dark --> tall --> useful
Comparative darker --> taller --> more useful
Superlative darkest --> tallest --> most useful
13. Julia's Great Dane weighs 45 kg and Jake's Chihuahua weighs 15 kg. How much bigger, as a percentage, is Julia's dog?
julia dog is 300% bigger than jake's
14. 1. Few historians write as ... As Macaulay. (Well/ better/ best) 2. Very few books are as ... As David copperfield. (Popular/ more popular/ most popular) 3. A train is more ... Than as car. (Fast/ faster/ fastest) 4. No other boy is as ... As kevin. (Tall/ tallest/ tallest) 5. Milk is ... Than any other food. (Nourishing/ more nourishing/ most nourishing) 6. Radium is one of the ... Metals. (Valuable/ more valuable/ most valuable) 7. A few English poets where as ... As wordsworth. (Great/ greater/ greatest) 8. Shimala is ... Than most other hill statios in India. (Famous/ more famous/ most famous) 9. Gold is one of the ... Metals. (Precious/ more precious/ most precious) 10. Mr. Andrew is ... Than any other teacher in his school. (Wise/ wiser/ wisest)
1. well
2. most popular
3. faster
4. tall
5. nourishing
6. valuable
7. great
8. famous
9. precious
10. wiser
[tex]maaf \: ya \: kalau \: salah[/tex]
1. Well
2. Popular
3. Faster
4. Tall
5. More nourishing
6. Most valuable
7. Great
8. More famous
9. Most precious
10. Wiser
15. Drugs are one of ________ threats in our society nowadays.a. the greatestb. greatc. as greatd. greaterOur house is ______ than Peter and Nadia’s house.a. smallb. smaller
1. Drugs are one of ____ threats in our society nowadays
2. Our house is ____ than Peter and Nadia's house
Semoga membantu, maaf ya kalo. salah
16. which on of the following expression is included as gratitude?a. great!b. wow its amazingc. thank you very muchd. good bye
c.thank you very much
Manakah dari ungkapan berikut yang termasuk sebagai rasa terima kasih?
c.terimakasih banyak
17. This information is . . . . . for me than the previous one. * as useful as useful the most useful more useful I think Mathematics is . . . . . as Physisc. I dislike number and formula * difficulter more difficult as difficult the most difficult I'm positive that I am . . . . . than my little sister. * more diligent most diligent as diligent as diligenter Russia is the . . . . . country in the world. most big biggest as big as bigger That is the . . . . . song I've ever heard! * good gooder better best It's my brother's birthday tomorrow. He is the . . . . . (happy) boy in my family. * A blue whale is the . . . . . animal in the world. * Heavier As heavy as Heaviest More heavy Analyze these sentences. Which sentences is the best grammatically? * My house is bigger than her house Russia is more larger than USA I am not more smarter than my brother The children are taller than their parents Santi is 25 years old. Susan is 15 years old. Sheila is 20 years old. Which statement is NOT TRUE? * Santi is the oldest of all Susan is the youngest of all Sheila is older than Santi Susan is younger than Sheila Can you name . . . . . building in the world? * higher high the highest as high as I think my father is . . . . . . than my mother. * as realistic as more realistic most realistic realistic Juan and Patricia are not the same height. Juan is . . . . . Patricia. * not as tall not tall not as tall as not tallest Be careful with the spiders in the Kalahari. They are . . . . . (dangerous) than in Europe. * Submission ID (skip this field) * ⚠️ DO NOT EDIT this field or your time will not be recorded. She is great at Maths. She can solve the . . . . . (difficult) puzzles. * Antarctica is the . . . . . place on the earth. * Coldest Colder Most Cold More Cold You are . . . . . students in the class. * as smart as most smart the smartest smarter My hometown is the . . . . . city in East Asia. * cleanest cleaner than clean as clean as A mouse is . . . . . than a lion. * Weakest As weak as Weaker More weak BMW is usually as . . . . . (expensive) as Audi. * the rabbit is . . . . . as the squirrel * smaller than more small as small the smallest Dian’s jacket is $5. Azar’s jacket is $10. Dessy’s jacket is $7. Dian has the . . . . jacket among all. * Most expensive Cheaper More expensive Cheapest A cat is . . . . . as a rabbit. * cutest cuter cute as cute My new job is . . . . . than my old job. * Gooder Good Best Better Based on the dialogue, Diana is . . . . . Santi. * Gambar Tanpa Teks younger than older than the oldest as young as Robert is a musician. It's . . . . . (easy) for him to learn a new instrument than it is for me. * What is the suitable answer? * Gambar Tanpa Teks the most interesting as interesting less interesting more interesting Take the . . . . . of the two routes. short shortest shorter as short as what is the suitable answer? * Gambar Tanpa Teks Less Few Little Fewer The mango is . . . . the banana * Gambar Tanpa Teks expensive more expensive than as expensive as the most expensive MOHON YANG BETUL YANG ADA TULISAN GAMBAR TANPA TEXT DI HIRAUKAN SAJA
maksudnya gambar tanpa teks itu apa
nanti tak jawab kalo udah dijelasin sama gurunya
aku belum di ajarin b inggris
tk lagi lobur sekolah
jadi enggak sekolah
kalo sekolah aku udah tanya sama guru ku
18. 1. No other boy is as . . . as James. (tall / taller / tallest) 2. Milk is … than any other food. (nourishing / more nourishing / most nourishing) 3. Radium is one of the . . . metals. (valuable / more valuable / most valuable) 4. Few English poets were as . . . as Wordsworth. (great / greater / greatest) 5. Shimla is . . . than most other hill stations in India. (famous / more famous / most famous) 6. Gold is one of the . . . metals. (precious / more precious / most precious) 7. Solomon was . . . than any other king. (wise / wiser / wisest) 8. Few historians write as . . . as Macaulay. (well / better /best) 9. Very few books are as . . . as David Copperfield. (popular / more popular / most popular) 10. A train is . . . than a car. (fast / faster / fastest)
No other boy is as tall as James.Milk is more nourishing than any other food.Radium is one of the most valuable metals.Few English poets were as great as WordsworthShimila is more famous than most other hill stations in India.Gold is one of the most precious metals.Solomon was wiser than any other king.Few historians write as well/good as Macaulay.Very few books are as popular as David Copperfield.A train is faster than a car.Penjelasan:
Comparison:To compare with short verb, use - er after the verb
Example : stronger than, bigger than, taller than
To make a short verb to describe something as the best among the rest, use -est.
Example : strongest, biggest, tallest
To compare with long verb, use more in the beginning
Example: More humongous, more obedient, more beautiful.
To make a long verb to describe something as the best among the rest, use most.
Example : Most humongous, most obedient, most beautiful.
Similarity:use "as (adjective) as" to make something/-one similar to the referred object/person.
Example: as good as, as famous as, as handsome as.
#Jenius - kexcvi
19. As far as i know, natural gas is a fossil fuel formed...the anaerobic digestion of different kinds of dead matter found underneath the earth's surface...this gas is drilled from beneath the same way as petroleum...there are extraction methods using coal, known as 'coal gasification'..its high cost, this method is not used to a great extent a) therefore b) due to c) also d) because of
As far as I know, natural gas is a fossil fuel formed (d) because of the anaerobic digestion of different kinds of dead matter found underneath the earth's surface. (a) Therefore this gas is drilled from beneath the same way as petroleum (c) also there are extraction methods using coal, known as 'coal gasification'. (b) Due to its high cost, this method is not used to a great extent.
This exercise is focusing on the complex sentences by using connectors to form clause of reason and purpose, cause-and-effect, and addition. Three connectors in the option are connectors for such like 'due to', 'because of' and 'therefore'.
Here's the pattern:
S + V + O + complement , because of + noun. (clause of reason)
Due to + noun, S + V + O + complement. (clause of reason)
S + V + O + complement, therefore + clause (clause of cause and effect)
S + V + O + complement, S + also + V + O + complement (clause of addition)
Here is the example:
The students were disappointed because of their bad result in the midtest.Due to his injury, Mo Salah had to miss out the semifinal match. Barcelona's key players are getting older, therefore, they need to revamp the squad next season. Luis Suarez isn't as fast as four years ago, he is also losing his instinct to score goals.Based on the text above, it can be seen the correlation between the clause before and after the gap.
The first gap is using 'because of' as '...natural gas is a fossil fuel formed' is caused by 'the anaerobic digestion.....the earth surface'. The second phrase shows the reason and in the form of noun phrase. So the best answer is (d), by considering the position in the middle of the sentence as well.
The second gap is using 'therefore' since 'this gas is drilled from....as petroleum' shows the effect of the material found underneath the earth surface, which is stated in the previous sentence. So, the best answer is (a)
The third gap is using 'also' as the sentence after the gap merely states the additional way of gaining the mineral from beneath mentioned in the previous sentence. Thus, the best answer is (c).
The fourth gap is using 'due to' since after the gap there is '...its high cost' which shows the reason why this method is not used as mentioned afterwards. Thus, the best answer is (b).
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
Clause of reason brainly.co.id/tugas/14683360
The example of sentence with 'therefore' brainly.co.id/tugas/8048695
Detail Jawaban:
Kelas: SMA
Mapel: English
Kategori: complex sentences
Kode: 11.5.6
Kata kunci: therefore, due to, because of, also, clause of reason
20. lasers are of great value in areas such as communications, industry, medicine, and scientific research
laser adalah nilai besar dalam bidang komunikasi, industri, dan penelitian ilmiah
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